God is With Our President

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Against the forces of liberal darkness.

Double rainbow appears Aug 3rd

The Pee-Pee Tape shall be revealed to all.
Eventually. I'm curious to see how good-looking those Russian hookers are. I'm guessing for a few thousand a night, they are pretty hot!

You'd think there would be a senior discount...
God doesn't give a crap about Trump. Trump is anything but a man of Go God doesn't like adulterers and liars. Those are big big sins in every religion and Trump has committed those sins multiple times.

Since you are such an expert on God, you should know that no sin is permanent.

You know,,,forgive??
Agreed. In the end, even Lucifer will be allowed back into the fold when he repents.
He was never cast out or destroyed.
My understanding is that Lucifer was cast out of Heaven albeit with a hat tip to John Milton's famous phrase.
Fuck you and your God, making people miserable for generations..
With that qoute, when you die you will spend eternity being miserable.

Who says?
Ever read the bible....

Does it say that? Well then, fuck the bible too.
If you don't believe in God and live the way the bible States. Well hope you like it hot.
You must be a southern baptist...
I believe the rainbow colors over the White House is a sign that God is angry with Donald Trump's latest attack on LGBT persons.

The Rainbow......that isn't a good sign for the left.........

Promises and Rainbows

Genesis 9:16 (NIV) “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

The flood ended, the waters receded, the ark stopped rocking, and the ground was dry. God’s yearlong judgment on mankind’s sin and wickedness had finally ended, and Noah and his family survived.

God doesn't give a crap about Trump. Trump is anything but a man of God. God doesn't like adulterers and liars. Those are big big sins in every religion and Trump has committed those sins multiple times.
As had most of those douchebags in Washington DC on both sides of the aisle including your favorite; the Clintons.
Since when were the Clintons my favorite? You're just talking out of your ass. You Trumpsters can't refute any criticism of Trump without mentioning the Clintons or Obama. Sad.
My mistake. Are you in agreement the Clintons are big sinners and adulterers? Bill's adultery being a matter of record and Hillary's only conjecture, although rumors of her lesbianism are so strong as to rival Tom Cruise's homosexuality.

Why are you still talking about the Clintons? You right wingers are obsessed with them. Your defensive of Trump is so weak, you have to keep deflecting by mentioning Clintons or Obama. Sad.

And yes, the Clintons don't care care about God either. I don't take politicians as religious figures as you right loony toons do.
Now you're wrong. I didn't support Trump as a candidate nor did I vote for him. I consider him the second most deplorable candidate in living memory. Who do you think I believe is the most deplorable candidate? The one you voted for? Tell me you didn't vote for Hillary and I'll believe you.
^^^^^^^ talk about grasping at straws. :lmao:

1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a
shout, with *the voice of the archangel*, and with the Trump of God.

Doesn't say Trumpet.

Now about your favorite song, you seem to always avoid answering what it is, are you affraid?

Err; in the DR and Geneva before the AKJV it says Trumpet.

[15] For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment, and with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ, shall rise first.
Many words get changed in translation (like you just did)from assumptions due to words not making sense, then you find out the word was correct all along, but not revealed until it's time it is understood.
Example 'Visions of the Night' makes no sense to them, so they retranslate what it says to "Night Visions", but if you read the Dead Sea Scrolls or know the legend of Yeru Shalem becoming City of Shalom then you know Night (Michael the Evening Star)is a person and suddenly Daniel's
"vision of the Night" makes sense as it was written not as you seek it to say changing it's message.

Remember this commentary of Theslonians is derived from Daniel which was describing the coming with or out of the
KOHANIM GATHERING(CLOUDS)Procession to the Temple.

Yeah well Trump is not an instrument, trumpet is and the word is trumpet.
How many times did they blow the trumpet at Jericho to bring down the wall and what is it's significance to that number?

So now you admit the word is trumpet.
Fuck you and your God, making people miserable for generations..
With that qoute, when you die you will spend eternity being miserable.

Who says?
Ever read the bible....

Does it say that? Well then, fuck the bible too.
If you don't believe in God and live the way the bible States. Well hope you like it hot.
Yet how does this jive with an all powerful, all merciful and all loving God?
You left wingers have attacked this man with everything you have, and each time it comes back to hit you......so now....you are using mueller, a personal friend of comey, they guy who broke the law in leaking to the press in order to start the witch hunt.......keep it up....see what happens, you won't like it. Karma is a bitch, you just lost another Governor, you have lost 1000 seats. We put up with clinton, we put up with obama, and then we went to the polls and elected our people in....you should have done the same thing, bided your time and waited for the next election cycle...but no, you aren't built that way. If you don't get what you want, you lash out, you break the rules you hold us to, and now you are using the government to go after the duly elected President on made up charges for a crime that never happened.

Karma is a bitch, and the political karma you assholes are going to experience will be epic....you have been warned....
God doesn't give a crap about Trump. Trump is anything but a man of God. God doesn't like adulterers and liars. Those are big big sins in every religion and Trump has committed those sins multiple times.
As had most of those douchebags in Washington DC on both sides of the aisle including your favorite; the Clintons.
Since when were the Clintons my favorite? You're just talking out of your ass. You Trumpsters can't refute any criticism of Trump without mentioning the Clintons or Obama. Sad.
My mistake. Are you in agreement the Clintons are big sinners and adulterers? Bill's adultery being a matter of record and Hillary's only conjecture, although rumors of her lesbianism are so strong as to rival Tom Cruise's homosexuality.

Why are you still talking about the Clintons? You right wingers are obsessed with them. Your defensive of Trump is so weak, you have to keep deflecting by mentioning Clintons or Obama. Sad.

And yes, the Clintons don't care care about God either. I don't take politicians as religious figures as you right loony toons do.
Now you're wrong. I didn't support Trump as a candidate nor did I vote for him. I consider him the second most deplorable candidate in living memory. Who do you think I believe is the most deplorable candidate? The one you voted for? Tell me you didn't vote for Hillary and I'll believe you.

I did vote for Hilary. We were given two devils. So I went with the devil I knew instead of the unpredictable devil.
1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a
shout, with *the voice of the archangel*, and with the Trump of God.

Doesn't say Trumpet.

Now about your favorite song, you seem to always avoid answering what it is, are you affraid?

Err; in the DR and Geneva before the AKJV it says Trumpet.

[15] For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment, and with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ, shall rise first.
Many words get changed in translation (like you just did)from assumptions due to words not making sense, then you find out the word was correct all along, but not revealed until it's time it is understood.
Example 'Visions of the Night' makes no sense to them, so they retranslate what it says to "Night Visions", but if you read the Dead Sea Scrolls or know the legend of Yeru Shalem becoming City of Shalom then you know Night (Michael the Evening Star)is a person and suddenly Daniel's
"vision of the Night" makes sense as it was written not as you seek it to say changing it's message.

Remember this commentary of Theslonians is derived from Daniel which was describing the coming with or out of the
KOHANIM GATHERING(CLOUDS)Procession to the Temple.

Yeah well Trump is not an instrument, trumpet is and the word is trumpet.
How many times did they blow the trumpet at Jericho to bring down the wall and what is it's significance to that number?

So now you admit the word is trumpet.
No, I asked a simple question to test challenge your knowledge of trumpets.
Donald Trump: "God just phoned me to say I gave a great speech, really top notch. He also complimented me on my electoral college win.:boobies:"
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