God needs a super-natural visit today


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
If god can do anything, he should peek through the clouds and say, "Yea, guys and gals, I'm real" and that would be enough.

Is he not powerful enough or my expectations too high?
Except the Children of Israel saw the Pillar of Cloud by day and the Fire of God by night. They saw the miracles. They heard the voice of God and they still disobeyed and fell away. Many of them died in the wilderness. They had everything including the most perfect lawgiver and still failed so when people want to find God on their own merit, these are the footsteps you are following in and the children of Israel who died in the wilderness will be many people's examples.
I wouldn't say your expectations are high, but they're certainly looking in the wrong direction.....the Bible tells us God is looking for those who choose to love him based on faith, not those who have been given so much proof they would have to be idiots not to choose.....
If god can do anything, he should peek through the clouds and say, "Yea, guys and gals, I'm real" and that would be enough.

Is he not powerful enough or my expectations too high?

He's actually right in front of you saying exactly what you seek. You're spiritual eye is simply squeezed too tightly to see.
Matthew 16

1 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.

2 He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.

3 And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?

4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.
If god can do anything, he should peek through the clouds and say, "Yea, guys and gals, I'm real" and that would be enough.

Is he not powerful enough or my expectations too high?

You couldn't survive the encounter. Not right now.
Fable, allegory, embellishment, artistic license, parable, symbolic metaphor...

the "Word of God" via the pen of man.

How many millions do we deceive, each day...

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Except the Children of Israel saw the Pillar of Cloud by day and the Fire of God by night. They saw the miracles. They heard the voice of God and they still disobeyed and fell away. Many of them died in the wilderness. They had everything including the most perfect lawgiver and still failed so when people want to find God on their own merit, these are the footsteps you are following in and the children of Israel who died in the wilderness will be many people's examples.

According to the ancient stories. :doubt:

It's interesting how thousands of years later those stories can still roll off a keyboard like they were established fact.

Jesus was a charlatan.

His mother, on the other hand... was the real deal.
Except the Children of Israel saw the Pillar of Cloud by day and the Fire of God by night. They saw the miracles. They heard the voice of God and they still disobeyed and fell away. Many of them died in the wilderness. They had everything including the most perfect lawgiver and still failed so when people want to find God on their own merit, these are the footsteps you are following in and the children of Israel who died in the wilderness will be many people's examples.

According to the ancient stories. :doubt:

It's interesting how thousands of years later those stories can still roll off a keyboard like they were established fact.


From a believer's point of view ... they are established fact. I believe the historical record of Jesus Christ is 100% true and accurate. There's not a soul on earth who can prove me wrong.
I wouldn't say your expectations are high, but they're certainly looking in the wrong direction.....the Bible tells us God is looking for those who choose to love him based on faith, not those who have been given so much proof they would have to be idiots not to choose.....

:smoke: The less you know.....

Except the Children of Israel saw the Pillar of Cloud by day and the Fire of God by night. They saw the miracles. They heard the voice of God and they still disobeyed and fell away. Many of them died in the wilderness. They had everything including the most perfect lawgiver and still failed so when people want to find God on their own merit, these are the footsteps you are following in and the children of Israel who died in the wilderness will be many people's examples.

According to the ancient stories. :doubt:

It's interesting how thousands of years later those stories can still roll off a keyboard like they were established fact.


From a believer's point of view ... they are established fact. I believe the historical record of Jesus Christ is 100% true and accurate. There's not a soul on earth who can prove me wrong.


That opinion and $4 will get you a hot and tasty beverage at Starbuck$. Doesn't mean it happened.

I say that The New Testament is bullshit that was written 70 years after the events by educated people with religious persecution and a political ax to grind, and there's not a soul on earth who can prove me wrong.

Whats next? :dunno: War?
First Deity to defend His Holy Book in the here and now, gets my worship.

Jus' sayin'
First Deity to defend His Holy Book in the here and now, gets my worship.

Jus' sayin'

Read the Book of Mormon. It provides a way for you to learn for yourself whether it's true. The Lord will prove it to you. Take the challenge, what do you have to lose?
First Deity to defend His Holy Book in the here and now, gets my worship.

Jus' sayin'

Read the Book of Mormon. It provides a way for you to learn for yourself whether it's true. The Lord will prove it to you. Take the challenge, what do you have to lose?
There's just that pesky issue of the golden plates thing.

Why is fraud and misrepresentation such a consistent theme surrounding tales of the gods and the men who invent these gods?
First Deity to defend His Holy Book in the here and now, gets my worship.

Jus' sayin'

Read the Book of Mormon. It provides a way for you to learn for yourself whether it's true. The Lord will prove it to you. Take the challenge, what do you have to lose?

I can honestly say that I've not read the entire Book of Mormon, but I know it's history and basic story.
Thanks, but pass. :eusa_hand:

Shame The Devil and tell the truth I'd pass on Mormonism simply for it's association with The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran, but I do know a bit about Joseph Smith's history and his writings and thoughts.

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