God needs a super-natural visit today

Reason and rationality are, unfortunately, often abandoned with the acceptance of ancient religious doctrines that are divisive and foment hate and exclusion.

Ironic then that you should abandon reason and rationality in favor of modern ideas that have clearly creating division, hate and exclusion in you.
Reason and rationality are, unfortunately, often abandoned with the acceptance of ancient religious doctrines that are divisive and foment hate and exclusion.

Ironic then that you should abandon reason and rationality in favor of modern ideas that have clearly creating division, hate and exclusion in you.

The problem of course is that you view challenges to your religion as an attack.

Reason and rationality is not being abandoned by me. There is a consistency in nature that doesn't exhibit supernatural ( un-natural), occurrences. Other than in the tales and fables of the bibles, where in nature has a sea ever magically parted, or snakes talked, or dead men risen?

The arguments of religionists are not driven by evidence that can be observed in the natural world. Special creation or supernatural intervention is not subjectable to meaningful tests, which require predicting plausible results and then checking these results through observation and experimentation. Instead, claims of "special creation" reverse the scientific process. The explanation is seen as unalterable, and evidence is sought only to support a particular conclusion by whatever means possible.
Would you call a computer program 'imaginary'? Would it be 'not real' to you - as you seem to be using those two interchangeably.

How is it silly? I'm basically claiming the same thing that you are - that things like gods and human souls are non-physical entities. I'm just not following the typical 'supernatural' approach to arriving at that conclusion. Why is it so hard to consider we might be talking about the same thing, but just using different terms?

Your gods didn't "by definition" make anything. And, in connection with your "random chance" comment, you make mistake common among those unfamiliar with evolutionary processes. Genetic variation might be random, but the natural selection that acts on that variation is not. Adaptation is non-random, as it is the result of objective criteria for fitness. Furthermore the harshness of Natural Selection -- all the mass extinctions, competition for survival, all of that contradicts the notion of loving and compassionate gods. Mass extinctions have little to do with natural selection. Natural selection can not act in the context of a catastrophic event like an asteroid impact. Survival through these events is based on luck, not adaptation.

Nature routinely finds suboptimal solutions that an intelligent designer would never choose. Nature is constrained by contingent history, intelligent design is not. The consequences of the difference are obvious and compelling.

Other than you being indoctrinated from an early age with the tales and fables of the dominant religion, why do you think anyone should accept the absurdities of nature that are promoted by christianity?

I'm not sure how this addresses anything I've been saying. Did you intend this post as a response to mine?

No, sorry. My comments were not directed to you.

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