God vs Athiesm: Which Is More Rationale?

We all make choices...

Choose wisely ....

I always try to.

I choose not to believe in fairy tales about someone who decides to engage in mass genocide.

Eternity is a looong time....

Typical Christian, threatening others with violence and torture. :D Such loving peaceful people.

I am a Christian, I am born again...but. I am still human after all

I don't give a fuck about you, if you want to have abortions fine with me less liberal voters, I could care less if you find Jesus, if you don't, heaven will be less crowded :)

If there is a heaven, I highly doubt you would be there. Lol.

Read the bible dear, you only need to do one thing.

Again I am still human after fucking all.

I am covered... :)
I'm hardly the one that made the threat. You give me far too much power.

As anyone can see, again I was not addressing you with my post. Are you insane or something? Serious question.

You all sound the same. God bashers, church bashers, Christ bashers, Bible bashers, Christian bashers. I consider you the walking dead.

Well, we can see who is getting "worked up" around here, and it's you. Lol. :D Religious people = whackadoodles.

Actually we don't need to get worked up. We are safe.

You sure don't seem very secure. :D I can understand why someone like you would need to have a belief in gods though. Totally.

I am very secure. My fire insurance is paid in full,
Yeppers. Religious people are wacky. The more religious they are, the more wacked out they become. Lol.

I have many religious friends- some are wacky- but most just live their lives according to their interpretation of Jesus's commandments- hence they work hard to love their neighbors, and not sin.

The ones who wear the sign of the cross on their shirt sleeves and rant......they are the wacky ones.
Sounds sexist to me. Why a desert island? Why not Chicago's inner city?

Why don't you want to address my post?

Oh right......you don't do that.

I don't see any post of yours that I require addressing. Please point it out for me.

Yet you reply to my posts- you just don't respond to them.

Maybe they make as much sense to me as this one does.

I think we have all figured out that nothing makes any sense to you- which is why you believe in fairy tales.

I agree.

It is a sad reflection on the human mind when the world view is so overwhelming that what makes sense is nonsense.
I always try to.

I choose not to believe in fairy tales about someone who decides to engage in mass genocide.

Eternity is a looong time....

Typical Christian, threatening others with violence and torture. :D Such loving peaceful people.

I am a Christian, I am born again...but. I am still human after all

I don't give a fuck about you, if you want to have abortions fine with me less liberal voters, I could care less if you find Jesus, if you don't, heaven will be less crowded :)

If there is a heaven, I highly doubt you would be there. Lol.

Read the bible dear, you only need to do one thing.

Again I am still human after fucking all.

I am covered... :)

I've read it. Sounds like a bunch of malarkey to me. Lol. You really believe that stuff? Really? Wow.
I always try to.

I choose not to believe in fairy tales about someone who decides to engage in mass genocide.

Eternity is a looong time....

Typical Christian, threatening others with violence and torture. :D Such loving peaceful people.

I am a Christian, I am born again...but. I am still human after all

I don't give a fuck about you, if you want to have abortions fine with me less liberal voters, I could care less if you find Jesus, if you don't, heaven will be less crowded :)

If there is a heaven, I highly doubt you would be there. Lol.

Read the bible dear, you only need to do one thing.

Again I am still human after fucking all.

I am covered... :)

There is no proof that when you die you don't simply cease to exist as a human being. The only "proof" you even existed is only in the memories of those that have known you, that are still alive. ...that and in your relies to this MB. Eventually they too will be lost in the history files and eventually dropped off for lack of use.

Not to worry though. When your brain ceases to get blood and oxygen you won't "feel" anything. There will no longer be a you at all. Your computer cord will be cut and the battery removed. No mo workie. Get it?
The conclusion that God exists doesn’t require faith. Atheism requires faith. It takes faith to believe in everything coming from nothing. It takes only reason to believe in everything coming from God.

If a child was raised on a deserted island with no exposure to religion- if she didn't believe in a god- how would that be 'faith'?

When I see water flowing in a river- it is not faith for me to acknowledge the river- even though I don't know where the river started.

As an atheist it doesn't take 'faith' for me to not believe in a god. No more than it takes 'faith' to not collect stamps.

But I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.

The evidence of God surrounds us.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.
Eternity is a looong time....

Typical Christian, threatening others with violence and torture. :D Such loving peaceful people.

I am a Christian, I am born again...but. I am still human after all

I don't give a fuck about you, if you want to have abortions fine with me less liberal voters, I could care less if you find Jesus, if you don't, heaven will be less crowded :)

If there is a heaven, I highly doubt you would be there. Lol.

Read the bible dear, you only need to do one thing.

Again I am still human after fucking all.

I am covered... :)

There is no proof that when you die you don't simply cease to exist as a human being. The only "proof" you even existed is only in the memories of those that have known you, that are still alive. ...that and in your relies to this MB. Eventually they too will be lost in the history files and eventually dropped off for lack of use.

Not to worry though. When your brain ceases to get blood and oxygen you won't "feel" anything. There will no longer be a you at all. Your computer cord will be cut and the battery removed. No mo workie. Get it?

There is no proof

I see the proof everyday, I am the proof that god and Jesus is real.

Why do I say that?

Because at 51 years old god is not done with me yet...

I have raised more hell, drank more beer did more cocaine then the my friends, my 1st wife, my cousin...

Who all died in their late 30s and early 40s.

My life has been one hell of a journey, from chicago to South carolina to living in Arizona and back to South carolina.

Every mother fucking time I ask god are you done with me yet?

He answers nope...

I have another mission for you ..

God loves my attitude, he knows I will raise a little hell, but when he wants me to get serious and talk to someone, help someone , he can count on me.

For me to teach them something, for them to teach me something..

Or just give them a push...to set everything in motion.

Yes I know God, Jesus , the holy ghost and mother Mary is real and they do exist in spirit.

No other reasonable, logical explanation ..because I should have been dead or locked up for along time...years ago.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.
I never said it was evidence, I merely ripped your analogy apart.
Like the OP says, to not believe requires much more faith.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.
Let me ask you this. Is there anything that would make believe God exists?
Eternity is a looong time....

Typical Christian, threatening others with violence and torture. :D Such loving peaceful people.

I am a Christian, I am born again...but. I am still human after all

I don't give a fuck about you, if you want to have abortions fine with me less liberal voters, I could care less if you find Jesus, if you don't, heaven will be less crowded :)

If there is a heaven, I highly doubt you would be there. Lol.

Read the bible dear, you only need to do one thing.

Again I am still human after fucking all.

I am covered... :)

I've read it. Sounds like a bunch of malarkey to me. Lol. You really believe that stuff? Really? Wow.
I'll ask you too. Is there anything that would make you believe God exists?
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.



Btw all my profile pics are me, the one I have right now is about 20 years old, getting a medal for 2 nd place when I used to race boats...think it was taken up in Michigan
You misuse math, a tool.
Math needs rational concepts to manipulate.
Mathematics can predict odds of occurrences. Math is a tool and is used to support many scientific facts - it simply will not support evolution.
Math supports evolution much better than a made up concept of "God ".
Where does it say chaos naturally evolves into order?
Check out the concepts of self-organization & emergence.
I asked how an explosion naturally turns into order.
Did you check out the concepts of self-organization and emergence?
They work for physical evolution as well as bio evolution.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.



Btw all my profile pics are me, the one I have right now is about 20 years old, getting a medal for 2 nd place when I used to race boats...think it was taken up in Michigan
My profile pic is me too, right after I picked up the dead anchovies your boat props left behind. They went great with my morning coffee.
Mathematics can predict odds of occurrences. Math is a tool and is used to support many scientific facts - it simply will not support evolution.
Math supports evolution much better than a made up concept of "God ".
Where does it say chaos naturally evolves into order?
Check out the concepts of self-organization & emergence.
I asked how an explosion naturally turns into order.
Did you check out the concepts of self-organization and emergence?
They work for physical evolution as well as bio evolution.
Laws of thermodynamics prevents nature from such things.
You make the common mistake in thinking of evolution as a random process. It is not, it requires natural selection.

If I randomly throw down a bunch of random words the odds of getting Hamlet are infinitesimal. However if I remove any words that didn't appear in Hamlet and thrown them down again I'll eventually have all the words of Hamlet. An inevitable process.
In other words you can't do the math. I understand. I am used to you scientific types that can't do math. The answer is infinity. The odds against it ever happening even over billions of years are so great that we have no number to express it.
You misuse math, a tool.
Math needs rational concepts to manipulate.
Mathematics can predict odds of occurrences. Math is a tool and is used to support many scientific facts - it simply will not support evolution.
Math supports evolution much better than a made up concept of "God ".
No, it really doesn't. Math actually disproves evolution.
No, math does not disprove "evolution"; as i said before, you have to establish valid concepts before using tools like math.
How do you use math to prove God exists? I'd love to see your equation.
There are a dozen theories even among evolutionist.
There may be details about the mechanism that remain to be worked out but the fact of evolution is a proven scientific fact.

No it isn't. The fact that you still have to work it out proves it is still only a theory. Which single theory that is being presented as fact by the evolutionists are you claiming to be the fact? There are so many I would like to know which one.
The FACT of evolution, accepted by the vast majority of scientists and supported by an overwhelming body of evidence is that all life is descended from a common ancestor
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.
I never said it was evidence, I merely ripped your analogy apart.
Like the OP says, to not believe requires much more faith.
That's not what the OP said. Now you're making up stuff to prove your "God" methodology.
Getting desperate?

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