God vs Athiesm: Which Is More Rationale?

Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.



Btw all my profile pics are me, the one I have right now is about 20 years old, getting a medal for 2 nd place when I used to race boats...think it was taken up in Michigan
My profile pic is me too, right after I picked up the dead anchovies your boat props left behind. They went great with my morning coffee.
View attachment 87133

Funny you should say that, the racing series I was involved with have been racing on lake depue in illinois since at least the 50s..

God I hated the dead fish and latter the Asian carp.

They Will be up in Wisconsin in a week


Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.
Let me ask you this. Is there anything that would make believe God exists?
I am actually more of an ignostic.
What do you mean by "God"?
That's the first step toward rational investigation ... prior to forming a belief system.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.
I never said it was evidence, I merely ripped your analogy apart.
Like the OP says, to not believe requires much more faith.
That's not what the OP said. Now you're making up stuff to prove your "God" methodology.
Getting desperate?
No, I was addressing your point. Chaos cannot naturally evolve into order. Do you worry all the oxygen atoms in the room will move to one corner? No, because we all know it can't do that naturally.

Now answer my question. Is there anything hat would make you believe God exists?
Math supports evolution much better than a made up concept of "God ".
Where does it say chaos naturally evolves into order?
Check out the concepts of self-organization & emergence.
I asked how an explosion naturally turns into order.
Did you check out the concepts of self-organization and emergence?
They work for physical evolution as well as bio evolution.
Laws of thermodynamics prevents nature from such things.
Also showing your ignorance about thermodynamics?
Why not be honest, like agnostics are?
There are a dozen theories even among evolutionist.
There may be details about the mechanism that remain to be worked out but the fact of evolution is a proven scientific fact.

No it isn't. The fact that you still have to work it out proves it is still only a theory. Which single theory that is being presented as fact by the evolutionists are you claiming to be the fact? There are so many I would like to know which one.
The FACT of evolution, accepted by the vast majority of scientists and supported by an overwhelming body of evidence is that all life is descended from a common ancestor
Sorry, but maybe 60% of scientists at best think species evolve into other species.
Where does it say chaos naturally evolves into order?
Check out the concepts of self-organization & emergence.
I asked how an explosion naturally turns into order.
Did you check out the concepts of self-organization and emergence?
They work for physical evolution as well as bio evolution.
Laws of thermodynamics prevents nature from such things.
Also showing your ignorance about thermodynamics?
Why not be honest, like agnostics are?
Your evidence is overwhelming.
Now answer my question. Is there anything hat would make you believe God exists?
If God communicated to me when i'm fully conscious & not drunk or under drugs, and predicted for me tomorrow's winning lottery number ... then i would believe.
The conclusion that God exists doesn’t require faith. Atheism requires faith. It takes faith to believe in everything coming from nothing. It takes only reason to believe in everything coming from God.

If a child was raised on a deserted island with no exposure to religion- if she didn't believe in a god- how would that be 'faith'?

When I see water flowing in a river- it is not faith for me to acknowledge the river- even though I don't know where the river started.

As an atheist it doesn't take 'faith' for me to not believe in a god. No more than it takes 'faith' to not collect stamps.

But I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.

The evidence of God surrounds us.

LOL.......missionaries came to California and enslaved American Indians and forced them to worship Jesus.

They apparently didn't 'know' Jesus before then.

I guess they missed that imaginary 'evidence' also.

I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Now answer my question. Is there anything hat would make you believe God exists?
If God communicated to me when i'm fully conscious & not drunk or under drugs, and predicted for me tomorrow's winning lottery number ... then i would believe.
Well, you should ask for that then.

Tell me were in science it says chaos naturally evolves into ever increasing order and complexity.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.
I never said it was evidence, I merely ripped your analogy apart.
Like the OP says, to not believe requires much more faith.

Just like not collecting stamps, requires many more stamps than collecting stamps.
The conclusion that God exists doesn’t require faith. Atheism requires faith. It takes faith to believe in everything coming from nothing. It takes only reason to believe in everything coming from God.

If a child was raised on a deserted island with no exposure to religion- if she didn't believe in a god- how would that be 'faith'?

When I see water flowing in a river- it is not faith for me to acknowledge the river- even though I don't know where the river started.

As an atheist it doesn't take 'faith' for me to not believe in a god. No more than it takes 'faith' to not collect stamps.

But I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.

The evidence of God surrounds us.

LOL.......missionaries came to California and enslaved American Indians and forced them to worship Jesus.

They apparently didn't 'know' Jesus before then.

I guess they missed that imaginary 'evidence' also.

I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Determining the existence of God based upon the actions of humans is not intellectual, no matter how distorted you get the facts.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.
I never said it was evidence, I merely ripped your analogy apart.
Like the OP says, to not believe requires much more faith.
That's not what the OP said. Now you're making up stuff to prove your "God" methodology.
Getting desperate?
No, I was addressing your point. Chaos cannot naturally evolve into order. Do you worry all the oxygen atoms in the room will move to one corner? No, because we all know it can't do that naturally.
For the 3rd time, why don't you check out the concept of self-organization?
It's in Wikipedia ...

Self-organization is a process where some form of overall order or coordination arises out of the local interactions between smaller component parts of an initially disordered system. The process of self-organization can be spontaneous, and it is not necessarily controlled by any auxiliary agent outside of the system. It is often triggered by random fluctuations that are amplified by positive feedback. The resulting organization is wholly decentralized or distributed over all the components of the system. As such, the organization is typically robust and able to survive and, even, self-repair substantial damage or perturbations. Chaos theory discusses self-organization in terms of islands of predictability in a sea of chaotic unpredictability. Self-organization occurs in a variety of physical, chemical, biological, robotic, social, and cognitive systems.
Typical Christian, threatening others with violence and torture. :D Such loving peaceful people.

I am a Christian, I am born again...but. I am still human after all

I don't give a fuck about you, if you want to have abortions fine with me less liberal voters, I could care less if you find Jesus, if you don't, heaven will be less crowded :)

If there is a heaven, I highly doubt you would be there. Lol.

Read the bible dear, you only need to do one thing.

Again I am still human after fucking all.

I am covered... :)

I've read it. Sounds like a bunch of malarkey to me. Lol. You really believe that stuff? Really? Wow.
I'll ask you too. Is there anything that would make you believe God exists?

I believe the Wind exists.

I can measure the wind.
I can see the effects of the wind.
I can even explain in very general terms how the wind works.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.
The evidence of God surrounds us.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.
I never said it was evidence, I merely ripped your analogy apart.
Like the OP says, to not believe requires much more faith.
That's not what the OP said. Now you're making up stuff to prove your "God" methodology.
Getting desperate?
No, I was addressing your point. Chaos cannot naturally evolve into order. Do you worry all the oxygen atoms in the room will move to one corner? No, because we all know it can't do that naturally.
For the 3rd time, why don't you check out the concept of self-organization?
It's in Wikipedia ...

Self-organization is a process where some form of overall order or coordination arises out of the local interactions between smaller component parts of an initially disordered system. The process of self-organization can be spontaneous, and it is not necessarily controlled by any auxiliary agent outside of the system. It is often triggered by random fluctuations that are amplified by positive feedback. The resulting organization is wholly decentralized or distributed over all the components of the system. As such, the organization is typically robust and able to survive and, even, self-repair substantial damage or perturbations. Chaos theory discusses self-organization in terms of islands of predictability in a sea of chaotic unpredictability. Self-organization occurs in a variety of physical, chemical, biological, robotic, social, and cognitive systems.
So you do worry that all the oxygen atoms in your room will move to a corner.

Well, good luck with that and have a nice day.
The conclusion that God exists doesn’t require faith. Atheism requires faith. It takes faith to believe in everything coming from nothing. It takes only reason to believe in everything coming from God.

If a child was raised on a deserted island with no exposure to religion- if she didn't believe in a god- how would that be 'faith'?

When I see water flowing in a river- it is not faith for me to acknowledge the river- even though I don't know where the river started.

As an atheist it doesn't take 'faith' for me to not believe in a god. No more than it takes 'faith' to not collect stamps.

But I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.

The evidence of God surrounds us.

LOL.......missionaries came to California and enslaved American Indians and forced them to worship Jesus.

They apparently didn't 'know' Jesus before then.

I guess they missed that imaginary 'evidence' also.

I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Determining the existence of God based upon the actions of humans is not intellectual, no matter how distorted you get the facts.

The 'existence' of god is predicated on faith- since there is no evidence of the existence of God except through faith.
I am a Christian, I am born again...but. I am still human after all

I don't give a fuck about you, if you want to have abortions fine with me less liberal voters, I could care less if you find Jesus, if you don't, heaven will be less crowded :)

If there is a heaven, I highly doubt you would be there. Lol.

Read the bible dear, you only need to do one thing.

Again I am still human after fucking all.

I am covered... :)

I've read it. Sounds like a bunch of malarkey to me. Lol. You really believe that stuff? Really? Wow.
I'll ask you too. Is there anything that would make you believe God exists?

I believe the Wind exists.

I can measure the wind.
I can see the effects of the wind.
I can even explain in very general terms how the wind works.
How many dimensions exist?
The conclusion that God exists doesn’t require faith. Atheism requires faith. It takes faith to believe in everything coming from nothing. It takes only reason to believe in everything coming from God.

If a child was raised on a deserted island with no exposure to religion- if she didn't believe in a god- how would that be 'faith'?

When I see water flowing in a river- it is not faith for me to acknowledge the river- even though I don't know where the river started.

As an atheist it doesn't take 'faith' for me to not believe in a god. No more than it takes 'faith' to not collect stamps.

But I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.

The evidence of God surrounds us.

LOL.......missionaries came to California and enslaved American Indians and forced them to worship Jesus.

They apparently didn't 'know' Jesus before then.

I guess they missed that imaginary 'evidence' also.

I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Determining the existence of God based upon the actions of humans is not intellectual, no matter how distorted you get the facts.

The 'existence' of god is predicated on faith- since there is no evidence of the existence of God except through faith.
Circular arguement. Read the OP, it shows who has the most faith.
That's evidence in your mind?
Yeah, evidence in the belief that a god throws lightning bolts when angry.
I never said it was evidence, I merely ripped your analogy apart.
Like the OP says, to not believe requires much more faith.
That's not what the OP said. Now you're making up stuff to prove your "God" methodology.
Getting desperate?
No, I was addressing your point. Chaos cannot naturally evolve into order. Do you worry all the oxygen atoms in the room will move to one corner? No, because we all know it can't do that naturally.
For the 3rd time, why don't you check out the concept of self-organization?
It's in Wikipedia ...

Self-organization is a process where some form of overall order or coordination arises out of the local interactions between smaller component parts of an initially disordered system. The process of self-organization can be spontaneous, and it is not necessarily controlled by any auxiliary agent outside of the system. It is often triggered by random fluctuations that are amplified by positive feedback. The resulting organization is wholly decentralized or distributed over all the components of the system. As such, the organization is typically robust and able to survive and, even, self-repair substantial damage or perturbations. Chaos theory discusses self-organization in terms of islands of predictability in a sea of chaotic unpredictability. Self-organization occurs in a variety of physical, chemical, biological, robotic, social, and cognitive systems.
So you do worry that all the oxygen atoms in your room will move to a corner.
You're not making sense, again.
The conclusion that God exists doesn’t require faith. Atheism requires faith. It takes faith to believe in everything coming from nothing. It takes only reason to believe in everything coming from God.

If a child was raised on a deserted island with no exposure to religion- if she didn't believe in a god- how would that be 'faith'?

When I see water flowing in a river- it is not faith for me to acknowledge the river- even though I don't know where the river started.

As an atheist it doesn't take 'faith' for me to not believe in a god. No more than it takes 'faith' to not collect stamps.

But I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Missionaries once went into the depths of the Amazon and made first contact with a tribe that had never seen a Western. After working out languages they of course talked about Jesus. You know what they said? We've always known about Jesus, we just didn't know his name.

The evidence of God surrounds us.

LOL.......missionaries came to California and enslaved American Indians and forced them to worship Jesus.

They apparently didn't 'know' Jesus before then.

I guess they missed that imaginary 'evidence' also.

I do think it is a shame you have no faith in your god.
Determining the existence of God based upon the actions of humans is not intellectual, no matter how distorted you get the facts.

The 'existence' of god is predicated on faith- since there is no evidence of the existence of God except through faith.
Tell me this, why is it so important to you to spend time and effort trying to prove God does not exist?

I have my guesses.
I never said it was evidence, I merely ripped your analogy apart.
Like the OP says, to not believe requires much more faith.
That's not what the OP said. Now you're making up stuff to prove your "God" methodology.
Getting desperate?
No, I was addressing your point. Chaos cannot naturally evolve into order. Do you worry all the oxygen atoms in the room will move to one corner? No, because we all know it can't do that naturally.
For the 3rd time, why don't you check out the concept of self-organization?
It's in Wikipedia ...

Self-organization is a process where some form of overall order or coordination arises out of the local interactions between smaller component parts of an initially disordered system. The process of self-organization can be spontaneous, and it is not necessarily controlled by any auxiliary agent outside of the system. It is often triggered by random fluctuations that are amplified by positive feedback. The resulting organization is wholly decentralized or distributed over all the components of the system. As such, the organization is typically robust and able to survive and, even, self-repair substantial damage or perturbations. Chaos theory discusses self-organization in terms of islands of predictability in a sea of chaotic unpredictability. Self-organization occurs in a variety of physical, chemical, biological, robotic, social, and cognitive systems.
So you do worry that all the oxygen atoms in your room will move to a corner.
You're not making sense, again.
Try reading up on self organization, it will make sense.

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