"God's plan" is the random shit that happens in this crazy world...

...there is no point in trying to make sense of it.

Children die of leukemia.

Good men go bankrupt while corrupt men get rich.

Innocent girls get raped and their rapists go unpunished.

Fires and floods kill people and devastate communities.

There is no plan, at least, no plan that makes sense to us human beings.

In the Book of Job, we are told not even to question what God does, because we cannot understand it.
A better, more logical reason would be that there is no goD, nobody at the controls.

No, that isn't logical at all.
Just because you don't understand or are aware of something doesn't make it nonexistent.
Obviously this is some new, twisted version of logic that I am unfamiliar with.

Have you ever heard of "Occam's Razor"?

Yes it is apparent to all that you are unfamiliar with many things...logic and reality among them.
No, I'm pretty familiar with logic, and whatever it is you are using isn't it.
So you base it solely on a book. Ok, you’re dismissed.

No, I base it on the Bible and my own understanding of the world.

And I would like to draw everybody's attention to a retard's rejection of history and the written word. We aren't supposed to pay attention to *books*.



I never said to reject all books, just the bible, there’s no truth to it.

You said that the fact that our knowledge comes from a book is what makes it irrelevant. You say "a book" not "the bible".

I know you said that because you're an idiot, but yes, you said it.

And "there's no truth to it" lolol. NOBODY of any education or understanding says that, because it is patently, and verifiably, untrue.
You can’t prove any of the big things in the bible, it’s a book full of fartsmoke.

Did you know Flat Earthers were the scientists of the day, and their belief that the earth was flat was considered heresy because the Bible said it was round?

Of course you didn't, because you are an ignoramus. You like to flap your cocksuckers about things you know NOTHING about.
The bible was written by goat herders who didn’t even have enough sense to invent bumwad.

Is that avatar a recent picture of you?
2000 years AFTER the supposed son of god comes, we have the greatest:
of course there is no plan
All foretold in the Bible. People who reject Christ and God sink into depravity and death..and they destroy the lives of those around them as well.
...there is no point in trying to make sense of it.

Children die of leukemia.

Good men go bankrupt while corrupt men get rich.

Innocent girls get raped and their rapists go unpunished.

Fires and floods kill people and devastate communities.

There is no plan, at least, no plan that makes sense to us human beings.

In the Book of Job, we are told not even to question what God does, because we cannot understand it.
A better, more logical reason would be that there is no goD, nobody at the controls.

No, that isn't logical at all.
Just because you don't understand or are aware of something doesn't make it nonexistent.
Obviously this is some new, twisted version of logic that I am unfamiliar with.

Have you ever heard of "Occam's Razor"?

Yes it is apparent to all that you are unfamiliar with many things...logic and reality among them.
No, I'm pretty familiar with logic, and whatever it is you are using isn't it.

If you have never heard and can't grasp the concept that things can exist without you UNDERSTANDING or SEEING them, then you not only have a limited grasp of logic, but you have limited scholarship as well.
People arguing the existence of God is not the point of this thread.
No, I base it on the Bible and my own understanding of the world.

And I would like to draw everybody's attention to a retard's rejection of history and the written word. We aren't supposed to pay attention to *books*.



I never said to reject all books, just the bible, there’s no truth to it.

You said that the fact that our knowledge comes from a book is what makes it irrelevant. You say "a book" not "the bible".

I know you said that because you're an idiot, but yes, you said it.

And "there's no truth to it" lolol. NOBODY of any education or understanding says that, because it is patently, and verifiably, untrue.
You can’t prove any of the big things in the bible, it’s a book full of fartsmoke.

Did you know Flat Earthers were the scientists of the day, and their belief that the earth was flat was considered heresy because the Bible said it was round?

Of course you didn't, because you are an ignoramus. You like to flap your cocksuckers about things you know NOTHING about.
The bible was written by goat herders who didn’t even have enough sense to invent bumwad.

Is that avatar a recent picture of you?

The civilization that produced the goatherds that wrote scripture also produced,

The wheel, the plow, writing, irrigation, a codified system of laws, sailing, the calendar, the domestication of animals (including goats), astronomy, cartography, and mathematics.

You're wrong to write off the ancients as ignorant. Our civilization is built on their insights.

The thing about being a goatherd is, it gives you a lot of time to contemplate the nature of the Universe.
The wheel, the plow, writing, irrigation, a codified system of laws, sailing, the calendar, the domestication of animals (including goats), astronomy, cartography, and mathematics.
But they were abjectly ignorant and more easily fooled by delusion, given that they lacked the skills to explain mich ofmuch of what they observed.
The wheel, the plow, writing, irrigation, a codified system of laws, sailing, the calendar, the domestication of animals (including goats), astronomy, cartography, and mathematics.
But they were abjectly ignorant and more easily fooled by delusion, given that they lacked the skills to explain mich ofmuch of what they observed.

It would be very difficult to argue that modern society is less susceptible to delusion than the ancients...

The wheel, the plow, writing, irrigation, a codified system of laws, sailing, the calendar, the domestication of animals (including goats), astronomy, cartography, and mathematics.
But they were abjectly ignorant and more easily fooled by delusion, given that they lacked the skills to explain mich ofmuch of what they observed.

You don't know what ignorant means, obviously.
You don't define the *ignorance* of past people based on what our civilization has discovered since then. Ignorance means people are not aware of the world around them. Not that they aren't aware of the future.

Your belief that because you live in modern times, you aren't ignorant...is a huge fat fallacy and actually proves your own ignorance.
The wheel, the plow, writing, irrigation, a codified system of laws, sailing, the calendar, the domestication of animals (including goats), astronomy, cartography, and mathematics.
But they were abjectly ignorant and more easily fooled by delusion, given that they lacked the skills to explain mich ofmuch of what they observed.

It would be very difficult to argue that modern society is less susceptible to delusion than the ancients...


Remember when all the modern ignorami were sure that a peace sign was a white nationalist gang symbol?

Remember when all the modern ignorami had a field day when Palin said Russia was close enough to Alaska to see...and it turned out she was right?

Remember when all the modern ignorami said that anybody who doubted the press' objectivity was a *conspiracy theorist*?
I never said to reject all books, just the bible, there’s no truth to it.

You said that the fact that our knowledge comes from a book is what makes it irrelevant. You say "a book" not "the bible".

I know you said that because you're an idiot, but yes, you said it.

And "there's no truth to it" lolol. NOBODY of any education or understanding says that, because it is patently, and verifiably, untrue.
You can’t prove any of the big things in the bible, it’s a book full of fartsmoke.

Did you know Flat Earthers were the scientists of the day, and their belief that the earth was flat was considered heresy because the Bible said it was round?

Of course you didn't, because you are an ignoramus. You like to flap your cocksuckers about things you know NOTHING about.
The bible was written by goat herders who didn’t even have enough sense to invent bumwad.

Is that avatar a recent picture of you?

The civilization that produced the goatherds that wrote scripture also produced,

The wheel, the plow, writing, irrigation, a codified system of laws, sailing, the calendar, the domestication of animals (including goats), astronomy, cartography, and mathematics.

You're wrong to write off the ancients as ignorant. Our civilization is built on their insights.

The thing about being a goatherd is, it gives you a lot of time to contemplate the nature of the Universe.
And plenty of time to write fiction.
Gods and religious texts are the creations of frightened children trying to explain the world around them; a sure sign of the maturation of humankind is the steadily rising levels of atheism in cultures around the world.

Jesus was an anti-capitalist who preached the kingdom of God was AT HAND and WITHIN; his message was a clear rejection of the Jewish Old Testament dogma within which he was raised, and a rejection of the Temple and the religious authorities who sheltered the money changers to the detriment of the people. All the Christian church bullshit was manufactured long after Jesus was crucified and the vast majority of it isn't founded in the word of Christ as recorded (manufactured) in the Gospels - while ironically much of the message that is attributed to Christ is largely ignored by a great many Christians these days - summed up by the adage to LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF.

The only rules that govern in this world are those that govern scientific discovery - results of scientific inquiry must be repeatable and reproducible, and this ultimately explains all the natural world around us and the universe beyond.

Morality is a human construct that exists apart from religion and is incorporated within and manipulated by religious traditions; that this is true is amply evident in the record of human history.

Why it’s obvious that morality precedes religion | The Spectator

Horrible shitty things happen to beautiful people and wonderful generous things happen to monstrous people because everything is essentially random; the best way to experience a life of profound disappointment and ultimately bitterness is to put out positive expecting to always get positive in return. One must be positive simply because it is always best to be kind and honest, no matter the outcome.

In this life you get what you get, and you don't get upset. Or you get upset and spend it miserable.
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A better, more logical reason would be that there is no goD, nobody at the controls.

No, that isn't logical at all.
Just because you don't understand or are aware of something doesn't make it nonexistent.
Obviously this is some new, twisted version of logic that I am unfamiliar with.

Have you ever heard of "Occam's Razor"?

Yes it is apparent to all that you are unfamiliar with many things...logic and reality among them.
No, I'm pretty familiar with logic, and whatever it is you are using isn't it.

If you have never heard and can't grasp the concept that things can exist without you UNDERSTANDING or SEEING them, then you not only have a limited grasp of logic, but you have limited scholarship as well.
Where did you get the impression that's what I was trying to say? There is direct evidence against goD. Why else are babies being left in cars to die? Wouldn't you all-seeing, all-knowing goD be able to stop this from happening? And which goD? Vishnu? Shiva? Allah? Thor? Quetzalcoatl? Who are we talking about here?
It would be very difficult to argue that modern society is less susceptible to delusion than the ancients.
...and even harder to argue that they were not abjectly ignorant, compared to your average 4th grader today.

Ignorance can be quite subjective. The ancients named the stars, created maths and language.. The ancients developed much of the knowledge that we teach in our 4th grade classrooms today.

Three hundred years before the common era, an 'ignorant' ancient name Eratosthenes determined the size of the spherical Earth (to a pretty high degree of accuracy) using nothing but sticks, shadows, feet, and his mind. The ignorant ancients were highly observant of their environment and used that knowledge to improve their daily lives.

An average ancient knew how to weave cloth, they knew when to plant and harvest for maximum yield. They could track game, hunt and prepare that game efficiently. The ancients knew how to preserve food, and to calculate the amount of food stores it would take to get their through the winter. Very few 4th graders possess this kind of knowledge that could prove vital if our modern civilization falls on hard times as it has so many times in the past.

Besides, 4th graders believe in a lot of nonsensical stuff as well.


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