Going north, to see the lights

The northern lights truly were a highlight (ha! :D) of my tour in Alaska.

Absolutely amazing.
If and when a solar megastorm hits Earth — and there’s a 1-in-8 chance by 2020 — the outcome would be much different. A powerful CME could temporarily peel away a significant portion of Earth’s protective magnetic shield, exposing satellites, power grids and other electronics to disruptive magnetic fields and radiation.
“We have more to expect from the sun through late 2013, perhaps through the beginning of 2014,” Young said. “That’s when we’ll reach solar maximum and see we’ll continue to see more solar eruptions.”
I'm blessed to be in the land of the aurora borealis, the electric curtains waving in the sky.
Sometimes they are a big glow but they move and flow in tones of green and blue.

God and nature whoop Pink Floyd's light show trust me.:D It will take your breath away.
This sucks. Overcast and raining in Baltimore.
Used to watch them all the time in Canada. It's pretty neat.

One the coolest things was when I was flying home at night, and the Lights were dancing right beside the plane.
We didn't see much of the lights, just sort of a dancing haze to the north. But the Milky Way - omg. Sheer perfection.
Where abouts are you at? I suspect I wouldn't be able to see them being about parallel with Rochester.

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