Going Out To Eat When The Restaurants Re-Open

Maybe the greasy spoons will stop killing off the antioxidants in veggies when they overcook them. I'm so sick of greasy spoons and would trade them all off for a restaurant that pays attention to getting a more healthful menu that brownish overcooked green beans (eek), powdered potatoes that fall flat on the plate (yuk), yellow lettuce (burp!!!!), pale pink tomatoes (barf), tables "cleaned" with dirty, ripe rags, human hair on food, canned lemon pie (aaak!), burnt beans in the chili, and dirt under the waitresses' nails....
WTF? Where the hell you eat?
A diner. The little diner closed down. If the building houses another reataurant, I may check them out, but only after a few people tell me they changed mgmt. And by the way, yellow lettuce (iceberg lettuce a few days down the line) is something I just don't order any more. If they have a salad bar, it better have what looks and tastes like spinach plus some leafy lettuce that shows it has a little B-12 in it (dark green).
Maybe the greasy spoons will stop killing off the antioxidants in veggies when they overcook them. I'm so sick of greasy spoons and would trade them all off for a restaurant that pays attention to getting a more healthful menu that brownish overcooked green beans (eek), powdered potatoes that fall flat on the plate (yuk), yellow lettuce (burp!!!!), pale pink tomatoes (barf), tables "cleaned" with dirty, ripe rags, human hair on food, canned lemon pie (aaak!), burnt beans in the chili, and dirt under the waitresses' nails....

I guess Waffle House is out of the question to meet for lunch?
Maybe the greasy spoons will stop killing off the antioxidants in veggies when they overcook them. I'm so sick of greasy spoons and would trade them all off for a restaurant that pays attention to getting a more healthful menu that brownish overcooked green beans (eek), powdered potatoes that fall flat on the plate (yuk), yellow lettuce (burp!!!!), pale pink tomatoes (barf), tables "cleaned" with dirty, ripe rags, human hair on food, canned lemon pie (aaak!), burnt beans in the chili, and dirt under the waitresses' nails....

Canned lemon pie? What is that even?

Lemon filling , like cherry, apple, blueberry pie filling.

Be nice to beautress

She could make your ears catch on fire in less than 90 seconds. ;)
Maybe the greasy spoons will stop killing off the antioxidants in veggies when they overcook them. I'm so sick of greasy spoons and would trade them all off for a restaurant that pays attention to getting a more healthful menu that brownish overcooked green beans (eek), powdered potatoes that fall flat on the plate (yuk), yellow lettuce (burp!!!!), pale pink tomatoes (barf), tables "cleaned" with dirty, ripe rags, human hair on food, canned lemon pie (aaak!), burnt beans in the chili, and dirt under the waitresses' nails....

I guess Waffle House is out of the question to meet for lunch?
Well it would help if they used REAL maple syrup. It is getting a lot of credit from nutritionists lately as a preventive antidote to dementia, and Vermont happens to be the state that tends to have longer lifespans with people who magically do not get much dementia as part of the big picture (and the state also produces cranberries that is also an antioxidant repellent of kidney and bladder issues that make so many Americans sick). Us Americans tend to eat a lot of fast food, which is likely the equivalent of the greasy spoon that is closed down right now.

Ya'll have a great day, MeBelle. I gotta go sort out what seeds I'm gonna plant in my flower garden today. Oh, yes, and I first have to wait till seven o'clock to go get more fertilizer. Been working in the garden for the last week or two, and I'm soooooo tired when I wake up after not enough sleep. :huddle:
Maybe the greasy spoons will stop killing off the antioxidants in veggies when they overcook them. I'm so sick of greasy spoons and would trade them all off for a restaurant that pays attention to getting a more healthful menu that brownish overcooked green beans (eek), powdered potatoes that fall flat on the plate (yuk), yellow lettuce (burp!!!!), pale pink tomatoes (barf), tables "cleaned" with dirty, ripe rags, human hair on food, canned lemon pie (aaak!), burnt beans in the chili, and dirt under the waitresses' nails....
WTF? Where the hell you eat?
A diner. The little diner closed down. If the building houses another reataurant, I may check them out, but only after a few people tell me they changed mgmt. And by the way, yellow lettuce (iceberg lettuce a few days down the line) is something I just don't order any more. If they have a salad bar, it better have what looks and tastes like spinach plus some leafy lettuce that shows it has a little B-12 in it (dark green).
Plants don't have B-12.

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