Gold soars past $2,100 to new record — and analysts don't expect it to stop there

I don't think it's there either.

That reminds me, I need to go see if I can sell some.

What's silver at? I think the price of silver is kept artificially low.
Maybe gold was held down for a few decades while the billionaires evolved.
Historically, as the dollar weakens, the price of gold increases.
And when the value of the dollar strengthens, gold prices fall.

You know, the funny thing is that the same morons who whine about fiat money and who think that gold somehow is "real" money are actually the ones who are themselves fiating gold as money in their delusional fantasy worlds. Investing in gold nowadays makes no more sense than investing in rocks. Gold's only real value is ultimately as a commodity.
Small wonder seeing how the dollar has decreased in value by 16% since 2020.....I'm surprised gold languished this long.
It's being kept artificially low in my opinion
It's being kept artificially low in my opinion
Gold (and silver) has been manipulated forever by investment and central banks.....That's why I see precious metals as a sucker's bet.

Spoofing seems to be the vehicle they use, placing and then cancelling orders before they were executed creating artificial demand.

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