Gold Star families force Biden to face his failure in the botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022

Gold Star Moms Slam Joe Biden Over His Response to the Loss of Their Loved Ones in Afghanistan Suicide Bombing (VIDEO)​

What's wrong with Biden? Why won't he console these families? Why won't he say the names of the victims in public?

You should be asking; "What's right with Biden?"
What's wrong with Biden? Why won't he console these families? Why won't he say the names of the victims in public?

Why are they blaming Joe Biden for tRump's fuckup?
Good luck with that.. the Democrat fascist media and big tech moguls are in full news suppression these days .. :omg:
That is why some one needs refresh the memory of these worthless biden idiots what he cost us.
13 young Americans. God only knows the number of Americans left behind along with our allies. Biden loads up a few C-130's with anyone lucky enought to catch one and head to America without any proof of who they were to show a worthless effort to try to save any of Joe's total failyer. A top of the line air base with 100 helicopters and near 100 aircraft. Why would we have over 22,000 hummers, 42,000 pickup trucks, and 8,000 2 1/2 ton trucks anyplace but the U.S? Over 1,000 APC's and mine proof vehicles. When you leave anyplace you don't leave the enemy any thing. You don't leave over 64,000 heavy machine guns, 358 thousand assault rifiles, 126,000 pistols, and 176 artilery pieces. Totally mindless and totally $50 billion of modern military hardware. So modern some was sold to Russia and Joe's allie, China. Also don't forget,162 thousand radios, 16, 000 pair of night vision. Plus new uniforms for all Joe's boys, Yes Mohammad, Mohammad, and Mohammad all thank you. Even a total loser gets one right every Blue Moon, not Joe. Joe, wondering around stageis over due to fall into a band pit's brass section ending up playing Dixie on the horns.
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That is why some one needs refresh the memory of these worthless biden idiots what he cost us.
13 young Americans. God only knows the number of Americans left behind along with our allies. Biden loads up a few C-130's with anyone lucky enought to catch one and head to America without any proof of who they were to show a worthless effort to try to save any of Joe's total failyer. A top of the line air base with 100 helicopters and near 100 aircraft. Why would we have over 22,000 hummers, 42,000 pickup trucks, and 8,000 2 1/2 ton trucks anyplace but the U.S? Over 1,000 APC's and mine proof vehicles. When you leave anyplace you don't leave the enemy any thing. You don't leave over 64,000 heavy machine guns, 358 thousand assault rifiles, 126,000 pistols, and 176 artilery pieces. Totally mindless and totally $50 billion of modern military hardware. So modern some was sold to Russia and Joe's allie, China. Also don't forget,162 thousand radios, 16, 000 pair of night vision. Plus new uniforms for all Joe's boys, Yes Mohammad, Mohammad, and Mohammad all thank you. Even a total loser gets one right every Blue Moon, not Joe. Joe, wondering around stageis over due to fall into a band pit's brass section ending up playing Dixie on the horns.

Time is coming.

What's wrong with Biden? Why won't he console these families? Why won't he say the names of the victims in public?

Imagine if G W Bush were similarly obliged..

You cast 2 votes for that, didn't you....
That is why some one needs refresh the memory of these worthless biden idiots what he cost us.
13 young Americans. God only knows the number of Americans left behind along with our allies. Biden loads up a few C-130's with anyone lucky enought to catch one and head to America without any proof of who they were to show a worthless effort to try to save any of Joe's total failyer. A top of the line air base with 100 helicopters and near 100 aircraft. Why would we have over 22,000 hummers, 42,000 pickup trucks, and 8,000 2 1/2 ton trucks anyplace but the U.S? Over 1,000 APC's and mine proof vehicles. When you leave anyplace you don't leave the enemy any thing. You don't leave over 64,000 heavy machine guns, 358 thousand assault rifiles, 126,000 pistols, and 176 artilery pieces. Totally mindless and totally $50 billion of modern military hardware. So modern some was sold to Russia and Joe's allie, China. Also don't forget,162 thousand radios, 16, 000 pair of night vision. Plus new uniforms for all Joe's boys, Yes Mohammad, Mohammad, and Mohammad all thank you. Even a total loser gets one right every Blue Moon, not Joe. Joe, wondering around stageis over due to fall into a band pit's brass section ending up playing Dixie on the horns.
If only Democrats knew how to read and comprehend.. 🤔
What's wrong with Biden? Why won't he console these families? Why won't he say the names of the victims in public?

Biden has no empathy for anyone.
This happened under Biden's watch, idiot! He's responsible!
It was the Trumpyberra's Accords. The implementation under the Donald was so bad that the only choices the new president had was to either go back to war with the Taliban or remove the bare bones forces that were left in the country, twenty five hundred soldiers. The Don completely ignored the Taliban immediately breaking the Accords while lying to America saying it was a conditional withdrawal. Why did the Benedict Donald withdraw so many or our forces without making the Taliban honor it's commitments? Weren't those forces the leverage we needed to ensure the peace negotiations?

One of the conditions Benedict ignored was that the Taliban was suppose to crack down on ISIS who were operating out of Kabul. Guess which terrorist organization unleased the Suicide Bomber?

Why did he do these things?

Bragging rights!

"Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."

That is why some one needs refresh the memory of these worthless biden idiots what he cost us.
13 young Americans. God only knows the number of Americans left behind along with our allies. Biden loads up a few C-130's with anyone lucky enought to catch one and head to America without any proof of who they were to show a worthless effort to try to save any of Joe's total failyer. A top of the line air base with 100 helicopters and near 100 aircraft. Why would we have over 22,000 hummers, 42,000 pickup trucks, and 8,000 2 1/2 ton trucks anyplace but the U.S? Over 1,000 APC's and mine proof vehicles. When you leave anyplace you don't leave the enemy any thing. You don't leave over 64,000 heavy machine guns, 358 thousand assault rifiles, 126,000 pistols, and 176 artilery pieces. Totally mindless and totally $50 billion of modern military hardware. So modern some was sold to Russia and Joe's allie, China. Also don't forget,162 thousand radios, 16, 000 pair of night vision. Plus new uniforms for all Joe's boys, Yes Mohammad, Mohammad, and Mohammad all thank you. Even a total loser gets one right every Blue Moon, not Joe. Joe, wondering around stageis over due to fall into a band pit's brass section ending up playing Dixie on the horns.
The Neo-GOP lies about the US Military prove they are anti-America.

"..... So, once he made the decision, then of course, from a military perspective, in terms of the retrograde of the people and the equipment, that planning was done by Central Command, and certainly principally, by General Miller. Very detailed planning, and then we came back and briefed the entire interagency on the details of that plan.

Senator Warren: (02:03:03)
Okay. So the military planned the evacuation. Did President Biden follow your advice on executing on the evacuation plan?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:12)
He did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:15)
Did President Biden give you all the resources that you needed?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:21)
From my view, he did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:22)
Did President Biden ignore your advice on the evacuation at he point?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:30)
No Senator, he did not.

Senator Warren: (02:03:32)
Did he refuse any request for anything that you needed or asked for?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:37)

Senator Warren: (02:03:38)
So the President followed the advice of his military advisors in planning and executing this withdrawal. As we’ve already established, the seeds for our, or in Afghanistan were planted many, many years ago. So let me ask you one more question, Secretary Austin, knowing what you know now, if we had stayed in Afghanistan for another year, would it have made a fundamental difference?

Sec. Austin: (02:04:05)
Again, it depends on what size you remain in at, and what your objectives are. There are a range of possibilities, but if you stayed there at a forced posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce yourself.

Senator Warren: (02:04:27)
I appreciate your looking at it as a fighter, but I would also add, one more year of propping up a corrupt government, and an army that wouldn’t fight on its own was not going to give us a different outcome. And anyone who thinks differently is either fooling himself, or trying to fool the rest of us.

Senator Warren: (02:04:45)
I believe President Biden had it exactly right. Withdrawing was long overdue. The withdrawal was conducted in accordance with the advice of his military advisors, who planned and executed every step of this withdrawal. Thank you, Madame Chair.
The Neo-GOP lies about the US Military prove they are anti-America.

"..... So, once he made the decision, then of course, from a military perspective, in terms of the retrograde of the people and the equipment, that planning was done by Central Command, and certainly principally, by General Miller. Very detailed planning, and then we came back and briefed the entire interagency on the details of that plan.

Senator Warren: (02:03:03)
Okay. So the military planned the evacuation. Did President Biden follow your advice on executing on the evacuation plan?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:12)
He did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:15)
Did President Biden give you all the resources that you needed?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:21)
From my view, he did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:22)
Did President Biden ignore your advice on the evacuation at he point?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:30)
No Senator, he did not.

Senator Warren: (02:03:32)
Did he refuse any request for anything that you needed or asked for?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:37)

Senator Warren: (02:03:38)
So the President followed the advice of his military advisors in planning and executing this withdrawal. As we’ve already established, the seeds for our, or in Afghanistan were planted many, many years ago. So let me ask you one more question, Secretary Austin, knowing what you know now, if we had stayed in Afghanistan for another year, would it have made a fundamental difference?

Sec. Austin: (02:04:05)
Again, it depends on what size you remain in at, and what your objectives are. There are a range of possibilities, but if you stayed there at a forced posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce yourself.

Senator Warren: (02:04:27)
I appreciate your looking at it as a fighter, but I would also add, one more year of propping up a corrupt government, and an army that wouldn’t fight on its own was not going to give us a different outcome. And anyone who thinks differently is either fooling himself, or trying to fool the rest of us.

Senator Warren: (02:04:45)
I believe President Biden had it exactly right. Withdrawing was long overdue. The withdrawal was conducted in accordance with the advice of his military advisors, who planned and executed every step of this withdrawal. Thank you, Madame Chair.
The Gold Star grieving families don't buy that.

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