Goldman Sachs. Republiscam Corruption!


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008

All you need to know about the Republiscam Banking business. It is all about GREED!
Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs

An executive resigns from his position over an integrity problem too big to ignore.

I mentioned him in one of my earliest commentaries as an example of corporate greed. Well, he has reformed, somewhat. Now, if he were to take his ill gotten gains and help fund basic health care for the poor, I will take him off of my list as one of the corporate heads who needs to be tried for TREASON against these United States.
is REALLY full of himself for no apparent reason.

Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs

All you need to know about the Republiscam Banking business. It is all about GREED!
Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs

An executive resigns from his position over an integrity problem too big to ignore.

I mentioned him in one of my earliest commentaries as an example of corporate greed. Well, he has reformed, somewhat. Now, if he were to take his ill gotten gains and help fund basic health care for the poor, I will take him off of my list as one of the corporate heads who needs to be tried for TREASON against these United States.

They're taking over the world my friend.

Trump’s latest pick continues that trend, with the president-elect choosing Gary Cohn, the president and chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs,

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