Good Actors

John Travolta

Gwyneth Paltrow

Jeremy Northam

Nicole Kidman

Ewan McGregor

Emma Thompson

Alan Rickman

Juliette Binoche

Drew Barrymore (great in comedies)

Anjelica Huston (Love her as a bad guy)

Gary Oldman

Morgan Freeman

Guy Pearce

Vincent D'Onofrio

Gary Sinise

Richard Dreyfuss

Sean Connery

Jim Caviezel

Rufus Sewell

Colin Firth

Frances O'Connor

Judi Dench

Bring on the arguments!!...

Brad Pitt-not a good actor, gets good roles-not a good actor. Reminds me of Kevin Costner-reads his scripts-no emotion...
Brad Pitt=eye candy
John Tuturro is an awesome actor! Secret Window with Johnny Depp was okay but John T. was great. He can do anything!
I happen to really like Nicolas Cage... John Travolta (especially in Phenomenon). I could go on and on.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind comes close to being his masterpiece.

Actually, I'm gonna throw my two cents in here. I think one of Jim Carrey's all time masterpieces has GOT to be "Man in the Moon". He does such a realistic depiction of Andy Kaufman that you truly forget who you're watching. Excellent, excellent acting in that movie!
Originally posted by Mummig
John Travolta

Gwyneth Paltrow

Drew Barrymore (great in comedies)

I think Travolta is just awful. He did a mediocre job in Pulp Fiction and thankfully that was all that was asked of him. That stupid movie with nuclear bombs and Christian Slater? awful, the L Ron Hubbard movie? awful, Faceoff? awful. Just my opinion.

I'm not saying she's bad, but I can't remember seeing anything out of Gwyneth that really impressed me.

I think Drew stinks, she should have stopped after E.T., though in the Wedding Singer she wasn't that bad.
Ewan McGregor

I do like Ewan, Moulin Rouge, Trainspotting, he even manages to do an adequate job in Star Wars, despite the awful writing.

Emma Thompson

Hermione Granger from Harry Potter? She's alright, but it's a bit early to say she's great

Alan Rickman

"Shoot the glass!", I do like him, though his characters are very similar. We'll see how he does in whatever that movie is called with Mos Def.

Morgan Freeman

Shawshank, what more is there to say? Except maybe Lean on Me

Vincent D'Onofrio

"What is your major malfunction Private Pyle!?!?", he's good in C.S.I., but I might hold off labeling him great just yet

Gary Sinise

Gary did a good job in the Stand, which was awful. Apollo 13. He's not too bad, but not great yet.

Sean Connery

Don't get me wrong, he's James Bond, he's Dr. Jones Sr., but is he great? Yeah, probably. Nevermind.

Jimmy Neutron

Jerry Springer

-Wait, .....these aren't real people.
Originally posted by Zhukov
I think Travolta is just awful. He did a mediocre job in Pulp Fiction and thankfully that was all that was asked of him. That stupid movie with nuclear bombs and Christian Slater? awful, the L Ron Hubbard movie? awful, Faceoff? awful. Just my opinion.

I'm not saying she's bad, but I can't remember seeing anything out of Gwyneth that really impressed me.

I think Drew stinks, she should have stopped after E.T., though in the Wedding Singer she wasn't that bad.

Battlefield Earth comes to mind, lol. What a BAD movie. Travolta is NOT a good actor. He aint bad but definitely not oscar worthy.
I just realized i called this thread 'Good Actors' not 'Great Actors', in spite of my last couple posts.

Oh well, hind-sight, twenty-twenty
Saw this name in the Rundown thread:

Christopher Walken, great, sure he's always a strange guy, and he's (almost?) always himself, but I don't know, he's great.
Christopher Walken, great, sure he's always a strange guy, and he's (almost?) always himself, but I don't know, he's great.

Yeah, I thought about Walken, but in the beginning you specifically noted no people who were basically playing the same character in every movie. Not that there's anything wrong with that, at least in Walken's case.

Actually, I'm gonna throw my two cents in here. I think one of Jim Carrey's all time masterpieces has GOT to be "Man in the Moon". He does such a realistic depiction of Andy Kaufman that you truly forget who you're watching. Excellent, excellent acting in that movie!

I forgot about Man on the Moon, Lil, yes he was excellent in that, too. I was disappointed with the movie itself, so I sort of forgot how good he was in it. Still, I'd say he's better in 'Eternal Sunshine', if only because he had to build that character from scratch, rather than having the Andy Kaufman template to go on.

I'm not saying she's bad, but I can't remember seeing anything out of Gwyneth that really impressed me.

I don't think I've ever seen any of her movies (well, 'Seven', but she was little more than a severed head in that), but she seems so likable, I really support her. Weird, huh?

Brad Pitt-not a good actor, gets good roles-not a good actor. Reminds me of Kevin Costner-reads his scripts-no emotion...

No way! Can you honestly say you watched Kalifornia and the whole time, the only thing you were thinking was "yep,there's brad pitt." He owned that role.
I like Travolta-I agree he is not oscar worthy and Battlefield Earth was horrible-but I liked Face Off and Broken Arrow. But Hey I never said I had good taste in movies:D

Emma Thompson-I didn't know that was Hermione's real name-I mean the one that was married to Kenneth Brannagh-She was in Sense and Sensibility(can't think of the others).

I only like Drew in comedies-everyone liked Wedding Singer!

Vincent D'Onofrio was great in The Cell-I think he is a good up and comer.

I just really like Gary Sinise and love Sean you said you only put good actors, not great


Of course I like the ones that were already named-Pacino, DeNiro, etc....
Okay, I will give Brad Pitt 2 movies, but other than that he is just okay. He was awesome in 12 Monkeys.
Originally posted by Mummig
Brad Pitt-not a good actor, gets good roles-not a good actor. Reminds me of Kevin Costner-reads his scripts-no emotion...
Brad Pitt=eye candy

I disagree.
A River Runs Through It, True Romance, 12 Monkeys, Seven, Sleepers, Fight Club, The Mexican, Snatch... all decent movies where he played his part well.

Maybe I agree with you a little, though...

I can't stand Sigourney Weaver for some reason. She just creeps me out. :D
Originally posted by Dan

No way! Can you honestly say you watched Kalifornia and the whole time, the only thing you were thinking was "yep,there's brad pitt." He owned that role.

He-he. Now that was one strange fucking movie. I forgot how good of a scumbag Brad Pitt was in that.
Maybe that's it-I just don't like him as an actor.

I can see how you think that about S.Weaver...Alien...she's certainly not normal.

But she did look really hot in Galaxy Quest (atleast for her) She actually looked like a woman!
Originally posted by Mummig
Emma Thompson-I didn't know that was Hermione's real name-I mean the one

Bah, Emma Watson Emma Thompson, my bad.
Originally posted by Mummig
Maybe that's it-I just don't like him as an actor.

I can see how you think that about S.Weaver...Alien...she's certainly not normal.

But she did look really hot in Galaxy Quest (atleast for her) She actually looked like a woman!

Yeah, I try and tell myself that she's cute...but she really just doesn't do it for me lol. Why does she come off like a butch lesbian? Heck, I dunno, maybe she is one...
I forgot about Man on the Moon, Lil, yes he was excellent in that, too. I was disappointed with the movie itself, so I sort of forgot how good he was in it.

I actually thought the movie itself was "okay"... but the acting Carrey did showed how well he can morph into pretty much any character. (I havent seen Eternal Sunshine yet).

I did, however, think of another actress who I'm becomming a fan of... Kate Hudson. Her acting in "Almost Famous" should make anyone an instant fan.

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