Good Argument from Republican Business Owner Medicare for All


Gold Member
Feb 12, 2017
Here's a very good article from an ex Republican lawmaker and business owner for Medicare for All and it makes a lot of sense especially for all business owners.

Republican business owner and former state lawmaker: We need Medicare for All. Here's why.

We must fix this market failure, to save lives and create a more robust economy. Medicare for All offers the best solution.

Relieving businesses of the responsibility of employer-sponsored insurance, which is now priced at $19,616 a year for a family plan, will help expand our economy — by creating jobs, raising wages, maintaining our ability to compete internationally, and supporting small and mid-sized businesses like mine that are starting to buckle under the burden. In recent years, my costs have been rising 8% annually, and that’s low compared to some of my peers.

Get practical: Medicare for All is a distant dream. Here's how to start fixing health care right now.

Medicare for All will also encourage entrepreneurship, the bedrock of our economy. Why? Because people can pursue new jobs and careers knowing that they won’t lose access to health care for themselves or their families.

Sen. Sanders and other proponents of Medicare for All are free to frame the policy as a component of democratic socialism. However, when it comes to health care, their democratic socialism and my capitalism are in agreement.

Let’s focus on the policy, not on loaded terminology.
Here's a very good article from an ex Republican lawmaker and business owner for Medicare for All and it makes a lot of sense especially for all business owners.

Republican business owner and former state lawmaker: We need Medicare for All. Here's why.

We must fix this market failure, to save lives and create a more robust economy. Medicare for All offers the best solution.

Relieving businesses of the responsibility of employer-sponsored insurance, which is now priced at $19,616 a year for a family plan, will help expand our economy — by creating jobs, raising wages, maintaining our ability to compete internationally, and supporting small and mid-sized businesses like mine that are starting to buckle under the burden. In recent years, my costs have been rising 8% annually, and that’s low compared to some of my peers.

Get practical: Medicare for All is a distant dream. Here's how to start fixing health care right now.

Medicare for All will also encourage entrepreneurship, the bedrock of our economy. Why? Because people can pursue new jobs and careers knowing that they won’t lose access to health care for themselves or their families.

Sen. Sanders and other proponents of Medicare for All are free to frame the policy as a component of democratic socialism. However, when it comes to health care, their democratic socialism and my capitalism are in agreement.

Let’s focus on the policy, not on loaded terminology.

Outside of ill-considered regulations, employers have no responsibility to provide health care to their employees. So we don't need Welfare for All to relieve them of the burden - all we need is to repeal the regulations and tax incentives pushing them into that role in the first place.

But, I guess any excuse for socialism is a good one, right?
There is no 'Medicare For All' scenario that doesn't end up consuming the majority of all Federal Tax Revenue. American Government and efficiency never go together. With our ridiculous immigration laws that are designed to entice poor ignorant people, the costs would continually rise. At that point most of the tax revenue would be going to pay interest on the debt and to pay for "free" health care.
Here's a very good article from an ex Republican lawmaker and business owner for Medicare for All and it makes a lot of sense especially for all business owners.

Republican business owner and former state lawmaker: We need Medicare for All. Here's why.

We must fix this market failure, to save lives and create a more robust economy. Medicare for All offers the best solution.

Relieving businesses of the responsibility of employer-sponsored insurance, which is now priced at $19,616 a year for a family plan, will help expand our economy — by creating jobs, raising wages, maintaining our ability to compete internationally, and supporting small and mid-sized businesses like mine that are starting to buckle under the burden. In recent years, my costs have been rising 8% annually, and that’s low compared to some of my peers.

Get practical: Medicare for All is a distant dream. Here's how to start fixing health care right now.

Medicare for All will also encourage entrepreneurship, the bedrock of our economy. Why? Because people can pursue new jobs and careers knowing that they won’t lose access to health care for themselves or their families.

Sen. Sanders and other proponents of Medicare for All are free to frame the policy as a component of democratic socialism. However, when it comes to health care, their democratic socialism and my capitalism are in agreement.

Let’s focus on the policy, not on loaded terminology.
Nice try, but the government running this scares me. I like Schultz's plan of incentivizing business to provide a certain level of healthcare for their workers with tax rebates-it makes working worth it for those unwilling to work.
Here's a very good article from an ex Republican lawmaker and business owner for Medicare for All and it makes a lot of sense especially for all business owners.

Republican business owner and former state lawmaker: We need Medicare for All. Here's why.

We must fix this market failure, to save lives and create a more robust economy. Medicare for All offers the best solution.

Relieving businesses of the responsibility of employer-sponsored insurance, which is now priced at $19,616 a year for a family plan, will help expand our economy — by creating jobs, raising wages, maintaining our ability to compete internationally, and supporting small and mid-sized businesses like mine that are starting to buckle under the burden. In recent years, my costs have been rising 8% annually, and that’s low compared to some of my peers.

Get practical: Medicare for All is a distant dream. Here's how to start fixing health care right now.

Medicare for All will also encourage entrepreneurship, the bedrock of our economy. Why? Because people can pursue new jobs and careers knowing that they won’t lose access to health care for themselves or their families.

Sen. Sanders and other proponents of Medicare for All are free to frame the policy as a component of democratic socialism. However, when it comes to health care, their democratic socialism and my capitalism are in agreement.

Let’s focus on the policy, not on loaded terminology.

Outside of ill-considered regulations, employers have no responsibility to provide health care to their employees. So we don't need Welfare for All to relieve them of the burden - all we need is to repeal the regulations and tax incentives pushing them into that role in the first place.

But, I guess any excuse for socialism is a good one, right?

You know you are a good writer but not very smart. True small employer's do not have to provide health insurance to employee's but it is a damn good idea if you want to attract good people or not lose someone to the business across the street that does provide. That article makes a lot of sense.

I have a 25 man group of a highly educated designer's the owner insists on paying 100% of the employee premium's and 50% of their family premium costing her well over a half a million a year in premium's. I have said every renewal that all they have to pay is 50% of the employee and nothing for family. She has explained to me over and over the designers will go elsewhere if she changes her policy. Just this one group and there are many out there could take this money and give raises, put more into her business thus more money into the local economy they are located. Now do tell how is that socialism.

Have you ever owned a small business?
There is no 'Medicare For All' scenario that doesn't end up consuming the majority of all Federal Tax Revenue. American Government and efficiency never go together. With our ridiculous immigration laws that are designed to entice poor ignorant people, the costs would continually rise. At that point most of the tax revenue would be going to pay interest on the debt and to pay for "free" health care.

Oh like the tax revenue now we're saving on the tariff's? Check that one out.
Here's a very good article from an ex Republican lawmaker and business owner for Medicare for All and it makes a lot of sense especially for all business owners.

Republican business owner and former state lawmaker: We need Medicare for All. Here's why.

We must fix this market failure, to save lives and create a more robust economy. Medicare for All offers the best solution.

Relieving businesses of the responsibility of employer-sponsored insurance, which is now priced at $19,616 a year for a family plan, will help expand our economy — by creating jobs, raising wages, maintaining our ability to compete internationally, and supporting small and mid-sized businesses like mine that are starting to buckle under the burden. In recent years, my costs have been rising 8% annually, and that’s low compared to some of my peers.

Get practical: Medicare for All is a distant dream. Here's how to start fixing health care right now.

Medicare for All will also encourage entrepreneurship, the bedrock of our economy. Why? Because people can pursue new jobs and careers knowing that they won’t lose access to health care for themselves or their families.

Sen. Sanders and other proponents of Medicare for All are free to frame the policy as a component of democratic socialism. However, when it comes to health care, their democratic socialism and my capitalism are in agreement.

Let’s focus on the policy, not on loaded terminology.

Outside of ill-considered regulations, employers have no responsibility to provide health care to their employees. So we don't need Welfare for All to relieve them of the burden - all we need is to repeal the regulations and tax incentives pushing them into that role in the first place.

But, I guess any excuse for socialism is a good one, right?

You know you are a good writer but not very smart. True small employer's do not have to provide health insurance to employee's but it is a damn good idea if you want to attract good people or not lose someone to the business across the street that does provide. That article makes a lot of sense.

I have a 25 man group of a highly educated designer's the owner insists on paying 100% of the employee premium's and 50% of their family premium costing her well over a half a million a year in premium's. I have said every renewal that all they have to pay is 50% of the employee and nothing for family. She has explained to me over and over the designers will go elsewhere if she changes her policy. Just this one group and there are many out there could take this money and give raises, put more into her business thus more money into the local economy they are located. Now do tell how is that socialism.

That's not socialism. I was referring to is your leap from the above, to Medicare for All - which is socialism. All we need to do to resolve things is reverse the policies that have created the problem in the first place. It might take a few years, but without the tax incentives and legal requirements, employers can find a balance between what's affordable and what employees really want.
Give all the same healthcare you have but don't fuck with my Medicare that I paid into to people who have not paid into it.
Actually, one reason health care is such a problem is the way insurance is provided through employers. It's my understanding that employers started providing health insurance as a benefit during WWII because employers we limited in how much they could increases wages because of the Stabilization Act. How We Got to Now: A Brief History of Employer-Sponsored Healthcare

I think it would be better if people were responsible for buying health insurance on the free market (which we don't really have now for health insurance) with employers paying higher wages. This will probably never happen because its ingrained in our society that employers provide health insurance. IMHO, there would be better competition if people shopped around for health insurance in much the same way people shop around for auto insurance.
Here's a very good article from an ex Republican lawmaker and business owner for Medicare for All and it makes a lot of sense especially for all business owners.

Republican business owner and former state lawmaker: We need Medicare for All. Here's why.

We must fix this market failure, to save lives and create a more robust economy. Medicare for All offers the best solution.

Relieving businesses of the responsibility of employer-sponsored insurance, which is now priced at $19,616 a year for a family plan, will help expand our economy — by creating jobs, raising wages, maintaining our ability to compete internationally, and supporting small and mid-sized businesses like mine that are starting to buckle under the burden. In recent years, my costs have been rising 8% annually, and that’s low compared to some of my peers.

Get practical: Medicare for All is a distant dream. Here's how to start fixing health care right now.

Medicare for All will also encourage entrepreneurship, the bedrock of our economy. Why? Because people can pursue new jobs and careers knowing that they won’t lose access to health care for themselves or their families.

Sen. Sanders and other proponents of Medicare for All are free to frame the policy as a component of democratic socialism. However, when it comes to health care, their democratic socialism and my capitalism are in agreement.

Let’s focus on the policy, not on loaded terminology.

Cool, now tell me a solution other than "Tax the 1%" that will address how we will continue to advance medicine when companies can no longer afford to do the research
There is no 'Medicare For All' scenario that doesn't end up consuming the majority of all Federal Tax Revenue. American Government and efficiency never go together. With our ridiculous immigration laws that are designed to entice poor ignorant people, the costs would continually rise. At that point most of the tax revenue would be going to pay interest on the debt and to pay for "free" health care.

But there is an alternative: Go back to the old underwriting system before obamacare and if one is declined insurance or have certain exclusion's let the buy in to Medicare and also give 50 year old plus the option to buy in. The extra premium's just might carry Medicare out by a few years. This would also take the responsibility off the small business owner.

I have never advocated for everyone to have Medicare or single payer. I believe a real Medicare for All would just become the elusive death panels down the road.

Here's an example on what's coming down the road if Medicare just stays status quo.

Docs Brace for Medicare 'Appropriate' Imaging Rule
There is no 'Medicare For All' scenario that doesn't end up consuming the majority of all Federal Tax Revenue. American Government and efficiency never go together. With our ridiculous immigration laws that are designed to entice poor ignorant people, the costs would continually rise. At that point most of the tax revenue would be going to pay interest on the debt and to pay for "free" health care.

But there is an alternative: Go back to the old underwriting system before obamacare and if one is declined insurance or have certain exclusion's let the buy in to Medicare and also give 50 year old plus the option to buy in. The extra premium's just might carry Medicare out by a few years. This would also take the responsibility off the small business owner.

I have never advocated for everyone to have Medicare or single payer. I believe a real Medicare for All would just become the elusive death panels down the road.

Here's an example on what's coming down the road if Medicare just stays status quo.

Docs Brace for Medicare 'Appropriate' Imaging Rule
A note about Medicare-the costs are much better but the service... When I had company insurance, my physicals were thorough. Now I get asked a few questions and get a blood draw. When I called for a new doctor, I was asked what insurance I had. When I said Medicare, they said they were not taking new patients-hmmm. Be careful what you wish for.
There is no 'Medicare For All' scenario that doesn't end up consuming the majority of all Federal Tax Revenue. American Government and efficiency never go together. With our ridiculous immigration laws that are designed to entice poor ignorant people, the costs would continually rise. At that point most of the tax revenue would be going to pay interest on the debt and to pay for "free" health care.

But there is an alternative: Go back to the old underwriting system before obamacare and if one is declined insurance or have certain exclusion's let the buy in to Medicare and also give 50 year old plus the option to buy in. The extra premium's just might carry Medicare out by a few years. This would also take the responsibility off the small business owner.

I have never advocated for everyone to have Medicare or single payer. I believe a real Medicare for All would just become the elusive death panels down the road.

Here's an example on what's coming down the road if Medicare just stays status quo.

Docs Brace for Medicare 'Appropriate' Imaging Rule
A note about Medicare-the costs are much better but the service... When I had company insurance, my physicals were thorough. Now I get asked a few questions and get a blood draw. When I called for a new doctor, I was asked what insurance I had. When I said Medicare, they said they were not taking new patients-hmmm. Be careful what you wish for.

71 here and always have had thorough physicals, must be your doctor. Yep, some docs don't accept new Medicare patients and some don't accept under 65 products.
There is no 'Medicare For All' scenario that doesn't end up consuming the majority of all Federal Tax Revenue. American Government and efficiency never go together. With our ridiculous immigration laws that are designed to entice poor ignorant people, the costs would continually rise. At that point most of the tax revenue would be going to pay interest on the debt and to pay for "free" health care.

But there is an alternative: Go back to the old underwriting system before obamacare and if one is declined insurance or have certain exclusion's let the buy in to Medicare and also give 50 year old plus the option to buy in. The extra premium's just might carry Medicare out by a few years. This would also take the responsibility off the small business owner.

I have never advocated for everyone to have Medicare or single payer. I believe a real Medicare for All would just become the elusive death panels down the road.

Here's an example on what's coming down the road if Medicare just stays status quo.

Docs Brace for Medicare 'Appropriate' Imaging Rule
A note about Medicare-the costs are much better but the service... When I had company insurance, my physicals were thorough. Now I get asked a few questions and get a blood draw. When I called for a new doctor, I was asked what insurance I had. When I said Medicare, they said they were not taking new patients-hmmm. Be careful what you wish for.

71 here and always have had thorough physicals, must be your doctor. Yep, some docs don't accept new Medicare patients and some don't accept under 65 products.
Had 2 doctors, none like yours, now I am trying a third
There is no 'Medicare For All' scenario that doesn't end up consuming the majority of all Federal Tax Revenue. American Government and efficiency never go together. With our ridiculous immigration laws that are designed to entice poor ignorant people, the costs would continually rise. At that point most of the tax revenue would be going to pay interest on the debt and to pay for "free" health care.

But there is an alternative: Go back to the old underwriting system before obamacare and if one is declined insurance or have certain exclusion's let the buy in to Medicare and also give 50 year old plus the option to buy in. The extra premium's just might carry Medicare out by a few years. This would also take the responsibility off the small business owner.

I have never advocated for everyone to have Medicare or single payer. I believe a real Medicare for All would just become the elusive death panels down the road.

Here's an example on what's coming down the road if Medicare just stays status quo.

Docs Brace for Medicare 'Appropriate' Imaging Rule
A note about Medicare-the costs are much better but the service... When I had company insurance, my physicals were thorough. Now I get asked a few questions and get a blood draw. When I called for a new doctor, I was asked what insurance I had. When I said Medicare, they said they were not taking new patients-hmmm. Be careful what you wish for.

71 here and always have had thorough physicals, must be your doctor. Yep, some docs don't accept new Medicare patients and some don't accept under 65 products.
Had 2 doctors, none like yours, now I am trying a third

Ask you doctor or next one to go by the annual wellness Medicare checklist, according to my doctor they have to turn that in.
There is no 'Medicare For All' scenario that doesn't end up consuming the majority of all Federal Tax Revenue. American Government and efficiency never go together. With our ridiculous immigration laws that are designed to entice poor ignorant people, the costs would continually rise. At that point most of the tax revenue would be going to pay interest on the debt and to pay for "free" health care.

But there is an alternative: Go back to the old underwriting system before obamacare and if one is declined insurance or have certain exclusion's let the buy in to Medicare and also give 50 year old plus the option to buy in. The extra premium's just might carry Medicare out by a few years. This would also take the responsibility off the small business owner.

I have never advocated for everyone to have Medicare or single payer. I believe a real Medicare for All would just become the elusive death panels down the road.

Here's an example on what's coming down the road if Medicare just stays status quo.

Docs Brace for Medicare 'Appropriate' Imaging Rule
A note about Medicare-the costs are much better but the service... When I had company insurance, my physicals were thorough. Now I get asked a few questions and get a blood draw. When I called for a new doctor, I was asked what insurance I had. When I said Medicare, they said they were not taking new patients-hmmm. Be careful what you wish for.

They will if more people are on Medicare. As far as I'm aware most doctors do assignment with Medicare, you might be thinking about Medicaid.
There is no 'Medicare For All' scenario that doesn't end up consuming the majority of all Federal Tax Revenue. American Government and efficiency never go together. With our ridiculous immigration laws that are designed to entice poor ignorant people, the costs would continually rise. At that point most of the tax revenue would be going to pay interest on the debt and to pay for "free" health care.

But there is an alternative: Go back to the old underwriting system before obamacare and if one is declined insurance or have certain exclusion's let the buy in to Medicare and also give 50 year old plus the option to buy in. The extra premium's just might carry Medicare out by a few years. This would also take the responsibility off the small business owner.

I have never advocated for everyone to have Medicare or single payer. I believe a real Medicare for All would just become the elusive death panels down the road.

Here's an example on what's coming down the road if Medicare just stays status quo.

Docs Brace for Medicare 'Appropriate' Imaging Rule
A note about Medicare-the costs are much better but the service... When I had company insurance, my physicals were thorough. Now I get asked a few questions and get a blood draw. When I called for a new doctor, I was asked what insurance I had. When I said Medicare, they said they were not taking new patients-hmmm. Be careful what you wish for.

They will if more people are on Medicare. As far as I'm aware most doctors do assignment with Medicare, you might be thinking about Medicaid.
No, its medicare-they pay less or slow or not for some things-you would have to ask a doctor

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