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Good Article on Deep State

By now it should be clear that when someone says "deep state" it is a code word for the rule of law. Taking an oath to defend the constitution has put a lot of people at odds with our president. He's not an absolute monarch no matter how much the right wants him to be. People in the government know that following illegal orders puts you in personal legal jeopardy. Saying they were just following orders did not save the Nazis at the war crimes tribunal and it will not save anyone who has broken the law on behalf of the president.
If you think itā€™s illegal you report it and if nothing is done you resign.

Deep State is running a coup attempt against a legally elected President.

The. Congress of the United States is impeaching a criminal and corrupt politician who is abusing the power of his office to corruptly and illegally attack his political opponents, in violation of the Constitution of the United States. As such, this Constitutionally mandated process is hardly comparable to an illegal ā€œcoupā€.

Those attempting to pretend this process is improper or that Congress has no authority to do so, should be sat in a room and forced to read the Constitution and the Federalust papers. None of which were ever read by Trump.
Iā€™ve got a 16 page thread asking for the crime and supporting evidence. 16 pages and nothing.
You say heā€™s a criminal, whatā€™s the crime and supporting evidence?
In private industry you have two options: go with the orders and resign. You can tell your boss you donā€™t like it, but it still gets down to those two options. The word NO is not tolerated and youā€™ll be out the door if you use it.

ā€œThe ā€œdeep stateā€ā€”if we are to use the termā€”is better defined as consisting of career civil servants, who have growing power in the administrative state but work in the shadows. As government grows, so do the challenges of supervising a bureaucracy swelling in both size and power. Emboldened by employment rules that make it all but impossible to fire career employees, this internal civil ā€œresistanceā€ has proved willing to take ever more outrageous actions against the president and his policies, using the tools of both traditional and social media.

Government-employed resisters received a call to action within weeks of the new administration. Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates became acting attorney general on Mr. Trumpā€™s inauguration and Loretta Lynchā€™s resignation. A week later, the president signed an executive order restricting travel from seven Middle Eastern and African countries. Ms. Yates instructed Justice Department lawyers not to defend the order in court on the grounds that she was not convinced it was ā€œconsistentā€ with the departmentā€™s ā€œresponsibilitiesā€ or even ā€œlawful.ā€ She decreed: ā€œFor as long as I am Acting Attorney General, the Department of Justice will not present arguments in defense of the Executive Order.ā€

Mr. Trump fired her that day, but he shouldnā€™t have had to. Her obligation was to defend the executive order, or to resign if she felt she couldnā€™t. Nobody elected Sally Yates.

The Yates memo was the first official act of the internal resistanceā€”not only a precedent but a rallying cry. Subordinates fawningly praised her in emails obtained by Judicial Watch. ā€œYou are my new hero,ā€ wrote one federal prosecutor. Another department colleague emailed: ā€œThank you AG Yates. Iā€™ve been in civil/appellate for 30 years and have never seen an administration with such contempt for democratic values and the rule of law.ā€ Andrew Weissmannā€”a career department lawyer, then head of the Criminal Fraud Division and later on the staff of special counsel Robert Muellerā€”wrote: ā€œI am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much.ā€ Ms. Yates set an example to rebels throughout the government: If she can defy the president, why canā€™t I?

That mentality fed the stream of leaks that has flowed ever since.ā€

Opinion | Whistleblowers and the Real Deep State

The problem with this OpEd is that in a private company is that the rules can change under new leadership, that is not the case with the government for the most part.

Every government employee takes this oath of Office...ā€œI, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.ā€

Notice there is nothing in it about blind obedience to the president, just the Constitution. The actions of the government employees are guided by the rules and regulations put forth by Congress and most do not change with a new president.

They take an oath that they violate on day one. When the CIA embedded a spy in the office of the President to dig dirt on him, that spy knew that he was violating the law, the Constitution, international law, and in fact committing an act of war against the United States. But the desire to overturn the decision of the American People in 2016, to PROVE that the deep state alone runs this country, was more important to this traitor than any oath.

You have a very active imagination
Yeah ... I'm gonna need a new one:


It would do you no good since you were clearly born without a sense of irony.
I take that to mean you don't get the irony in my rubbing your nose in your own meme.

Color me shocked!

Wait ... no I'm not.
"Deep State" is a Conspiracy theory only possible in the Age of "Fake News", "Witch hunt", Trump.
He has labeled all his enemies, (MSM, any contrary politician/govt agency) with garbage like "Deep State."
I first saw the term on Infowars.

The agencies like FBI, CIA, and State dept are full of career professionals, and probably the great majority of the first two (Law enforcement) are Republicans.
(while the smarter liberals work for/choose Tech cos, academia, etc)

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By now it should be clear that when someone says "deep state" it is a code word for the rule of law. Taking an oath to defend the constitution has put a lot of people at odds with our president. He's not an absolute monarch no matter how much the right wants him to be. People in the government know that following illegal orders puts you in personal legal jeopardy. Saying they were just following orders did not save the Nazis at the war crimes tribunal and it will not save anyone who has broken the law on behalf of the president.
If you think itā€™s illegal you report it and if nothing is done you resign.

Deep State is running a coup attempt against a legally elected President.

The. Congress of the United States is impeaching a criminal and corrupt politician who is abusing the power of his office to corruptly and illegally attack his political opponents, in violation of the Constitution of the United States. As such, this Constitutionally mandated process is hardly comparable to an illegal ā€œcoupā€.

Those attempting to pretend this process is improper or that Congress has no authority to do so, should be sat in a room and forced to read the Constitution and the Federalust papers. None of which were ever read by Trump.
Iā€™ve got a 16 page thread asking for the crime and supporting evidence. 16 pages and nothing.
You say heā€™s a criminal, whatā€™s the crime and supporting evidence?
He's a POOPY-HEAD!!!

I'm certain we've covered this.
"Deep State" is a Conspiracy theory only possible in the Age of "Fake News", "Witch hunt", Trump.
He has labeled all his enemies, (MSM, any contrary politician/govt agency) with garbage like "Deep State."

The agencies like FBI, CIA, and State dept are full of career professionals, and probably the great majority of the first two (Law enforcement) are Republicans/.

Yet you Leftards rant about Jews and Big Pharma controlling DC.
"Deep State" is a Conspiracy theory only possible in the Age of "Fake News", "Witch hunt", Trump.
He has labeled all his enemies, (MSM, any contrary politician/govt agency) with garbage like "Deep State."
I first saw the term on Infowars.
The agencies like FBI, CIA, and State dept are full of career professionals, and probably the great majority of the first two (Law enforcement) are Republicans.
(while the smarter liberals work for/choose Tech cos, academia, etc)


Good Gawd, even the New York OnceUponaTimes admits that there is a Deep State but they spin it as a good thing.

Please, go find your Zoloft and stay off you Mom's computer till you become more lucid aggain, or the first time in your life whatever.
By now it should be clear that when someone says "deep state" it is a code word for the rule of law....
It's a code-word for sedition.

A stunning confession from a Deep State member subverting the constitutional republic.

A confession from a man who formerly ran the CIA. Former CIA Acting Director John McLaughlin was among friends who share the same seditious outlook, speaking on a panel discussion, with CIA Director John Brennan, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell. With everyone sharing the same assumptions, McLaughlin let down his guard and committed a ā€œKinsley gaffeā€ ā€“ accidentally telling the incriminating truth.

ā€œThere is something unique you have to agree that now the impeachment inquiry is underway, sparked by a complaint from someone within the intelligence community, it feeds the presidentā€™s concern, an often used term about a ā€˜deep stateā€™ being there to take him out,ā€ Margaret Brennan, the moderator for the event, asked McLaughlin.​

ā€œThank God for the ā€˜deep state,'ā€ replied the former spook, who served as acting director at the CIA in 2004.​

Laughter and applause greeted this endorsement of ā€œtaking outā€ an elected president."

What he terms ā€œhigher call:ā€
Rather than obey the Constitutionā€™s grant of power over the executive branch to the president, a subordinate official claims the right to subvert lawfully ordered policies because he disagrees with them, and to conspire to engineer his ouster from office. He is claiming that his former agency, the CIA, has the right to make and carry out policy regardless of what the elected officials chosen by voters want. This is not the constitutional republic, but rather a dictatorship of unaccountable bureaucrats.

This is precisely the attitude taken by McLaughlinā€™s counterparts in the FBI, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok among others. It is sedition.

McLaughlin puts the lie to the claims of many progressive politicians and journalists that the notion of a deep state is a ā€œnutty conspiracy theory.ā€

Our continued Republic requires that these deep state conspirators are prosecuted for their crimes.
In private industry you have two options: go with the orders and resign. You can tell your boss you donā€™t like it, but it still gets down to those two options. The word NO is not tolerated and youā€™ll be out the door if you use it.

ā€œThe ā€œdeep stateā€ā€”if we are to use the termā€”is better defined as consisting of career civil servants, who have growing power in the administrative state but work in the shadows. As government grows, so do the challenges of supervising a bureaucracy swelling in both size and power. Emboldened by employment rules that make it all but impossible to fire career employees, this internal civil ā€œresistanceā€ has proved willing to take ever more outrageous actions against the president and his policies, using the tools of both traditional and social media.

Government-employed resisters received a call to action within weeks of the new administration. Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates became acting attorney general on Mr. Trumpā€™s inauguration and Loretta Lynchā€™s resignation. A week later, the president signed an executive order restricting travel from seven Middle Eastern and African countries. Ms. Yates instructed Justice Department lawyers not to defend the order in court on the grounds that she was not convinced it was ā€œconsistentā€ with the departmentā€™s ā€œresponsibilitiesā€ or even ā€œlawful.ā€ She decreed: ā€œFor as long as I am Acting Attorney General, the Department of Justice will not present arguments in defense of the Executive Order.ā€

Mr. Trump fired her that day, but he shouldnā€™t have had to. Her obligation was to defend the executive order, or to resign if she felt she couldnā€™t. Nobody elected Sally Yates.

The Yates memo was the first official act of the internal resistanceā€”not only a precedent but a rallying cry. Subordinates fawningly praised her in emails obtained by Judicial Watch. ā€œYou are my new hero,ā€ wrote one federal prosecutor. Another department colleague emailed: ā€œThank you AG Yates. Iā€™ve been in civil/appellate for 30 years and have never seen an administration with such contempt for democratic values and the rule of law.ā€ Andrew Weissmannā€”a career department lawyer, then head of the Criminal Fraud Division and later on the staff of special counsel Robert Muellerā€”wrote: ā€œI am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much.ā€ Ms. Yates set an example to rebels throughout the government: If she can defy the president, why canā€™t I?

That mentality fed the stream of leaks that has flowed ever since.ā€

Opinion | Whistleblowers and the Real Deep State
They think that Trump answers to them, when it's the other way around.

THE DEEP STATE IS REAL: CIA Officers Urge Director Haspel to Protect Anti-Trump Democrat ā€œWhistleblowerā€ Eric Ciaramella Who Was Spying on President

The CIAā€™s primary mission is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security.

Nowhere in its mission statement does it mention spying on the US President in the White House and plotting with far left Democrats to overthrow the duly elected president.

According to far left NBC News Intelligence officers are urging her to protect the anti-Trump CIA ā€œwhistleblowerā€ who was spying on the Trump administration from inside the White House.
In private industry you have two options: go with the orders and resign. You can tell your boss you donā€™t like it, but it still gets down to those two options. The word NO is not tolerated and youā€™ll be out the door if you use it.

ā€œThe ā€œdeep stateā€ā€”if we are to use the termā€”is better defined as consisting of career civil servants, who have growing power in the administrative state but work in the shadows. As government grows, so do the challenges of supervising a bureaucracy swelling in both size and power. Emboldened by employment rules that make it all but impossible to fire career employees, this internal civil ā€œresistanceā€ has proved willing to take ever more outrageous actions against the president and his policies, using the tools of both traditional and social media.

Government-employed resisters received a call to action within weeks of the new administration. Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates became acting attorney general on Mr. Trumpā€™s inauguration and Loretta Lynchā€™s resignation. A week later, the president signed an executive order restricting travel from seven Middle Eastern and African countries. Ms. Yates instructed Justice Department lawyers not to defend the order in court on the grounds that she was not convinced it was ā€œconsistentā€ with the departmentā€™s ā€œresponsibilitiesā€ or even ā€œlawful.ā€ She decreed: ā€œFor as long as I am Acting Attorney General, the Department of Justice will not present arguments in defense of the Executive Order.ā€

Mr. Trump fired her that day, but he shouldnā€™t have had to. Her obligation was to defend the executive order, or to resign if she felt she couldnā€™t. Nobody elected Sally Yates.

The Yates memo was the first official act of the internal resistanceā€”not only a precedent but a rallying cry. Subordinates fawningly praised her in emails obtained by Judicial Watch. ā€œYou are my new hero,ā€ wrote one federal prosecutor. Another department colleague emailed: ā€œThank you AG Yates. Iā€™ve been in civil/appellate for 30 years and have never seen an administration with such contempt for democratic values and the rule of law.ā€ Andrew Weissmannā€”a career department lawyer, then head of the Criminal Fraud Division and later on the staff of special counsel Robert Muellerā€”wrote: ā€œI am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much.ā€ Ms. Yates set an example to rebels throughout the government: If she can defy the president, why canā€™t I?

That mentality fed the stream of leaks that has flowed ever since.ā€

Opinion | Whistleblowers and the Real Deep State
In private industry you have two options: go with the orders and resign. You can tell your boss you donā€™t like it, but it still gets down to those two options. The word NO is not tolerated and youā€™ll be out the door if you use it.

ā€œThe ā€œdeep stateā€ā€”if we are to use the termā€”is better defined as consisting of career civil servants, who have growing power in the administrative state but work in the shadows. As government grows, so do the challenges of supervising a bureaucracy swelling in both size and power. Emboldened by employment rules that make it all but impossible to fire career employees, this internal civil ā€œresistanceā€ has proved willing to take ever more outrageous actions against the president and his policies, using the tools of both traditional and social media.

Government-employed resisters received a call to action within weeks of the new administration. Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates became acting attorney general on Mr. Trumpā€™s inauguration and Loretta Lynchā€™s resignation. A week later, the president signed an executive order restricting travel from seven Middle Eastern and African countries. Ms. Yates instructed Justice Department lawyers not to defend the order in court on the grounds that she was not convinced it was ā€œconsistentā€ with the departmentā€™s ā€œresponsibilitiesā€ or even ā€œlawful.ā€ She decreed: ā€œFor as long as I am Acting Attorney General, the Department of Justice will not present arguments in defense of the Executive Order.ā€

Mr. Trump fired her that day, but he shouldnā€™t have had to. Her obligation was to defend the executive order, or to resign if she felt she couldnā€™t. Nobody elected Sally Yates.

The Yates memo was the first official act of the internal resistanceā€”not only a precedent but a rallying cry. Subordinates fawningly praised her in emails obtained by Judicial Watch. ā€œYou are my new hero,ā€ wrote one federal prosecutor. Another department colleague emailed: ā€œThank you AG Yates. Iā€™ve been in civil/appellate for 30 years and have never seen an administration with such contempt for democratic values and the rule of law.ā€ Andrew Weissmannā€”a career department lawyer, then head of the Criminal Fraud Division and later on the staff of special counsel Robert Muellerā€”wrote: ā€œI am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much.ā€ Ms. Yates set an example to rebels throughout the government: If she can defy the president, why canā€™t I?

That mentality fed the stream of leaks that has flowed ever since.ā€

Opinion | Whistleblowers and the Real Deep State
Yup They think THEY not the Electorate should say who occupies the office of The President of The United States.

Deep State launches Witch Hunt 2.0 - Ukraine.

With the failure of Witch Hunt 1.0 - Russian Collusion, we now have the sequel

Trump's "crime"? Besides winning the election, it's making sure his ambassadors do what he wants, a crime these self-indulgent pajama boys think is an "impeachable offense."

Sara Carter Slams the Deep State for Targeting Trump: ā€˜This Is Witch Hunt 2.0.ā€™

The Ukraine whistleblower's lawyer tweeted several years ago that he and his fellow lawyers were setting up a case to impeach the president in what he called a "coup." The entire Ukraine saga is nothing more or less than yet another chapter in Democrats' attempt to bring down a democratically elected president just because they disagree with his politics. This is just their latest pretext to overturn the 2016 election.

Mark Zaid didn't just appear out of thin air. Mark Zaid has been around for a long time. He has been closely connected to the U.S. intelligence community, he has represented other CIA officers as an attorney for them, he very much knows what's going on in Washington, and he's very much against Trump.

This isn't about whistleblowers just coming from anywhere, this was specifically targeting whistleblowers that wanted to go after President Trump from the the deep state, the bureaucracy. He made it perfectly clear in 2017 that a coup was coming and that it would be led by attorneys and CNN.

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