'Good day, Mr. President': Iran's Rouhani and Obama speak

a conversation that just leads no where and exactly nothing, was settled or has changed, not a wit.

Rouhani is not a moderate, and even if he were he doesn't rule, hes a semi figurehead. Iran is smart, they took out the fire Ahmadinejad, he served his purpose, now its time to enter sandman, speak of moderation and and iffy platitudes, while they make their final push. And as usual, the usual suspects hang some kind of substantive patina over it, its bunk.
By phone because Rouhani already refused to meet with him personally, even if that meeting was passong one another in the hallway.

obama went through his little groveling routine and Rouhani picked his teeth.
"please PLEASE, Mr. Muslim Strongman, just say hello. Please, just say I exist."

How disgusting.
a conversation that just leads no where and exactly nothing, was settled or has changed, not a wit.

Rouhani is not a moderate, and even if he were he doesn't rule, hes a semi figurehead. Iran is smart, they took out the fire Ahmadinejad, he served his purpose, now its time to enter sandman, speak of moderation and and iffy platitudes, while they make their final push. And as usual, the usual suspects hang some kind of substantive patina over it, its bunk.

Absolutely correct analysis, Trajan. And Rouhani doesn't want the embarrassment of being filmed with the boy, Obama. A real life visit wouldn't be worth Rouhani's time. He knows he is playing soft ball.
a conversation that just leads no where and exactly nothing, was settled or has changed, not a wit.

Rouhani is not a moderate, and even if he were he doesn't rule, hes a semi figurehead. Iran is smart, they took out the fire Ahmadinejad, he served his purpose, now its time to enter sandman, speak of moderation and and iffy platitudes, while they make their final push. And as usual, the usual suspects hang some kind of substantive patina over it, its bunk.

Their historic first conversation is real and genuine while your assessment is nothing but conjecture. Iran and America flirting must be killing you wing-nuts... :lol:
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Rouhani doesn't have time for Obama.... but he has lots of time for Farrahkan, he even invited him for a VIP dinner a couple of nights ago.

What a pathetic eight ring circus and a waste of time this all is!
By phone because Rouhani already refused to meet with him personally, even if that meeting was passong one another in the hallway.

obama went through his little groveling routine and Rouhani picked his teeth.
"please PLEASE, Mr. Muslim Strongman, just say hello. Please, just say I exist."

How disgusting.

He was invited to a luncheon to meet Obama and declined because alcohol was being served. Seems like the State Dept. might have done their homework.
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By phone because Rouhani already refused to meet with him personally, even if that meeting was passong one another in the hallway.

obama went through his little groveling routine and Rouhani picked his teeth.
"please PLEASE, Mr. Muslim Strongman, just say hello. Please, just say I exist."

How disgusting.

"Have a good day Mr President" Gotta love those words!
It is pleasing to have a President who doesn't see himself as a Cowboy. This was historic and will be go down in history as a moment of courage for both countries.
It is pleasing to have a President who doesn't see himself as a Cowboy. This was historic and will be go down in history as a moment of courage for both countries.
Indeed sir...indeed. :clap2:
It is pleasing to have a President who doesn't see himself as a Cowboy. This was historic and will be go down in history as a moment of courage for both countries.

So, this rodeo clown wants to parade and pretend to be a new "Nixon in China".

Well, I knew Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon was my friend. Mr. President, you are not Richard Nixon. That is not to say that you are any less accomplished a liar and brigand as Nixon ever was.

Even if you come to terms with some arrangement with the biggest supplier of terrorists in the world, you would still be of lesser stature than Jimmy Carter in the eyes of Iranians.
a conversation that just leads no where and exactly nothing, was settled or has changed, not a wit.

Rouhani is not a moderate, and even if he were he doesn't rule, hes a semi figurehead. Iran is smart, they took out the fire Ahmadinejad, he served his purpose, now its time to enter sandman, speak of moderation and and iffy platitudes, while they make their final push. And as usual, the usual suspects hang some kind of substantive patina over it, its bunk.

Their historic first conversation is real and genuine while your assessment is nothing but conjecture. Iran and America flirting must be killing you wing-nuts... :lol:

flirting with what exactly? whats the desire that obama has and whats Rouhani want? one is going to get what he wants and to an extent already has, another gets exactly nothing....so who's who?
It is pleasing to have a President who doesn't see himself as a Cowboy. This was historic and will be go down in history as a moment of courage for both countries.

its a moment of desperation for one, and a win for the other. one gets the stature of a countries leader making a big deal over a phone call from him, and convincing the dolt on the other end of the phone hes going to change, the other gets to pretend he didn't make an ass out of himself and his country and got handed his as at the 'dysfunctional UN'....and I really bet you don't know the difference....*shrugs* sycophants will be sycophants.
If this turns out with an agreement on Iran's nuclear ambitions and perhaps rekindle a relationship between the US and Iran, it will eclipse the fall of the Berlin wall. Such a relationship could reduce Islamic radicalism, bring an end to the war in Syria, and open US markets to a once impenetrable part of the world.

Iran holds the keys to to the ambitions of many of our enemies and nemesis. Without their support and funding, the world will be safer. It will take a long time and we must be very careful, knowing full well that the Iranian leadership could revert to its old ways at any time, but it is a start.
a conversation that just leads no where and exactly nothing, was settled or has changed, not a wit.

Rouhani is not a moderate, and even if he were he doesn't rule, hes a semi figurehead. Iran is smart, they took out the fire Ahmadinejad, he served his purpose, now its time to enter sandman, speak of moderation and and iffy platitudes, while they make their final push. And as usual, the usual suspects hang some kind of substantive patina over it, its bunk.

It's a symbolic conversation. Not the sort of conversation that anything gets done during, but it's important to still recognize it's importance.

Rouhani is a moderate by Iranian standards. He's a semi-figurehead, that's true - but he's been working with the Supreme Council for decades now, and seems to be on the same page as Khamenei in terms of warming relations with the west.

What do you think Iran's "final push" is going to be? In your opinion, what's Iran's endgame look like?

As far as I can see, Iran is as interested in maintaining the status quo as everyone else.

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