Good for China

Dow tumbles 600 points after China devalues its currency - CNN

In addition to the currency devaluation, China will also stop importing American farm goods.

This is a win for China and a smack down to the bully Trump. Good for China. Trump is intent on tanking the American economy as he pushes to satisfy Putin by keeping Russia as the number one country in the world.

Trump continually shows his lack of smarts and education in imposing tariffs. His actions hurt the American consumers and farmers, not China. It's obvious Trump never had Econ 101 in college, or if he did, he flunked bigly. I applaud China for standing up to Trump and his efforts to take down America.
You’re an idiot!
You take your freedom for granted. You’re a spoiled moron who needs to do a tour of China and Iran. Problem is, you can’t make it to both countries.

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