Good Gawd....GOP Washington Establishment Follows Example Set By....Nancy Pelosi

The GOP in congress is still controlled by gutless RINO's who LIE. They have said one thing and done another for the past 8 years. They promise voters they will get rid of Obamacare then repeatedly broke that promise. I for one am not surprised they are now trying to fashion Obamacare light and shove it down our throats.
Remember how Nancy Pelosi declared Americans had no right to know what was in the ACA before it had been rammed into law? Yeah, well...the GOP isn't far off from ineptly arguing the same thing.

GOP Rep. Chris Collins: Once we pass the bill, we’ll have a chance to really explain it - Hot Air

"You didn’t think this fiasco would end without a Republican version of Pelosi’s “pass the bill to find out what’s in it” remark, did you?

“In my district right now there’s a lot of misunderstanding about what it is we’re doing,” says Rep. Chris Collins below in defense of the bill. Okay, but there’s also a lot of misunderstanding among Republicans about what they’re doing. Your must-read of the day is this wonky but important blog post by Nicholas Bagley on unintended consequences from the new amendment to the GOP health-care bill. One of the Freedom Caucus’s latest demands, remember, was adding something to the bill that repeals the ObamaCare regulations requiring insurers to provide certain “essential health benefits” in all plans. Get rid of those federal rules governing EHBs, conservatives say, and let the states define them for themselves. Then insurers will be able to offer cheaper, more tailored insurance. “Fine, whatever,” said the White House. “Write it up.” So someone wrote it up quickly, hoping that this would finally be the concession that gets the bill through.

Problem is, when you care less about what’s in the bill than about simply getting something passed, key details tend to slip through the cracks."

The bills' a mess.
The GOP has failed miserably, after having 8 years to have something professional and polished ready.
This thing needs to die and the whole thing started over instead of pushing this 'rush job'.

Amazing isn't it?

With the infamous words of Nancy Pelosi still bouncing around the internet years after she uttered them, you'd think the last thing any Republican would say, is ANYTHING even remotely similar, and give the MSNBC types something to gang their hats on for years to come.

What a stupid fucking idiot!!!!

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