Good Morning

Mar 2, 2012
Good Morning,

I chose the name MiddleGroundTim to express the fact that I find myself being really dissappointed with all sides of the political spectrum today. Born and raised on the South Side of Chicago I grew up a Democrat from a very large working class family full of firemen, policeman and the trades. Since college, nearly 40 years ago, I have lived in every region of the country, but have kept strong roots to the "old neighborhood" and my working class values and disciplines.

Although I am deeply dissappointed in the POTUS I still think he is a big step in a positive direction than his predecessor. Who will win in November? Please not Mitt! Rush...should be fired. Sherriff Joe in Arizona should be in jail. Clinton was a pig, but a damn good President. Why do I think we would have been better off if we elected Hillary?

There is a start. Does anyone agree with me on anything? I hope so and I hope I can stimulate some interesting discussion. "Democracy must be loud!" So said B. Franklin. We may not be right but the arguments are not bad.:clap2:
Good Morning,

I chose the name MiddleGroundTim to express the fact that I find myself being really dissappointed with all sides of the political spectrum today. Born and raised on the South Side of Chicago I grew up a Democrat from a very large working class family full of firemen, policeman and the trades. Since college, nearly 40 years ago, I have lived in every region of the country, but have kept strong roots to the "old neighborhood" and my working class values and disciplines.

Although I am deeply dissappointed in the POTUS I still think he is a big step in a positive direction than his predecessor. Who will win in November? Please not Mitt! Rush...should be fired. Sherriff Joe in Arizona should be in jail. Clinton was a pig, but a damn good President. Why do I think we would have been better off if we elected Hillary?

There is a start. Does anyone agree with me on anything? I hope so and I hope I can stimulate some interesting discussion. "Democracy must be loud!" So said B. Franklin. We may not be right but the arguments are not bad.:clap2:

I disagree with you on everything but BF and the fact that Clinton was a pig. They both are actually, However, to each his own and welcome to the board. Hope you enjoy it.
Good Morning,

I chose the name MiddleGroundTim to express the fact that I find myself being really dissappointed with all sides of the political spectrum today. Born and raised on the South Side of Chicago I grew up a Democrat from a very large working class family full of firemen, policeman and the trades. Since college, nearly 40 years ago, I have lived in every region of the country, but have kept strong roots to the "old neighborhood" and my working class values and disciplines.

Although I am deeply dissappointed in the POTUS I still think he is a big step in a positive direction than his predecessor. Who will win in November? Please not Mitt! Rush...should be fired. Sherriff Joe in Arizona should be in jail. Clinton was a pig, but a damn good President. Why do I think we would have been better off if we elected Hillary?

There is a start. Does anyone agree with me on anything? I hope so and I hope I can stimulate some interesting discussion. "Democracy must be loud!" So said B. Franklin. We may not be right but the arguments are not bad.:clap2:

Oh I suspect there's a whole lotta people on this board with your basic POV about the Duelopoly.

We're squeezed between the partisans of both camps, here, but we're fairly vocal in our basic disgust with both parties.

I like to think of myself as being a member of Americans RADICAL CENTER.

To some tools that makes me fascisticm to other tools that makes me a commie.

Who cares what ignorant people think?

If these fools can't see how they're being played by the MASTERS, there's damned little you or I can do except point out the flaws either in their data or the conclusions they draw from that data they have that is right.

My advise is ignore the obvious trolls and stick to discussing issues with people who stick to discussing the ISSUE.
Thanks. I do get a kick out of how I am attacked when my middle of the road views are percieved as either being right or left wing. I look forward to good, mind engaging discussions especially with people who don't always agree. Cheers!
Hello0o00o0o and job here is done!
For the OP, I strongly differ with all your points. Primary would be that we are a nation fading quickly in stage 3 of all great cultures' demise in that we are looking down the barrel of $15,355,430,000,000 in debt, a number unprecendented in history. It also equals the entire debt of a good portion of the Earth's nation states.

We need to return to a Constitutional Federal Republic, for which we were framed.


Instead of an (R) or (D) next to a politicians name they should really start being honest and put ($) cause that's what it's really about or we wouldn't all these problems.
Welcome to USMB, MiddleGroundTim. I don't think you're quite as middle ground as you think, if you would like Hillary Clinton for President, considering her propensity to "forget" things around a Grand Jury.

Hope you enjoy the boards. *clink*

Oops. That was just one of those pesky icicles. :D
Good Morning,

I chose the name MiddleGroundTim to express the fact that I find myself being really dissappointed with all sides of the political spectrum today. Born and raised on the South Side of Chicago I grew up a Democrat from a very large working class family full of firemen, policeman and the trades. Since college, nearly 40 years ago, I have lived in every region of the country, but have kept strong roots to the "old neighborhood" and my working class values and disciplines.

Although I am deeply dissappointed in the POTUS I still think he is a big step in a positive direction than his predecessor. Who will win in November? Please not Mitt! Rush...should be fired. Sherriff Joe in Arizona should be in jail. Clinton was a pig, but a damn good President. Why do I think we would have been better off if we elected Hillary?

There is a start. Does anyone agree with me on anything? I hope so and I hope I can stimulate some interesting discussion. "Democracy must be loud!" So said B. Franklin. We may not be right but the arguments are not bad.:clap2:

"Why do I think we would have been better off if we elected Hillary?"

Maybe it was because in 1969 Hillary Rodham wrote a 92- page senior thesis for Wellesley College titled "THERE IS ONLY the FIGHT" : An analysis of the Alinsky Model. The subject was famed radical community organizer, Saul Alinsky.

Ben Franklin also said:

Outside Independence Hall when
the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended,

Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin,
"Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"
With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded,
"A republic, if you can keep it."

And I say, we can only keep it if we go back to the principles of the Constitution, and we can do that, with a conservative president.

And I say to you, MiddleGroundTim:

Athena, first off I want to know who did your boobs. They are spectacular!! If they are home-growns kudo's to your genetic heritage. Otherwise you plastic surgeon is a damned genius! Not gay, just want the Dr's name!:lol:

Oh, and welcome Middle Ground. I totally get you!
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