Good Morning

Phel... I too stand with America, it is my home and i love her dearly !!But I and many, many other Americans also love and stand with Iseal too. For over 3000 years the nations of the world have tried to destroy her. Not satisfied with driving her out of her land they have persececuted her and chased her from country to country taking her knowledge and wealth but never giving her a moments peace or a thank you for all she has contributed(i know spell ck still works) to the well being of our world!
Through all she has gone through for over 3000 yrs she still has never lost her idenity or the love and longing she has had to return to her (yes i said HER homeland) ! She is now home and with God's and the free worlds help, there she will stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I too,Phel, am a proud American and i am proud that America stands with Israel !!!
If you loved America you would stand for her interests first and not those of a foreign power, its wee 1945...Read the Walt/Mearsheimer essays...

America supports Israel because of her connection to AIPAC's political contributions to American Politicians that exceed the NRA...Americans are suffering economically and yet bleed her children fighting for Israel in the ME wars because of AIPAC's moneyed friends in the Economy and mass media.

Someday they will wake up from this deceit and stupor.
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" Hear nothing,See nothing,Say nothing " That is the fate of my gender in the muslim world !
And that, Roudy, is what my pic represents !
Oh I see. I did look like women wearing veils. "Women's rights" is an oxymoron in the Muslim world and especially in Gaza, yet we never hear a peep from liberals or hypocritical feminists in the US. I guess it's more important to have the govt pay for a woman's birth control pill rather than women getting acid thrown in her face because she isn't dressed according to Islamic Shariah law.
Funny you should mention Women's rights...How about the gender segregation at the Wailing Wall and Orthodox Synagogues? Don't the male Orthodox prayers begin by thanking the Almighty for not making them a woman?

Middle East roots and religious segregation of men and women are so similar.

And we say "Blessed be HaShem for making us according to his will".

Each and his own role in life.

Jewish women are perfectly happy and proud to belong to our society.
Oh I see. I did look like women wearing veils. "Women's rights" is an oxymoron in the Muslim world and especially in Gaza, yet we never hear a peep from liberals or hypocritical feminists in the US. I guess it's more important to have the govt pay for a woman's birth control pill rather than women getting acid thrown in her face because she isn't dressed according to Islamic Shariah law.
Funny you should mention Women's rights...How about the gender segregation at the Wailing Wall and Orthodox Synagogues? Don't the male Orthodox prayers begin by thanking the Almighty for not making them a woman?

Middle East roots and religious segregation of men and women are so similar.

And we say "Blessed be HaShem for making us according to his will".

Each and his own role in life.

Jewish women are perfectly happy and proud to belong to our society.
La muchacha es loca.
Well i guess you put me in place didnt you Phel... anyway if you are a "true-real" American you should know we all are entitled to our opinions and i feel that we, as a nation, are right to stand by Israel for what ever reason our government uses.
As far as the media goes surely you dont mean papers like the Washington Post, New York Times, etc. do you? The mainstream media harps on Israel 24/7.
Anyway you and i disagree on this and will probably do so on other subjects brought up so i'll just say.. see ya around.
Oh, and thank you for changing my screen name, funny how you know i am a "wee" one... i really am a wee 5 ft grandma and have loved Israel for 68 yrs
Well i guess you put me in place didnt you Phel... anyway if you are a "true-real" American you should know we all are entitled to our opinions and i feel that we, as a nation, are right to stand by Israel for what ever reason our government uses.
As far as the media goes surely you dont mean papers like the Washington Post, New York Times, etc. do you? The mainstream media harps on Israel 24/7.
Anyway you and i disagree on this and will probably do so on other subjects brought up so i'll just say.. see ya around.
Oh, and thank you for changing my screen name, funny how you know i am a "wee" one... i really am a wee 5 ft grandma and have loved Israel for 68 yrs
Qui qui wee! But Israel has only been around for 65 years, Qui?
" Hear nothing,See nothing,Say nothing " That is the fate of my gender in the muslim world !
And that, Roudy, is what my pic represents !
Oh I see. I did look like women wearing veils. "Women's rights" is an oxymoron in the Muslim world and especially in Gaza, yet we never hear a peep from liberals or hypocritical feminists in the US. I guess it's more important to have the govt pay for a woman's birth control pill rather than women getting acid thrown in her face because she isn't dressed according to Islamic Shariah law.
Funny you should mention Women's rights...How about the gender segregation at the Wailing Wall and Orthodox Synagogues? Don't the male Orthodox prayers begin by thanking the Almighty for not making them a woman?

Middle East roots and religious segregation of men and women are so similar.
Idiot, are you comparing gender segregation among a small group of fanatical Jews to the institutionalized persecution, chauvinism, and barbarism in the Muslim world? Ha ha ha. You Jew haters make me laugh with the asinine things you post.
Phel... I too stand with America, it is my home and i love her dearly !!But I and many, many other Americans also love and stand with Iseal too. For over 3000 years the nations of the world have tried to destroy her. Not satisfied with driving her out of her land they have persececuted her and chased her from country to country taking her knowledge and wealth but never giving her a moments peace or a thank you for all she has contributed(i know spell ck still works) to the well being of our world!
Through all she has gone through for over 3000 yrs she still has never lost her idenity or the love and longing she has had to return to her (yes i said HER homeland) ! She is now home and with God's and the free worlds help, there she will stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I too,Phel, am a proud American and i am proud that America stands with Israel !!!
If you loved America you would stand for her interests first and not those of a foreign power, its wee 1945...Read the Walt/Mearsheimer essays...

America supports Israel because of her connection to AIPAC's political contributions to American Politicians that exceed the NRA...Americans are suffering economically and yet bleed her children fighting for Israel in the ME wars because of AIPAC's moneyed friends in the Economy and mass media.

Someday they will wake up from this deceit and stupor.
Nah, America supports Israel because Muslims first sided with the Nazis and then became client states of communist Russia (some like Iran and Syria still are), and of course Americans realize that Islamic ideology cannot be compatible with American values and democracy. Making Israel and USA perfect allies. bad.. it has been around for 3000 yr and going strong!!!!
[ame=]Indestructible Jews: Max I. Dimont: 9780451075949: Books[/ame]

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.
Oh I see. I did look like women wearing veils. "Women's rights" is an oxymoron in the Muslim world and especially in Gaza, yet we never hear a peep from liberals or hypocritical feminists in the US. I guess it's more important to have the govt pay for a woman's birth control pill rather than women getting acid thrown in her face because she isn't dressed according to Islamic Shariah law.
Funny you should mention Women's rights...How about the gender segregation at the Wailing Wall and Orthodox Synagogues? Don't the male Orthodox prayers begin by thanking the Almighty for not making them a woman?

Middle East roots and religious segregation of men and women are so similar.
Idiot, are you comparing gender segregation among a small group of fanatical Jews to the institutionalized persecution, chauvinism, and barbarism in the Muslim world? Ha ha ha. You Jew haters make me laugh with the asinine things you post.
Judaism 101: Movements of Judaism National Jewish Population Survey (NJPS) performed by the Council of Jewish Federations found that 10% of American Jews identify themselves as Orthodox, including 21% of those who belong to a synagogue.
Funny you should mention Women's rights...How about the gender segregation at the Wailing Wall and Orthodox Synagogues? Don't the male Orthodox prayers begin by thanking the Almighty for not making them a woman?

Middle East roots and religious segregation of men and women are so similar.
Idiot, are you comparing gender segregation among a small group of fanatical Jews to the institutionalized persecution, chauvinism, and barbarism in the Muslim world? Ha ha ha. You Jew haters make me laugh with the asinine things you post.
Judaism 101: Movements of Judaism National Jewish Population Survey (NJPS) performed by the Council of Jewish Federations found that 10% of American Jews identify themselves as Orthodox, including 21% of those who belong to a synagogue.
Yeah and? How many Christians identify themselves as Mormons or Catholics and does that mean that US govt policy allows for polygamy? And what does that have to do with the horrible disgusting treatment of women in Muslim countries? Can you show me a Christian or Jewish country where you can legally marry a 9 year old girl as you can in some Muslim countries? Ha ha ha, you are pathetic, sailor boy. Go play in traffic. LOL.
Idiot, are you comparing gender segregation among a small group of fanatical Jews to the institutionalized persecution, chauvinism, and barbarism in the Muslim world? Ha ha ha. You Jew haters make me laugh with the asinine things you post.
Judaism 101: Movements of Judaism National Jewish Population Survey (NJPS) performed by the Council of Jewish Federations found that 10% of American Jews identify themselves as Orthodox, including 21% of those who belong to a synagogue.
Yeah and? How many Christians identify themselves as Mormons or Catholics and does that mean that US govt policy allows for polygamy? And what does that have to do with the horrible disgusting treatment of women in Muslim countries? Can you show me a Christian or Jewish country where you can legally marry a 9 year old girl as you can in some Muslim countries? Ha ha ha, you are pathetic, sailor boy. Go play in traffic. LOL.
Catholics are not polygamists and Mormons are not Christians...and you as 76 Virgins Camels was banned from this site for your vulgar persona and reborn as Roudy...they should ban you again, perv.
Judaism 101: Movements of Judaism National Jewish Population Survey (NJPS) performed by the Council of Jewish Federations found that 10% of American Jews identify themselves as Orthodox, including 21% of those who belong to a synagogue.
Yeah and? How many Christians identify themselves as Mormons or Catholics and does that mean that US govt policy allows for polygamy? And what does that have to do with the horrible disgusting treatment of women in Muslim countries? Can you show me a Christian or Jewish country where you can legally marry a 9 year old girl as you can in some Muslim countries? Ha ha ha, you are pathetic, sailor boy. Go play in traffic. LOL.
Catholics are not polygamists and Mormons are not Christians...and you as 76 Virgins Camels was banned from this site for your vulgar persona and reborn as Roudy...they should ban you again, perv.
Wow "Mormons aren't Christians"?! Seems like you are drunk again,or low on your meds. I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, but I can understand how embarrassing it must be to you for me to humiliate you like this. So you resort to these hallucinatory tactics. Ha ha ha.
Yeah and? How many Christians identify themselves as Mormons or Catholics and does that mean that US govt policy allows for polygamy? And what does that have to do with the horrible disgusting treatment of women in Muslim countries? Can you show me a Christian or Jewish country where you can legally marry a 9 year old girl as you can in some Muslim countries? Ha ha ha, you are pathetic, sailor boy. Go play in traffic. LOL.
Catholics are not polygamists and Mormons are not Christians...and you as 76 Virgins Camels was banned from this site for your vulgar persona and reborn as Roudy...they should ban you again, perv.
Wow "Mormons aren't Christians"?! Seems like you are drunk again,or low on your meds. I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, but I can understand how embarrassing it must be to you for me to humiliate you like this. So you resort to these hallucinatory tactics. Ha ha ha.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Mormons are not Christians because they have a heretical concept of God and, like Muslims, a heretical Christology, or nature of Jesus. Non-Trinitarian views of God are heterodox, but not heretical.

Mormons believe that god was once a created being (Elohim), that he was the most righteous of the created beings on his "earth" and, because of his righteousness, became a god. Elohim has a number of children, the first two are Jesus and Lucifer, or Satan. And, Mormons teach that everyone on earth is also a physical child of Elohim, or god. Mormons further teach that "As we are now, god once was. As god is now, we can become." In other words, if you live a righteous life, you, too, if you are male, and until the 1970s, if you were a white male, could achieve godhood and create your own earth. That is the ultimate goal of the Mormon.

Christians, on the other hand, believe that God has always existed, that He is not a created being. We believe that Jesus is the first-born of God, and that Satan is a created angel, not a child of God, who rebelled against God. Christians hold that Jesus is fully God and was never a created being. From the orthodox Christian side, it is this dichotomy on the nature of God and Christ that makes Mormons, and Muslims, non-Christians.
2 years ago Report Abuse
Catholics are not polygamists and Mormons are not Christians...and you as 76 Virgins Camels was banned from this site for your vulgar persona and reborn as Roudy...they should ban you again, perv.
Wow "Mormons aren't Christians"?! Seems like you are drunk again,or low on your meds. I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, but I can understand how embarrassing it must be to you for me to humiliate you like this. So you resort to these hallucinatory tactics. Ha ha ha.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Mormons are not Christians because they have a heretical concept of God and, like Muslims, a heretical Christology, or nature of Jesus. Non-Trinitarian views of God are heterodox, but not heretical.

Mormons believe that god was once a created being (Elohim), that he was the most righteous of the created beings on his "earth" and, because of his righteousness, became a god. Elohim has a number of children, the first two are Jesus and Lucifer, or Satan. And, Mormons teach that everyone on earth is also a physical child of Elohim, or god. Mormons further teach that "As we are now, god once was. As god is now, we can become." In other words, if you live a righteous life, you, too, if you are male, and until the 1970s, if you were a white male, could achieve godhood and create your own earth. That is the ultimate goal of the Mormon.

Christians, on the other hand, believe that God has always existed, that He is not a created being. We believe that Jesus is the first-born of God, and that Satan is a created angel, not a child of God, who rebelled against God. Christians hold that Jesus is fully God and was never a created being. From the orthodox Christian side, it is this dichotomy on the nature of God and Christ that makes Mormons, and Muslims, non-Christians.
2 years ago Report Abuse

Hello again Douchebag. Funny part about religion is that people don't consider other sects within the religion as the same either. Sunnis believe Shiites aren't Muslims, Orthodox Jews don't believe non-Orthodox are Jews, and here is what non Catholic Christians think of Catholics:

EIPS - TIARA - 5 Reasons Why Catholic Is Not Christian


The Pope claims the place and names that belong to God alone (Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, III para. 18).

God, the Father: He claims he is "The Holy Father". This is the unique name of God the Father.

John 17:11 "And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are." — ‘Thine own name!’ It is God's name alone - it cannot belong to anyone else.

Matthew 23:9 "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

God, the Son: He claims he is "The Head of the Church". This title belongs to Christ alone.

Colossians 1:18 "And [Christ] is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence."

Ephesians 5:23 "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body."

God, the Holy Spirit: He claims he is "The Vicar of Christ". This is the office of the Holy Spirit alone.

John 14:26 "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
The Pope even takes the very name of God. The New York Catechism calls the Pope, "the arbiter of the world, the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the judge of all, being judged by no one, God Himself on earth." THE TRINITY OF GOD IS USURPED IN ROMAN CATHOLICISM!

The Roman Catholic "Church" is Not Christian

The Roman Catholic "Church" is Not Christian

Practically all precepts of the Roman Catholic religion contradict the Bible repeatedly. In this article, we are going to examine a few Roman Catholic doctrines and compare them with the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible. The Roman Catholic church is the largest cult in the world and most preachers will not openly say so because it is so large. For Catholics who read this, please remember this: the person that tells you the truth is the one that cares. If you will only believe the holy scriptures--the Bible--and nothing else, you can be released from deception today. Just look at the scriptures and compare them to the precepts of Rome. You will not be the first person to read the scriptures clearly and then be saved by REPENTING of your sins and BELIEVING on the death, burial and resurrection of our wonderful and glorious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who shed his blood ONE TIME to pay for our sins that we have committed. He died to completely pay for our sins and he rose again for our justification (ref. Romans 4:25). You will not get to heaven by your own works and by following the rules and regulations of a (supposedly) religious organization--the Roman Catholic institution--which is founded on heresies and blasphemies. When we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and read his word, we love him and he helps us to serve him and walk uprightly and understand what we need to know. Salvation is a free gift (reference Romans 5:15-16, 17)--no paying for "masses", "indulgences", etc. No "penance", crawling on your knees, purgatory, etc. The Lord Jesus Christ died ONE time to purchase our eternal salvation. All that we have to do is REPENT of our sins, BELIEVE that he died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, and we must also OBEY his word (his commandments are not grievous, reference I John 5:13).
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"If you loved America you would stand for her interests first and not those of a foreign power."

I know what you mean. i don't know what the $$$ amountS are as of today, except for humanitarian aid/food/medicine (already packaged stuff) i get even more IRRITATED at the GOV'T when i read they've given XXX million/billion dollars to the likes of:

ETC, rogue, backwards, hellhole

I'm not too bothered by the aid TO israel. i'm not that upset the u.s. gives $$$$ to INDIA. it's NOT the same when hearing it's pakistan, or afghanistan, or libya, OR CHINA --- NOT THE SAME AT ALL. israel, people book vacations to go there. they're not even on the list of countries who don't deserve diddly-squat in the form of MILLIONS/BILLIONS. I sure hope the gov't has CUT BACK on aid to pakistan.

as a matter of fact...

they should stop reporting that news to us americans. it's disgusting to hear. please.

the thing is, il come'-si-chiama... you're just an anti-semite...that's why giving $$$$ to israel annoys you.

"If you loved America you would stand for her interests first and not those of a foreign power."

i know what you mean, so go tell that to the GUY whose writing the checks to.....PAKISTAN and the rest of the world !
Wow "Mormons aren't Christians"?! Seems like you are drunk again,or low on your meds. I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, but I can understand how embarrassing it must be to you for me to humiliate you like this. So you resort to these hallucinatory tactics. Ha ha ha.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Mormons are not Christians because they have a heretical concept of God and, like Muslims, a heretical Christology, or nature of Jesus. Non-Trinitarian views of God are heterodox, but not heretical.

Mormons believe that god was once a created being (Elohim), that he was the most righteous of the created beings on his "earth" and, because of his righteousness, became a god. Elohim has a number of children, the first two are Jesus and Lucifer, or Satan. And, Mormons teach that everyone on earth is also a physical child of Elohim, or god. Mormons further teach that "As we are now, god once was. As god is now, we can become." In other words, if you live a righteous life, you, too, if you are male, and until the 1970s, if you were a white male, could achieve godhood and create your own earth. That is the ultimate goal of the Mormon.

Christians, on the other hand, believe that God has always existed, that He is not a created being. We believe that Jesus is the first-born of God, and that Satan is a created angel, not a child of God, who rebelled against God. Christians hold that Jesus is fully God and was never a created being. From the orthodox Christian side, it is this dichotomy on the nature of God and Christ that makes Mormons, and Muslims, non-Christians.
2 years ago Report Abuse

Hello again Douchebag. Funny part about religion is that people don't consider other sects within the religion as the same either. Sunnis believe Shiites aren't Muslims, Orthodox Jews don't believe non-Orthodox are Jews, and here is what non Catholic Christians think of Catholics:

EIPS - TIARA - 5 Reasons Why Catholic Is Not Christian


The Pope claims the place and names that belong to God alone (Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, III para. 18).

God, the Father: He claims he is "The Holy Father". This is the unique name of God the Father.

John 17:11 "And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are." — ‘Thine own name!’ It is God's name alone - it cannot belong to anyone else.

Matthew 23:9 "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

God, the Son: He claims he is "The Head of the Church". This title belongs to Christ alone.

Colossians 1:18 "And [Christ] is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence."

Ephesians 5:23 "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body."

God, the Holy Spirit: He claims he is "The Vicar of Christ". This is the office of the Holy Spirit alone.

John 14:26 "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
The Pope even takes the very name of God. The New York Catechism calls the Pope, "the arbiter of the world, the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the judge of all, being judged by no one, God Himself on earth." THE TRINITY OF GOD IS USURPED IN ROMAN CATHOLICISM!

The Roman Catholic "Church" is Not Christian

The Roman Catholic "Church" is Not Christian

Practically all precepts of the Roman Catholic religion contradict the Bible repeatedly. In this article, we are going to examine a few Roman Catholic doctrines and compare them with the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible. The Roman Catholic church is the largest cult in the world and most preachers will not openly say so because it is so large. For Catholics who read this, please remember this: the person that tells you the truth is the one that cares. If you will only believe the holy scriptures--the Bible--and nothing else, you can be released from deception today. Just look at the scriptures and compare them to the precepts of Rome. You will not be the first person to read the scriptures clearly and then be saved by REPENTING of your sins and BELIEVING on the death, burial and resurrection of our wonderful and glorious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who shed his blood ONE TIME to pay for our sins that we have committed. He died to completely pay for our sins and he rose again for our justification (ref. Romans 4:25). You will not get to heaven by your own works and by following the rules and regulations of a (supposedly) religious organization--the Roman Catholic institution--which is founded on heresies and blasphemies. When we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and read his word, we love him and he helps us to serve him and walk uprightly and understand what we need to know. Salvation is a free gift (reference Romans 5:15-16, 17)--no paying for "masses", "indulgences", etc. No "penance", crawling on your knees, purgatory, etc. The Lord Jesus Christ died ONE time to purchase our eternal salvation. All that we have to do is REPENT of our sins, BELIEVE that he died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, and we must also OBEY his word (his commandments are not grievous, reference I John 5:13).
"Religion began when the first scondrel met the first fool." Voltaire
YEP! We even gave 3 billion dollars a year of our taxes to Musharrif In Pakistan so they could hide bin Laden on us. Ya know, as an American, I'll stick with Israel.

"If you loved America you would stand for her interests first and not those of a foreign power."

I know what you mean. i don't know what the $$$ amountS are as of today, except for humanitarian aid/food/medicine (already packaged stuff) i get even more IRRITATED at the GOV'T when i read they've given XXX million/billion dollars to the likes of:

ETC, rogue, backwards, hellhole

I'm not too bothered by the aid TO israel. i'm not that upset the u.s. gives $$$$ to INDIA. it's NOT the same when hearing it's pakistan, or afghanistan, or libya, OR CHINA --- NOT THE SAME AT ALL. israel, people book vacations to go there. they're not even on the list of countries who don't deserve diddly-squat in the form of MILLIONS/BILLIONS. I sure hope the gov't has CUT BACK on aid to pakistan.

as a matter of fact...

they should stop reporting that news to us americans. it's disgusting to hear. please.

the thing is, il come'-si-chiama... you're just an anti-semite...that's why giving $$$$ to israel annoys you.

"If you loved America you would stand for her interests first and not those of a foreign power."

i know what you mean, so go tell that to the GUY whose writing the checks to.....PAKISTAN and the rest of the world !
"Middle East roots and religious segregation of men and women are so similar."

nothing is as degrading and twisted and demented as this CULT and their treatment of women. is it any wonder i ....don't care for "them" and their 'religion. you're a guy pbels...i'm sure you're like: "Che cosa me ne frega"

don't you just love seeing them everywhere, here, in
"the land of the free", pblech ? and the rest of the senate, and congress, and nancy pelosi, and diane feinstein, and kirsten gillibrand...and hillary clinton...i bet they LOVE SEEING THEM TOO !!!

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