GOOD NEWS? Drudge links report of GOP REVOLT!

We need to stop this spending. Why the heck isn't anyone proposing a balanced budget THIS year?
Conservatives are not happy with the milktoast republicans who keep watering down the plan...if it's not going to do the job....why pass it....?

some are promoting a bill to priortize bond payments, social security, and military pay if nothing gets passed by Aug 2...

Obama will veto it! There is a big sheeet sandwich coming and America is going to eat it! ha ha ha!! Hope and Change!!! :clap2:

Another so-called patriotic conservatarian cheering economic collapse and millions of Americans losing their livelyhoods? Just another day in the USMessageboard office.

Do what Obama wants will assure an economic collapse. But, you will be cheering that one, huh? :rolleyes:
The debt service payments will be paid. If we have to shut down the EPA for a week, we have not defaulted. Everything in the budget is not an obligation, stop already.

If the EPA can not make payments to its private contractors it will default on its obligations.

Credit agencies will consider that a negative.
There is no default coming (even if there's no agreement). There will be no "crash" coming unless, for traitorous partisan political reasons, the liberal Democrats cause one.

People don't know if a crash is coming. Probably not. But crashes occur because most people don't expect them. Nobody expected Lehman to nearly bring down the global economy.

The financial system is extremely complex and not particularly robust, so an innocuous chink in the weak link of the extraordinarily complex network of financial counterparties caused by a technical default could be enough.

And FTR, those on both sides of the aisle who are saying "Do not budge under any circumstance" are those who will be ultimately responsible if it does come crashing down, not those who are willing to deal.

In many things in LIFE (perhaps most), that philosophy is fair, reasonable and valid.

In this matter, however, it is myopic and misguided. In short, it is wrong.

We are confronting a massive dire urgent problem that will not permit of much more delay in getting it fixed. Time has already JUST ABOUT run out.

We already know, for a fact, that the debt crisis is real. We KNOW (there is no mistake involved in any part of the analysis) that we are on the path for doom. The debt burden is UNSUSTAINABLE.

We KNOW it and yet STILL we dither.

It's unconscionable.

FAILURE to deal with it WILL result in our effective DOOM as a going concern.

I do not want to bend over and kiss our collective ass goodbye. The Republic is worth preserving.

The analogy is that we are driving in a car at literally break-neck speeds on a winding mountain road and heading straight toward the broken guard rail. If we don't SLOW the fuck down RIGHT now and if we don't NOW start to steer the car away from that point of impact, we will go sailing over the edge to certain death below. Under such circumstances, what the FUCK is there left to "talk" over?

The current driver, Barry, is going at 120 mph and steering toward the "guard rail." We say slow down and turn right. Barry wants to 'talk' about it. He is addicted to speed. We say, there's nothing to talk about, Barry! Slow down NOW and start to turn now because in another moment it will be too fucking late. Do we need a committee vote? Is the point negotiable? Is there some damn "compromise" that might levitate us away from the crushing effects of gravity and the impending impact? No. There isn't.

The ONLY sane choice is to stop what we are doing while we still can and to change course and slow down.

There is nothing to negotiate. Nothing to "discuss." No room for ANY compromise. If we hit that guard rail at 100 mph instead of 120 mph, we'll end up JUST AS DEAD.

We have to right the fiscal balance. And that has to happen primarily through spending cuts. But it is false to say that it must be done right now. The debt capacity of the US federal government won't be hit for years. Much smaller countries such as Belgium, Italy and Japan are far more indebted than the US, yet the world didn't fall apart when they issued much higher levels of debt.

Maybe your car analogy is the right one, except that we have to veer really close to the cliff first. Americans are acting like teenagers, and the ideologues are acting like spoiled petulant teenagers who stomp their feet when they don't get their way. Unfortunately the grown up parents are letting the spoiled petulant teenagers run the household.

Oh, and the spoiled petulant teenagers are in both parties, not just one.
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We have more important matters than the on-going debate on the debt and deficit spending. For those who don't know, President Andrew Jackson, the first Democrat, was the first deficit hawk yet he recognized that more serious problems faced the nation.

The Congress in 1830 was as divided as is the current one and the supporters of slavery and states rights were every bit as radical as the New Right is today. Anti Jackson forces also issued the cry for liberty, not caring that inslavement of others and cry's for liberty were as incongruent as can be.

Daniel Webster, in a famous speech to Congress, "alluding to the South Carolina hotheads" said this:

"They significantly declare that it is time to calculate the value of the Union; and their aim seems to be to enumerate, and to magnify, all the evils, real and imaginary, which the Government and the Union produces. The tendancy of all these ideas and sentiments is obviously to bring the Union into discussion as a mere question of present and temporary expediency; nothing more than a mere matter of profit and loss"

He ended his speech with these words, "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"

Conservative who embrace the New Right haven't changed a bit; they wrap themselves in the American Flag though faux patriots they are, and always have been.
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We need to stop this spending. Why the heck isn't anyone proposing a balanced budget THIS year?

Because that's a terrible idea. But it does raise an important question for those who recognize that it's a terrible idea but simultaneously pay lip service to the notion that a balanced budget amendment is a good idea.
We need to stop this spending. Why the heck isn't anyone proposing a balanced budget THIS year?

Because that's a terrible idea. But it does raise an important question for those who recognize that it's a terrible idea but simultaneously pay lip service to the notion that a balanced budget amendment is a good idea.

Those who support a balanced budget amendment don't think. It is one more bit of demogouery by the Republicans built on a foundation of horary ideas - cut taxes, cut regulations and don't worry about or even consider the consequences.
People don't know if a crash is coming. Probably not. But crashes occur because most people don't expect them. Nobody expected Lehman to nearly bring down the global economy.

The financial system is extremely complex and not particularly robust, so an innocuous chink in the weak link of the extraordinarily complex network of financial counterparties caused by a technical default could be enough.

And FTR, those on both sides of the aisle who are saying "Do not budge under any circumstance" are those who will be ultimately responsible if it does come crashing down, not those who are willing to deal.

In many things in LIFE (perhaps most), that philosophy is fair, reasonable and valid.

In this matter, however, it is myopic and misguided. In short, it is wrong.

We are confronting a massive dire urgent problem that will not permit of much more delay in getting it fixed. Time has already JUST ABOUT run out.

We already know, for a fact, that the debt crisis is real. We KNOW (there is no mistake involved in any part of the analysis) that we are on the path for doom. The debt burden is UNSUSTAINABLE.

We KNOW it and yet STILL we dither.

It's unconscionable.

FAILURE to deal with it WILL result in our effective DOOM as a going concern.

I do not want to bend over and kiss our collective ass goodbye. The Republic is worth preserving.

The analogy is that we are driving in a car at literally break-neck speeds on a winding mountain road and heading straight toward the broken guard rail. If we don't SLOW the fuck down RIGHT now and if we don't NOW start to steer the car away from that point of impact, we will go sailing over the edge to certain death below. Under such circumstances, what the FUCK is there left to "talk" over?

The current driver, Barry, is going at 120 mph and steering toward the "guard rail." We say slow down and turn right. Barry wants to 'talk' about it. He is addicted to speed. We say, there's nothing to talk about, Barry! Slow down NOW and start to turn now because in another moment it will be too fucking late. Do we need a committee vote? Is the point negotiable? Is there some damn "compromise" that might levitate us away from the crushing effects of gravity and the impending impact? No. There isn't.

The ONLY sane choice is to stop what we are doing while we still can and to change course and slow down.

There is nothing to negotiate. Nothing to "discuss." No room for ANY compromise. If we hit that guard rail at 100 mph instead of 120 mph, we'll end up JUST AS DEAD.

We have to right the fiscal balance. And that has to happen primarily through spending cuts. But it is false to say that it must be done right now. The debt capacity of the US federal government won't be hit for years. Much smaller countries such as Belgium, Italy and Japan are far more indebted than the US, yet the world didn't fall apart when they issued much higher levels of debt.

Maybe your car analogy is the right one, except that we have to veer really close to the cliff first. Americans are acting like teenagers, and the ideologues are acting like spoiled petulant teenagers who stomp their feet when they don't get their way. Unfortunately the grown up parents are letting the spoiled petulant teenagers run the household.

Oh, and the spoiled petulant teenagers are in both parties, not just one.

The immature, self-serving and dishonest political hacks absolutely come from BOTH major Parties (and from all other Parties, too), so let's concede that as a given.

It is not "false" to say that the reining in of this utterly out of control spending MUST be done RIGHT now. It is a simple, declarative and completely accurate statement.

Take a step back. When the ass-clowns in Government who DEMAND an increase in the debt limit make that "demand," what they are SAYING is crystal clear. They want to be free to continue doing the very thing that got us to the precipice. They want to be unshackled in order to spend, spend, spend, spend and then do some serious additional spending. We don't have the money, so they want the credit line INCREASED. But it's beyond irresponsible when we KNOW for a fact that we have created an urgent, dire problem by doing exactly that kind of thing. It will not be ameliorated by doing more of the same; it will only be made that much worse. And when that becomes an even bigger and more imminent crisis, the answer will be some 'stop gap" INCREASE (yet again) in the debt ceiling. It's insanity.

Yes. It MUST be done right now.
In many things in LIFE (perhaps most), that philosophy is fair, reasonable and valid.

In this matter, however, it is myopic and misguided. In short, it is wrong.

We are confronting a massive dire urgent problem that will not permit of much more delay in getting it fixed. Time has already JUST ABOUT run out.

We already know, for a fact, that the debt crisis is real. We KNOW (there is no mistake involved in any part of the analysis) that we are on the path for doom. The debt burden is UNSUSTAINABLE.

We KNOW it and yet STILL we dither.

It's unconscionable.

FAILURE to deal with it WILL result in our effective DOOM as a going concern.

I do not want to bend over and kiss our collective ass goodbye. The Republic is worth preserving.

The analogy is that we are driving in a car at literally break-neck speeds on a winding mountain road and heading straight toward the broken guard rail. If we don't SLOW the fuck down RIGHT now and if we don't NOW start to steer the car away from that point of impact, we will go sailing over the edge to certain death below. Under such circumstances, what the FUCK is there left to "talk" over?

The current driver, Barry, is going at 120 mph and steering toward the "guard rail." We say slow down and turn right. Barry wants to 'talk' about it. He is addicted to speed. We say, there's nothing to talk about, Barry! Slow down NOW and start to turn now because in another moment it will be too fucking late. Do we need a committee vote? Is the point negotiable? Is there some damn "compromise" that might levitate us away from the crushing effects of gravity and the impending impact? No. There isn't.

The ONLY sane choice is to stop what we are doing while we still can and to change course and slow down.

There is nothing to negotiate. Nothing to "discuss." No room for ANY compromise. If we hit that guard rail at 100 mph instead of 120 mph, we'll end up JUST AS DEAD.

We have to right the fiscal balance. And that has to happen primarily through spending cuts. But it is false to say that it must be done right now. The debt capacity of the US federal government won't be hit for years. Much smaller countries such as Belgium, Italy and Japan are far more indebted than the US, yet the world didn't fall apart when they issued much higher levels of debt.

Maybe your car analogy is the right one, except that we have to veer really close to the cliff first. Americans are acting like teenagers, and the ideologues are acting like spoiled petulant teenagers who stomp their feet when they don't get their way. Unfortunately the grown up parents are letting the spoiled petulant teenagers run the household.

Oh, and the spoiled petulant teenagers are in both parties, not just one.

The immature, self-serving and dishonest political hacks absolutely come from BOTH major Parties (and from all other Parties, too), so let's concede that as a given.

It is not "false" to say that the reining in of this utterly out of control spending MUST be done RIGHT now. It is a simple, declarative and completely accurate statement.

Take a step back. When the ass-clowns in Government who DEMAND an increase in the debt limit make that "demand," what they are SAYING is crystal clear. They want to be free to continue doing the very thing that got us to the precipice. They want to be unshackled in order to spend, spend, spend, spend and then do some serious additional spending. We don't have the money, so they want the credit line INCREASED. But it's beyond irresponsible when we KNOW for a fact that we have created an urgent, dire problem by doing exactly that kind of thing. It will not be ameliorated by doing more of the same; it will only be made that much worse. And when that becomes an even bigger and more imminent crisis, the answer will be some 'stop gap" INCREASE (yet again) in the debt ceiling. It's insanity.

Yes. It MUST be done right now.

In cas you missed my earlier post LIEability, I suggested you're insane. Doing it right now, solving decades long overspending in one year isn't possible without creating a crisis. What the Congress needs to do is stop the bullshit and create jobs. Yes, notwithstanding RW dogma, government can create jobs.
We have to right the fiscal balance. And that has to happen primarily through spending cuts. But it is false to say that it must be done right now. The debt capacity of the US federal government won't be hit for years. Much smaller countries such as Belgium, Italy and Japan are far more indebted than the US, yet the world didn't fall apart when they issued much higher levels of debt.

Maybe your car analogy is the right one, except that we have to veer really close to the cliff first. Americans are acting like teenagers, and the ideologues are acting like spoiled petulant teenagers who stomp their feet when they don't get their way. Unfortunately the grown up parents are letting the spoiled petulant teenagers run the household.

Oh, and the spoiled petulant teenagers are in both parties, not just one.

The immature, self-serving and dishonest political hacks absolutely come from BOTH major Parties (and from all other Parties, too), so let's concede that as a given.

It is not "false" to say that the reining in of this utterly out of control spending MUST be done RIGHT now. It is a simple, declarative and completely accurate statement.

Take a step back. When the ass-clowns in Government who DEMAND an increase in the debt limit make that "demand," what they are SAYING is crystal clear. They want to be free to continue doing the very thing that got us to the precipice. They want to be unshackled in order to spend, spend, spend, spend and then do some serious additional spending. We don't have the money, so they want the credit line INCREASED. But it's beyond irresponsible when we KNOW for a fact that we have created an urgent, dire problem by doing exactly that kind of thing. It will not be ameliorated by doing more of the same; it will only be made that much worse. And when that becomes an even bigger and more imminent crisis, the answer will be some 'stop gap" INCREASE (yet again) in the debt ceiling. It's insanity.

Yes. It MUST be done right now.

In cas you missed my earlier post LIEability, I suggested you're insane. Doing it right now, solving decades long overspending in one year isn't possible without creating a crisis. What the Congress needs to do is stop the bullshit and create jobs. Yes, notwithstanding RW dogma, government can create jobs.

Nobody cares what YOU "suggested," Fly Catcher since you are merely a dishonest, propagandized moron.

Also, dipshit, nobody said anything about fixing the entire problem in one year. Good God but you are a fucking imbecile.

And, no. Despite yojur willingness to repeat your utterly baseless mantra like a magical incantation, here in REALITY (which confuses the shit out of tools like you) the Government does not create jobs -- except "government jobs" which is really another form of spending, you senseless jerk-off.
The immature, self-serving and dishonest political hacks absolutely come from BOTH major Parties (and from all other Parties, too), so let's concede that as a given.

It is not "false" to say that the reining in of this utterly out of control spending MUST be done RIGHT now. It is a simple, declarative and completely accurate statement.

Take a step back. When the ass-clowns in Government who DEMAND an increase in the debt limit make that "demand," what they are SAYING is crystal clear. They want to be free to continue doing the very thing that got us to the precipice. They want to be unshackled in order to spend, spend, spend, spend and then do some serious additional spending. We don't have the money, so they want the credit line INCREASED. But it's beyond irresponsible when we KNOW for a fact that we have created an urgent, dire problem by doing exactly that kind of thing. It will not be ameliorated by doing more of the same; it will only be made that much worse. And when that becomes an even bigger and more imminent crisis, the answer will be some 'stop gap" INCREASE (yet again) in the debt ceiling. It's insanity.

Yes. It MUST be done right now.

In cas you missed my earlier post LIEability, I suggested you're insane. Doing it right now, solving decades long overspending in one year isn't possible without creating a crisis. What the Congress needs to do is stop the bullshit and create jobs. Yes, notwithstanding RW dogma, government can create jobs.

Nobody cares what YOU "suggested," Fly Catcher since you are merely a dishonest, propagandized moron.

Also, dipshit, nobody said anything about fixing the entire problem in one year. Good God but you are a fucking imbecile.

And, no. Despite yojur willingness to repeat your utterly baseless mantra like a magical incantation, here in REALITY (which confuses the shit out of tools like you) the Government does not create jobs -- except "government jobs" which is really another form of spending, you senseless jerk-off.

All of which including your usual sexual inuenndo, is your opinion which I might respect if you werent' such a jerk and a purveyor of propaganda. You are little different than crusaderfrank, the difference being you know how to use a thesaurus.
In cas you missed my earlier post LIEability, I suggested you're insane. Doing it right now, solving decades long overspending in one year isn't possible without creating a crisis. What the Congress needs to do is stop the bullshit and create jobs. Yes, notwithstanding RW dogma, government can create jobs.

Nobody cares what YOU "suggested," Fly Catcher since you are merely a dishonest, propagandized moron.

Also, dipshit, nobody said anything about fixing the entire problem in one year. Good God but you are a fucking imbecile.

And, no. Despite yojur willingness to repeat your utterly baseless mantra like a magical incantation, here in REALITY (which confuses the shit out of tools like you) the Government does not create jobs -- except "government jobs" which is really another form of spending, you senseless jerk-off.

All of which including your usual sexual inuenndo, is your opinion which I might respect if you werent' such a jerk and a purveyor of propaganda. You are little different than crusaderfrank, the difference being you know how to use a thesaurus.

You STILL have nothing even remotely intelligent to add?

One might expect you to keep quiet by now instead of constantly exposing what a vapid loser you are. But no. When you have nothing worthwhile to say, you get louder. :cuckoo:

You poor deluded worthless dumb ass.

CF is 100 times smarter than you will ever be, dickweed. And he even knows how to punctuate, you laughable dipshit.
Nobody cares what YOU "suggested," Fly Catcher since you are merely a dishonest, propagandized moron.

Also, dipshit, nobody said anything about fixing the entire problem in one year. Good God but you are a fucking imbecile.

And, no. Despite yojur willingness to repeat your utterly baseless mantra like a magical incantation, here in REALITY (which confuses the shit out of tools like you) the Government does not create jobs -- except "government jobs" which is really another form of spending, you senseless jerk-off.

All of which including your usual sexual inuenndo, is your opinion which I might respect if you werent' such a jerk and a purveyor of propaganda. You are little different than crusaderfrank, the difference being you know how to use a thesaurus.

You STILL have nothing even remotely intelligent to add?

One might expect you to keep quiet by now instead of constantly exposing what a vapid loser you are. But no. When you have nothing worthwhile to say, you get louder. :cuckoo:

You poor deluded worthless dumb ass.

CF is 100 times smarter than you will ever be, dickweed. And he even knows how to punctuate, you laughable dipshit.

lol, with each insipid post you've offered nothing but profanity and personal attacks; I honestly believe you're insane.
All of which including your usual sexual inuenndo, is your opinion which I might respect if you werent' such a jerk and a purveyor of propaganda. You are little different than crusaderfrank, the difference being you know how to use a thesaurus.

You STILL have nothing even remotely intelligent to add?

One might expect you to keep quiet by now instead of constantly exposing what a vapid loser you are. But no. When you have nothing worthwhile to say, you get louder. :cuckoo:

You poor deluded worthless dumb ass.

CF is 100 times smarter than you will ever be, dickweed. And he even knows how to punctuate, you laughable dipshit.

lol, with each insipid post you've offered nothing but profanity and personal attacks; I honestly believe you're insane.

No, insanity would make Lieability interesting, and he's anything but that.

He's just a one trick pony. Or actually, a one trick doggy. Wanna watch him play fetch sometime? I can make him fetch a rhetorical stick EVERY time. Never fails.
House GOP revolts against Boehner plan - Washington Times

Mr. Boehner’s bill would reduce future discretionary spending by $1.2 trillion, grant an immediate debt increase of $1 trillion, and set up a committee to work on trillions of dollars in future deficit reduction either through more spending cuts or tax increases, which would then earn another future debt increase. It would also require both the House and Senate to hold votes on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

But conservative Republicans in the House, many allied to the tea party movement, said they don’t just want votes on the amendment, they want an assurance it will be sent to the states.

It could cut in unexpected ways, but as a matter of principle: GOOD!


A balanced budget amendment will not pass.
House GOP revolts against Boehner plan - Washington Times

Mr. Boehner’s bill would reduce future discretionary spending by $1.2 trillion, grant an immediate debt increase of $1 trillion, and set up a committee to work on trillions of dollars in future deficit reduction either through more spending cuts or tax increases, which would then earn another future debt increase. It would also require both the House and Senate to hold votes on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

But conservative Republicans in the House, many allied to the tea party movement, said they don’t just want votes on the amendment, they want an assurance it will be sent to the states.

It could cut in unexpected ways, but as a matter of principle: GOOD!


A balanced budget amendment will not pass.

It sure as hell would. And it should.
I think it's not entirely over the top to suggest that the TEA PARTY is either going to take over the GOP entirely, or it will become a third party in everything but name only, and who knows? It might actually become a third party.

The GOP might go the way of the Whigs (minus the Whig's favorable impression of trade protectionism, naturally)
It sure as hell would. And it should.

not according to people who actually know anything...

nor should it.

By your petty and inaccurate daffynition, that would mean you and your ilk. :cuckoo: But you remain wrong regardless of how committed you are to believing YOUR desired conclusion.

you're all so big on the "founders". the first debt was undertaken by THEM.

Which has nothing to do with whether or not a balanced budget amendment would now pass. If the people had grasped then what we have discovered about the boundless irresponsibility of government refusing to even attempt to live within its means, and had the people seen the willingness of government to disregard the Constitutional limits imposed on its behaviors, they would PROBABLY have inserted a balanced budget Amendment to the Constitution at the earliest possible moment.

Yeah. I am kind of "big" on the Founders and the Framers. Sadly, you libs love to pay them lip service at best and you disregard the very restrictions they attempted to put into place.

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