Good news: Fake News is getting cut on FaceBook

I just want to know how to turn off FB "Top Trending" cherry picked anti-Trump swill. Anyone know how to do that? I can't figure out how.

Go into your browser and delete the link to FB.
Lol I hear you. I almost never post and use it mainly to stay in touch with family that is out of state. The annoyance factor of FB is just about outweighing the benefits. Since I have both Liberal and Conservative friends I posted a request from all friends to refrain from posting politically charged items. I got lots of "likes" and then they just go on posting shit. Both sides. Aye carumba.
Fakebook isn't a very good place.
I wish there was someplace better to keep in touch with my classmates and relatives.

It's called email, letters and phone calls.
emails are filled with spam, letters......takes time to write those and implies something that doesn't exist.....and phone calls?

Comeon dude.....What other forum allows you to contact dozens of people no matter where they are in the world?
Fakebook isn't a very good place.
I wish there was someplace better to keep in touch with my classmates and relatives.

I quit the internet for a couple/few years. FB is the first place I tried when I came back. I didn't stay very long before leaving. I hope I didn't get any on me.

I saw that on my FB page, too. One of the instructions for determining veracity was to click on the "About" page of a site. I've been doing that for years but some people don't bother to check out a site, they are just sucked in by the headlines.
Who picks what is fake? Will they be fair ?

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Wow, reading through these rightie's posts I see that an open forum such as Facebook with it's wide variety of views and opinions scares the shit out of you all. Stay here in the USMB in your safe space, they will keep you warm, in the dark and well fed.
Yay! Hooray for Censorship! :(

You don't even know what Facebook posted as advice and your'e screaming censorship? God, just when you think it can't get any stupider on here...

Yes, God Bless Censorship! Oh boy, this country is sinking fast. :(

What do you think of this? Guess there are some things that are worse.

"""Start your review of USMessageBoard


Christopher A.
1 review

12 helpful votes
“Use of personal information. Bad News”


Data mining. Personal information used by two staff members to harass, discredit and expose to possibility identity theft and unauthorized use of financial information as I paid for membership(s).

Complained to owners, they have done nothing, used attorney complaint to Attorney General, Federal Trade Commission ongoing investigation.

Terrible place.

Once the owners take responsibility and properly train and supervise their staff I may change my review.""""
Fakebook isn't a very good place.
I wish there was someplace better to keep in touch with my classmates and relatives.

It's called email, letters and phone calls.
emails are filled with spam, letters......takes time to write those and implies something that doesn't exist.....and phone calls?

Comeon dude.....What other forum allows you to contact dozens of people no matter where they are in the world?

Wouldn't know, I've existed quite fine without any of them.
I hope that Facebook douche diversified. Because Facebook is fading fast. Good riddance.

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