Good news for libs

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
First off, I just want to congratulate you on your success in strangling the Planned Parenthood scandal story in its crib. That'll keep those filthy little "personhood" people from investigating you for a while, and frees PP to funnel its taxpayer funding back into Democratic coffers just in time for the upcoming elections. Now is no time to rest on your laurels, however! A new case has just come out with conservative hackers targeting premier alternative dating site Ashley Madison. Now would be the perfect opportunity to put those much touted privacy ideals to the test, protect your marriage, and defend your civil rights from the Puritan scum!

Even cheating dirtbags deserve privacy The Ashley Madison hack shows we ve reached peak sex shaming -
In Defense of Ashley Madison Even Cheaters Deserve Privacy Alternet
Infidelity site Ashley Madison hacked as attackers demand total shutdown Technology The Guardian

(P.S. I realize sexual privacy isn't quite as polarizing as the previous black market baby parts controversy. I'll keep an eye out for the next helpless child rapist or wife murderer or whomever else ends up becoming the next victim requiring your special brand of advocacy.)
I don't care if people get caught fooling around using a web site. What makes you think anyone but a crazy right winger would think of that in terms of politics?
The fact that leftists of various creeds have come out against cyber vigilantism as an attack on privacy rights? Pretty sure Salon, AlterNet, and The Guardian aren't exactly bastions of right wing thought.

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