Good News For Senate Republicans


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
make it 6 of 19 for the Senate in 2018

McSally is skrong in Azirona & ND is a likely pick up

at a minimum, we hold the Senate

yeah, we probably lose seats in the House; but we won't lose the lower chamber altogether

Articles | Karl Rove

Talk of a Democratic midterm sweep may be premature. In recent weeks, the chance that Republicans will hold or even expand their Senate majority was boosted by two unexpected events: North Dakota Rep. Kevin Cramer decided to challenge Democratic incumbent Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, and Arizona Rep. Martha McSally launched her bid for retiring Republican Sen. Jeff Flake’s seat.

Since World War II the president’s party has lost House seats in 16 of 18 midterms, while in the Senate the president’s party has broken even or picked up seats in five midterms.

the next Senator from Azirona, Martha McSally

The OP may be right, but if Mueller reports to the public in July or August that Trump is deep in Russian doo doo, the Dems will ties Pub candidates to Trump and sweep both chambers.
The OP may be right, but if Mueller reports to the public in July or August that Trump is deep in Russian doo doo, the Dems will ties Pub candidates to Trump and sweep both chambers.

Then apparently they have nothing to worry about.
Since World War II the president’s party has lost House seats in 16 of 18 midterms, while in the Senate the president’s party has broken even or picked up seats in five midterms.

Actually, since the Duopoly has existed side by side after the Civil War there have been just three mid-term elections where the party in the WH did not lose seats in Congress. Something like 34 out of 37 times the electorate rebalanced.
The OP may be right, but if Mueller reports to the public in July or August that Trump is deep in Russian doo doo, the Dems will ties Pub candidates to Trump and sweep both chambers.

They really are this stupid. Every last bed wetting libturd.... Weapons Grade Stupid.

If Mueller had a damn thing on Trump it would have been leaked like all of the leaks of bullshit propaganda from that fraud.

I heard that many beautiful Russian women want to have sex with Trump and then pee on him.
The Fed will determine the outcome of the mid-terms will determine the outcome of the mid-terms. If special counsels are needed to investigate one or more blue state defaults the results will be 19 out of 20 indictments be for Ds and the conviction/plea bargain ratio will be worse.
If the Democrats fail to seize control of Congress, Trump is gonna hammer them bigtime. They've spent an extraordinary amount of time and capital on derailing his Presidency. And the Party already has deep financial problems.

They've gambled everything on seizing Congress. So despite all their boasting about numerous coming Landslide victories, you can bet they're in extreme panic-mode. Stay tuned.
uh . . . Dschrute3, no one is reading your comment seriously, because it is a complete misfire.
uh . . . Dschrute3, no one is reading your comment seriously, because it is a complete misfire.

If Democrats don't seize Congress, they're in serious trouble. They've invested so much in undermining Trump's Presidency. So much of that hinges on them regaining control of Congress. If they don't achieve that, Trump is gonna hammer away. They'd be in big trouble in 2020.
Who says your definition of what makes Democrats in trouble is true.

You are just a rhetorical hamster running in a wheel: a lot of energy but no end result other than a lot of energy.
I heard that many beautiful Russian women want to have sex with Trump and then pee on him.

I heard that many liberals want to have sex with women and then piss on Trump.

Fat chance of it happening though.

I heard that many fat liberal women want to have Trump piss on them having sex.

Then again, my reception has been a little wonky!
GOP will add seats in the Senate. That's a given.

Missouri, No Dak, W. Va and Florida will all give the GOP a seat. Indiana
is a strong possibility.

And that is what's needed. Ginsburg is on her last leg. Breyer will go soon.
Plus Kennedy and Thomas will have to be replaced.

The SCOTUS will be 7-2 Conservative for a minimum of 20 years and 6-3 for
30 years.

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