Good news from the DeSantis camp

Yes, the last thing we need is immoral government deciding what is moral. The Constitution was designed to get them out of the way, not keep them there.

DeSantis isn't a dynamic speaker like Trump for sure, but he has done nothing to get government involved in morality. All he did was say neither six year olds nor eleven year olds should go to government schools and be shown porn and adult sexual content. I live in Florida, and I am a DeSantis supporter.

So when you say what he should say better, I agree. If you're saying he isn't doing that though I disagree. Not sure, but if you think he's saying government should decide what is moral, you have to give me an example. Again, not saying you are saying that, just asking
Constitutionally, the government cannot tell me that I must accept LGBTXQ+ as normal or abnormal and/or what can and cannot literally or subjectively be included in school curriculum. It cannot constitutionally prosecute me or punish me in any way for what I believe about that or anything else.

The federal government is given no authority to say what is or is not to be included in public school curriculum. The state government can be given such authority however, most especially when public education is from the state government down.

Both DeSantis and Trump have been wrong in suggesting that as President they would in any respect establish such universal policy for all states.

DeSantis would be correct in saying that as President he will respect state's rights to choose what is best for their people and will not interfere in their laws/policies regarding that.

DeSantis is not my first choice to be President. But if he is the nominee I will vote for him.
Constitutionally, the government cannot tell me that I must accept LGBTXQ+ as normal or abnormal and/or what can and cannot literally or subjectively be included in school curriculum. It cannot constitutionally prosecute me or punish me in any way for what I believe about that or anything else.

The federal government is given no authority to say what is or is not to be included in public school curriculum. The state government can be given such authority however, most especially when public education is from the state government down.

Both DeSantis and Trump have been wrong in suggesting that as President they would in any respect establish such universal policy for all states.

DeSantis would be correct in saying that as President he will respect state's rights to choose what is best for their people and will not interfere in their laws/policies regarding that.

DeSantis is not my first choice to be President. But if he is the nominee I will vote for him.

Good thoughts, but I'm still not clear on the answer to my question.

I won't vote for Trump if he's the candidate unless he goes back to his priority being defeating the Democrats rather than himself. I don't blame him for being bitter about Democrats stealing the 2020 election from him, but that's a reason to feel bad for him, not vote for him to be President.

Trump's ads in Florida against DeSantis are really hateful. I voted for him in 2016 despite agreeing with him on virtually nothing because he was all about beating the Democrats. He's moved on to just thinking about himself now, so I've moved on from supporting him
Good thoughts, but I'm still not clear on the answer to my question.

I won't vote for Trump if he's the candidate unless he goes back to his priority being defeating the Democrats rather than himself. I don't blame him for being bitter about Democrats stealing the 2020 election from him, but that's a reason to feel bad for him, not vote for him to be President.

Trump's ads in Florida against DeSantis are really hateful. I voted for him in 2016 despite agreeing with him on virtually nothing because he was all about beating the Democrats. He's moved on to just thinking about himself now, so I've moved on from supporting him
I disagree. Trump has always been about a strong, free, secure, prosperous America and a more peaceful world and that the Democrats have delivered just the opposite to that. So yes, unless we defeat the Democrats we cannot have that MAGA vision we all voted for in 2016 and then again in 2020. I listen to what he is actually saying and not what others say they think he says or misrepresent what he says so they can attack it.

I strongly object to Patriots thinking they need to trash Trump in order for DeSantis to win. I dislike negative political ads period. But they are part of the game politicians think they have to play to win. (And DeSantis has not been complimentary re Trump either.)

I personally don't think DeSantis has sufficient experience or knowledge to be completely competent in the White House yet. Without a supportive legislature and mostly friendly press, he will have an uphill battle I don't think he is prepared for. I wish he would serve at least one term as Vice President to learn those ropes before being thrown into the lion's den.

But if he is the nominee, I will vote for him.
I disagree. Trump has always been about a strong, free, secure, prosperous America and a more peaceful world and that the Democrats have delivered just the opposite to that. So yes, unless we defeat the Democrats we cannot have that MAGA vision we all voted for in 2016 and then again in 2020. I listen to what he is actually saying and not what others say they think he says or misrepresent what he says so they can attack it.

I strongly object to Patriots thinking they need to trash Trump in order for DeSantis to win. I dislike negative political ads period. But they are part of the game politicians think they have to play to win. (And DeSantis has not been complimentary re Trump either.)

I personally don't think DeSantis has sufficient experience or knowledge to be completely competent in the White House yet. Without a supportive legislature and mostly friendly press, he will have an uphill battle I don't think he is prepared for. I wish he would serve at least one term as Vice President to learn those ropes before being thrown into the lion's den.

But if he is the nominee, I will vote for him.

First a correction. I voted for Trump in 2020, I did not vote f or him in 2016, I voted for Pot Man.

You're using a lot of flowery words. Sure, Trump loves the country. But I don't vote for flowery words, I vote for policy and backing it up. Trump was weak on the border, he had no fiscal conservatism. I did like he didn't start wars like Obama and W, but he didn't really get us out of those messes either.

You care a lot more about what candidates say than I do. I care what they DO. And Trump didn't do much. A lot of that was the Democrats for sure, but he sure liked to say this is the last massive spending bill he's signing, before he signed the next one, and the one after that ... Did he ever NOT sign a Dem spending bill? I don't remember that.

As for DeSantis, that's the first thing I've seen you say that's absurd. His record in Florida exceeds every other Republican running. He's kicked ass here and stood up to the left like no one and won. That statement he hasn't the experience is categorically absurd. Biden has lots of experience, LOL. DeSantis has done more than any other Republican running

Currently I will vote DeSantis, Ramaswamy or Nikki if they win the nomination. I will vote Trump if he remembers the point is defeating Democrats, not him. That isn't going to happen, but I say it because I would if he remembers what a President is. I currently will vote Kennedy if Trump is the candidate. The Libertarian Party has lost me too.

Last thing is I love Scott, but I see him as a W clone. All talk, now there is a lack of experience
First a correction. I voted for Trump in 2020, I did not vote f or him in 2016, I voted for Pot Man.

You're using a lot of flowery words. Sure, Trump loves the country. But I don't vote for flowery words, I vote for policy and backing it up. Trump was weak on the border, he had no fiscal conservatism. I did like he didn't start wars like Obama and W, but he didn't really get us out of those messes either.

You care a lot more about what candidates say than I do. I care what they DO. And Trump didn't do much. A lot of that was the Democrats for sure, but he sure liked to say this is the last massive spending bill he's signing, before he signed the next one, and the one after that ... Did he ever NOT sign a Dem spending bill? I don't remember that.

As for DeSantis, that's the first thing I've seen you say that's absurd. His record in Florida exceeds every other Republican running. He's kicked ass here and stood up to the left like no one and won. That statement he hasn't the experience is categorically absurd. Biden has lots of experience, LOL. DeSantis has done more than any other Republican running

Currently I will vote DeSantis, Ramaswamy or Nikki if they win the nomination. I will vote Trump if he remembers the point is defeating Democrats, not him. That isn't going to happen, but I say it because I would if he remembers what a President is. I currently will vote Kennedy if Trump is the candidate. The Libertarian Party has lost me too.

Last thing is I love Scott, but I see him as a W clone. All talk, now there is a lack of experience
I don't vote for flowery words either. I vote for a vision, a concept, a mindset, and more importantly track record, results, effect, consequences. Trump was not my first, second, or third choice in 2016 in the primaries but whether he meant his campaign rhetoric or not I voted for him in the general because ANY Republican would be better than Hillary Clinton. And I hoped he could deliver.

He DID deliver beyond my wildest expectations, on the economy, on energy, on inflation, on border security, on trade, on protecting our rights, on unleashing the ingenuity, creativeness, entrepreneurship spirit of all Americans. ALL demographics benefitted. ALL demographics saw their income and potential significantly and noticeably increased. Millions could quit their part time jobs with minimal benefits that Obama policies created and went to work in good paying full time jobs with full benefits. Many more jobs were coming back to America than were being outsourced.

And he gave us the closest thing to world peace I have experienced in my now very long lifetime. And he did it with a 98% hostile press and the Democrats and old guard Republicans fighting him every inch of the way.

He earned my vote in 2020. And despite the fact that he is sometimes petty, petulant, obnoxious, if he is the nominee I will vote for him again in 2024. And will do so with a clear conscience.

I don't think Ron DeSantis is ready to do all that yet. And he has so much potential I don't want you anti-Trumpers to destroy him by forcing him into a position he is not yet ready for.
It's great to see candidates promising to bring moral values back to America. After four more years of Trump, it should be DeSantis in 2028. You go Ron, bring America back to greatness!

---Republican candidate vows to restore 'full religious freedom' in the US if elected president ---
I thought he might be dropping out.
I don't vote for flowery words either. I vote for a vision, a concept, a mindset, and more importantly track record, results, effect, consequences. Trump was not my first, second, or third choice in 2016 in the primaries but whether he meant his campaign rhetoric or not I voted for him in the general because ANY Republican would be better than Hillary Clinton. And I hoped he could deliver.

W proved that wrong. He was worse than a Democrat because he was their fool. W believed he was Reaganesque, above the fray. But he completely didn't get Reagan who DID respond, just not in the way Dems expected.

Like in the Mondale debate where after a leftist diatribe by Mondale, Reagan just said "there you go again." Even Mondale laughed. That W thought that wasn't responding was because W didn't get it. And as a result, W looked clueless and uninformed, not Reaganesque.

He DID deliver beyond my wildest expectations, on the economy, on energy, on inflation, on border security, on trade, on protecting our rights, on unleashing the ingenuity, creativeness, entrepreneurship spirit of all Americans. ALL demographics benefitted. ALL demographics saw their income and potential significantly and noticeably increased. Millions could quit their part time jobs with minimal benefits that Obama policies created and went to work in good paying full time jobs with full benefits. Many more jobs were coming back to America than were being outsourced.

And he gave us the closest thing to world peace I have experienced in my now very long lifetime. And he did it with a 98% hostile press and the Democrats and old guard Republicans fighting him every inch of the way.

He earned my vote in 2020. And despite the fact that he is sometimes petty, petulant, obnoxious, if he is the nominee I will vote for him again in 2024. And will do so with a clear conscience.

You remember a lot of things happening that I only remember Trump saying. Especially on the economy, where Trump was terrible, he was a tax and spender. As I said, Trump kept saying this is the last time he's signing this much spending, before he signed another, and another ...
I don't think Ron DeSantis is ready to do all that yet. And he has so much potential I don't want you anti-Trumpers to destroy him by forcing him into a position he is not yet ready for.

I don't know what I can say other than if you don't think stomping Democrats repeatedly in one of the biggest States in the country is a qualification for President, then no one is qualified. OK, so after Biden and Trump leave, you support no one because no one is qualified?

And again, Biden is qualified by your standards, not by mine. But he and Trump are the only people who have more experience than DeSantis who haven't been President twice already
W proved that wrong. He was worse than a Democrat because he was their fool. W believed he was Reaganesque, above the fray. But he completely didn't get Reagan who DID respond, just not in the way Dems expected.

Like in the Mondale debate where after a leftist diatribe by Mondale, Reagan just said "there you go again." Even Mondale laughed. That W thought that wasn't responding was because W didn't get it. And as a result, W looked clueless and uninformed, not Reaganesque.

You remember a lot of things happening that I only remember Trump saying. Especially on the economy, where Trump was terrible, he was a tax and spender. As I said, Trump kept saying this is the last time he's signing this much spending, before he signed another, and another ...

I don't know what I can say other than if you don't think stomping Democrats repeatedly in one of the biggest States in the country is a qualification for President, then no one is qualified. OK, so after Biden and Trump leave, you support no one because no one is qualified?

And again, Biden is qualified by your standards, not by mine. But he and Trump are the only people who have more experience than DeSantis who haven't been President twice already
I'm pretty careful to get my history right. And you are reading a lot of crap into my words that I didn't say.
I'm pretty careful to get my history right. And you are reading a lot of crap into my words that I didn't say.

I double checked every point I was making as I entered it. What did I say that you didn't?
I double checked every point I was making as I entered it. What did I say that you didn't?
And I am quite secure in my facts too but always leave room for the possibility of error. I put my pants on one leg at a time too. :)

I voted for W and as bad as he was, he was better than Gore would have been. W disappointed me on many issues that only a Democrat could love, i.e. immigration, energy, environment, trade, education etc. as well as his ill advised invasion of Iraq and worse decision to stay there and do nation building. Like I said, I judge according to results, policy, effect, consequences and not by what I am told I should believe by the media or political zealots.

But none of that or any other President's track record changes my mind that ANY Republican would make a better President than Hillary Clinton. Probably should qualify that as any viable Republican. I for instance would make a terrible President. I have all the right attitudes, opinions, concepts, and vision of course, but am woefully ignorant on who to trust, who to appoint, how to get things done on a national scale and I don't know if I would be able to stand up to a hostile media and Congress.

I have competently run a large, diverse organization and have been successful in my own business. That does not extrapolate to me being qualified to be CEO of the United States of America.

Oh by the way. You were wrong I think when you said Trump was weak on the border. Listening to ICE and CBP personnel, he did the best job of any President in their experience. Not only was he building the wall which they deeply appreciated, but he had Mexico put 25,000+ military on their southern border stopping the caravans from coming north. Illegal immigration had slowed to a trickle and if a hostile Congress had allowed him all the resources he needed, the border would have been closed to all but legal traffic and his stay in Mexico while amnesty requests were processed stopped 90+ percent of that kind of traffic too.

P.S. Trump would be head and shoulders a better President than anybody the Democrats will put up. And even though I think it could ruin DeSantis to be President right now, he or any of the other candidates running would be a better President than anybody the Democrats will put up.
And I am quite secure in my facts too but always leave room for the possibility of error. I put my pants on one leg at a time too. :)

I voted for W and as bad as he was, he was better than Gore would have been. W disappointed me on many issues that only a Democrat could love, i.e. immigration, energy, environment, trade, education etc. as well as his ill advised invasion of Iraq and worse decision to stay there and do nation building. Like I said, I judge according to results, policy, effect, consequences and not by what I am told I should believe by the media or political zealots.

But none of that or any other President's track record changes my mind that ANY Republican would make a better President than Hillary Clinton. Probably should qualify that as any viable Republican. I for instance would make a terrible President. I have all the right attitudes, opinions, concepts, and vision of course, but am woefully ignorant on who to trust, who to appoint, how to get things done on a national scale and I don't know if I would be able to stand up to a hostile media and Congress.

I have competently run a large, diverse organization and have been successful in my own business. That does not extrapolate to me being qualified to be CEO of the United States of America.

Oh by the way. You were wrong I think when you said Trump was weak on the border. Listening to ICE and CBP personnel, he did the best job of any President in their experience. Not only was he building the wall which they deeply appreciated, but he had Mexico put 25,000+ military on their southern border stopping the caravans from coming north. Illegal immigration had slowed to a trickle and if a hostile Congress had allowed him all the resources he needed, the border would have been closed to all but legal traffic and his stay in Mexico while amnesty requests were processed stopped 90+ percent of that kind of traffic too.

P.S. Trump would be head and shoulders a better President than anybody the Democrats will put up. And even though I think it could ruin DeSantis to be President right now, he or any of the other candidates running would be a better President than anybody the Democrats will put up.

W created the TSA. Now that was a stupid as shit thing for a Republican to do and we have paid for that disaster ever since. And W was silent as Democrats rewrote their own culpability in getting us into Iraq. W was worse than Gore because Republicans would have united under Gore while W was supported by some and not others because we didn't want big government Republicans any more than big government Democrats, and W was a big government Republican

On DeSantis, you said he isn't qualified to be President. Specifically, he doesn't have the experience. Let's review Americans with MORE experience than DeSantis.

Slick, W, Obama, Biden, Trump. That's it. The first three are disqualified, they already served two terms. Not qualified doesn't refer to our agreement with their policies, but you made a qualifications argument, so I'm sticking with that.

Who is qualified and eligible to be President other than Trump and Biden since you say DeSantis isn't? That's my question. So what happens after this election?

My answer is I totally disagree that successful governors aren't qualified to be President. I love Scott personally, but I see no qualifications in Senators and he's done nothing else. I think a Scott presidency would be a disaster, the Democrats would pawn him. DeSantis has kicked ass in one of the largest States in the country. So who are you going to vote for after Trump? And why did you vote for Trump the first time? He was far less qualified than DeSantis is now
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It's great to see candidates promising to bring moral values back to America. After four more years of Trump, it should be DeSantis in 2028. You go Ron, bring America back to greatness!

---Republican candidate vows to restore 'full religious freedom' in the US if elected president ---
DeSantis does a theologian imitation. Morality is not the sole proprietorship of religion, which latter will try to confiscate it for its own use. What is 'full religious freedom'? Freedom of religion in the US Constitution means the freedom of government to be free of religion. Why should the government confiscate the preposition 'from' and then exclude others from having the right to exercise the same preposition it enjoys?

duh It take stones to be an atheist in America.
W created the TSA. Now that was a stupid as shit thing for a Republican to do and we have paid for that disaster ever since. And W was silent as Democrats rewrote their own culpability in getting us into Iraq. W was worse than Gore because Republicans would have united under Gore while W was supported by some and not others because we didn't want big government Republicans any more than big government Democrats, and W was a big government Republican

On DeSantis, you said he isn't qualified to be President. Specifically, he doesn't have the experience. Let's review Americans with MORE experience than DeSantis.

Slick, W, Obama, Biden, Trump. That's it. The first three are disqualified, they already served two terms. Not qualified doesn't refer to our agreement with their policies, but you made a qualifications argument, so I'm sticking with that.

Who is qualified and eligible to be President other than Trump and Biden since you say DeSantis isn't? That's my question. So what happens after this election?

My answer is I totally disagree that successful governors aren't qualified to be President. I love Scott personally, but I see no qualifications in Senators and he's done nothing else. I think a Scott presidency would be a disaster, the Democrats would pawn him. DeSantis has kicked ass in one of the largest States in the country. So who are you going to vote for after Trump? And why did you vote for Trump the first time? He was far less qualified than DeSantis is now
If you think any but the most leftist Republicans would have united under Gore, as whacked out as he was/is in a lot of his views, you're sadly mistaken. Yes W had a terrible time with a hostile press and social media demonizing him most of the time, at least after his popularity waned after 9/11--he enjoyed 90+% approval rating for a short time--and Trump had to deal with an even more radicalized left and rabidly hostile media as well as a dishonest and destructive Congress much of the time.

Please read and respond to what I actually argue instead of twisting it into something you can attack. Trump was up to the job despite no formal political experience and all the obstacles those on the left and jealous Republican could force him to circumvent. Desite all that he produced amazing things that were mostly good for America and Americans.

There are certainly former governors who can competently govern at the federal level--Clinton for instance was more competent than most and, had he pushed a Republican agenda instead of just acquiescing to one, he might have been great. Reagan was successful as a President. Carter was an abysmal failure and Bush 41 was a bitter disappointment to many of us.

I am not saying DeSantis can never make a great President. I simply said in my opinion he is not yet ready.

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