Good news from the DeSantis camp

Once more, the deceptions lie in the use of the prepositions "of" and "from." All US citizens, not simply the government, have the right to choose which one to use, meaning that freedom from religion is just as potent a freedom as freedom of religion. Because of collective American IQs, a collective that may have (legally [italics]) placed the absurdity now in the White House, it still takes stones to be an atheist in America.
Interesting observation, a seasoning may be called for. 'Swamy sides up to Musk like a brush up against psychosis, and absurdly, would not a Biden-Trump contest signal the coming close to an end of American politics?
I don't know. The campaign is already ugly and would likely get much uglier. All I know is Trump exceeded all my expectations and gave us the best positive results and good things for America exceeding anything I have experienced in my now very long lifetime. He deserves another term.

If that is not to be and a different nominee emerges as the winner, I will vote for that person against Biden no matter who he is. Biden, or more correctly the deep state that directs his every move, could not possibly be better than the worst Republican that the GOP could put up.
I have no interest at all in government being involved in morality, they need to stay out of it. One thing government is not is moral. We are great in spite of our government, not because of it
Morals are the most important thing in life and society. You cannot have law and order w/o a society that is centered around good morals.

When child murder was legalized in 1973, the rate of child abuse (of children already born) went up 500%


Trickle down violence and evil..

I guess it works like this: Children can get on a parent's nerves big time... Then sometimes the parent loses it and feels deep inside: Why did I bother having kids?

They can feel trapped and etc.. and so they lash out, thinking: "I could have avoided all this by getting an abortion"

Yes, I know, it sounds "out there" but human beings are... human. And the subconscious... well, who knows what all is going on THERE? (until it's too late?)
I prefer not to debate via personal insult and/or ad hominem. Thank you for understanding.

I didn't say you insulted him, I did. I used to agree with you, but I've gotten nothing from it with Democrats. They are stupid and full of hate and they don't think about anyone but themselves and it got me nowhere.. But you feel free to go ahead, no skin off my nose
Not really. It's people like you who can't accept the fact that the Trumpybear lost and no court in the land agreed with him when he legally challenge the results. Combine that with his lies and refusal to give the honorable and traditional concession speech to his followers and the country. It is totally new, driven by grievance, with a strong desire for retribution........


Poor little guy.

So you still have no idea why you called them "neo-GOP." Got it. It's what I said in the first place, you thought it sounded like neo-Nazi because you're low intelligence
Your fail is probably a better one: failure to read Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, wherein he explains the pathology as only a lawyer can do. Your argument above is like saying that "black lives matter" is not a racist statement. Enjoy your symptom.

You got me, I don't read Democrat propaganda. Well, not usually, sometimes it's fun, but it hurts my head with all the mental gymnastics.

Note you did not just give an example of DeSantis's Christian laws in Florida because YOU WERE LYING, ass hat. We have no theocracy here. You are full of cow excrement
Again please read what I wrote. I addressed every point here. I don't want to have to type all that out again.

Well, then can you just highlight the answer to who is qualified to be President other than Trump and Biden (eliminating two termers who can't run)? Sorry, I don't see it. I don't need anything else repeated, so if you can just reply to the post it's in and color the answer so I can see it that works.

On W though, I understand your view that W is better than Gore. I just think W was SO bad that the price was higher than the benefit because W laid down and let Democrats bash him repeatedly without standing up for himself, his party or his country and Democrats did a lot of damage to us all because of it
Morals are the most important thing in life and society

Bam! So true. And exactly why immoral politicians need to pick up the trash and stay out of our lives, they are in no way moral and you don't get morality from that
Well, then can you just highlight the answer to who is qualified to be President other than Trump and Biden (eliminating two termers who can't run)? Sorry, I don't see it. I don't need anything else repeated, so if you can just reply to the post it's in and color the answer so I can see it that works.

On W though, I understand your view that W is better than Gore. I just think W was SO bad that the price was higher than the benefit because W laid down and let Democrats bash him repeatedly without standing up for himself, his party or his country and Democrats did a lot of damage to us all because of it
I'll just summarize what I wrote. The person with the instincts, skill set including problem identification and solving skills, vision, talent, and ability and a solid understanding of what America has been and should be is qualified to be President. We didn't know whether Trump had that until he was on the job. He did. And he delivered good things for America better than any other President. I voted for him in 2016 only because he was the GOP nominee and I figured any Republican would be better for America than Hillary would be. And my gut told me he likely would be okay. Trump didn't disappoint. He exceeded all expectations. He had earned my vote in 2020.

My gut tells me DeSantis isn't yet ready for that. I think he most likely will be. But not now. I fear it would do him a great disservice to put him in that position before he is ready. If he is the nominee I will vote for him, however, support him in any way I can, and hope for the best. And if I'm wrong that he wasn't ready I'll say so.
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This "evil" stuff has really taken hold. They're in a Holy War, jihadis.

Most cults have a religious component, and this one is no exception.
They trash talk Muslims. If Trump is reelected this Country will become a carbon copy of Saudi Arabia.

But they're so enamored with Trump's ass that they will be blindsided when it happens, then welcome it.
I'll just summarize what I wrote. The person with the instincts, skill set, vision, talent, and ability and a solid understanding of what America has been and should be is qualified to be President. We didn't know whether Trump had that until he was on the job. He did. And he delivered good things for America better than any other President. I voted for him only because he was the GOP nominee and I figured any Republican would be better for America than Hillary would be. Trump didn't disappoint. He exceeded all expectations.

My gut tells me DeSantis isn't yet ready for that. I think he most likely will be. But not now. I fear it would do him a great disservice to put him in that position before he is ready. If he is the nominee I will vote for him, however, support him in any way I can, and hope for the best. And if I'm wrong that he wasn't ready I'll say so.

OK, so it sounds like what you are saying is it's not DeSantis's turn, it's still Trump's. While the 2020 election was clearly stolen from Trump, that doesn't in my mind make him entitled to my vote in 2024. I would vote for Trump if his priority was Biden losing. He'd be a far stronger candidate if he weren't saying clearly that if DeSantis wins, he wants the Democrats to win. I voted for Trump in spite of that I disagree with his tax and spend policies, so his saying that a great candidate losing to Biden is what he wants unless he personally wins has the consequence of I won't vote for him by his own standard either
OK, so it sounds like what you are saying is it's not DeSantis's turn, it's still Trump's. While the 2020 election was clearly stolen from Trump, that doesn't in my mind make him entitled to my vote in 2024. I would vote for Trump if his priority was Biden losing. He'd be a far stronger candidate if he weren't saying clearly that if DeSantis wins, he wants the Democrats to win. I voted for Trump in spite of that I disagree with his tax and spend policies, so his saying that a great candidate losing to Biden is what he wants unless he personally wins has the consequence of I won't vote for him by his own standard either
No I didn't say it wasn't DeSantis turn. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I'm saying I don't think DeSantis is ready.

Trump is. And has delivered on the job more than sufficiently to merit a second term.

Either man gets my vote next year if he is nominee. I hope it is Trump.
You got me, I don't read Democrat propaganda. Well, not usually, sometimes it's fun, but it hurts my head with all the mental gymnastics.

Note you did not just give an example of DeSantis's Christian laws in Florida because YOU WERE LYING, ass hat. We have no theocracy here. You are full of cow excrement
You're delirious. If you would have processed you mother tongue correctly, the separation of church and state (eliminates [italics]) a theocracy. There was no example of DS xian laws given, by default there were no lies.
No I didn't say it wasn't DeSantis turn. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I'm saying I don't think DeSantis is ready.

Trump is. And has delivered on the job more than sufficiently to merit a second term.

Either man gets my vote next year if he is nominee. I hope it is Trump.

Well, I think that's as far as we're getting. You get my vote any day
You're delirious. If you would have processed you mother tongue correctly, the separation of church and state (eliminates [italics]) a theocracy. There was no example of DS xian laws given, by default there were no lies.

So no, you still have no examples of DeSantis doing anything related to religion in government. So you were delirious when you said that, of course you were
Well, I think that's as far as we're getting. You get my vote any day
Well thank you. I think. :)

Seriously, it's okay for Patriots to disagree. On my Twitter (now X) account I am constantly beating the drum that those who support DeSantis should support him every ethical way they can but they do not help him or America by trashing Trump.

And those supporting Trump should support him every ethical way they can but they do not help him or America by trashing DeSantis.

I hate hate HATE when they trash each other.

Both are good men and both have delivered very good things for those who elected them and everybody else except those with less than ethical motives who had their intended bad acts thwarted.

And whichever of those two or some other Republican who eventually emerges as the nominee, we should vote for without reservation. Any other vote is a vote for more of an increasingly radicalized, militarized, and Marxist minded Democrat or a deep state who will manage whatever Democrat that is elected.
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Certainly not my dad's GOP. Novell Republican's? Trumpybear's budding little fascists. The New-GOP. New Republicans. All pretty much interchangeable. So, they remind you of Nazi's huh? Bee honest now!
You couldn't be more wrong. In your father's and grandfather's generations, the limp wristed stayed in the closet. Now blue cities allow them to have parades where they march in Speedos.
They trash talk Muslims. If Trump is reelected this Country will become a carbon copy of Saudi Arabia.

But they're so enamored with Trump's ass that they will be blindsided when it happens, then welcome it.
World history is replete with situations like this.

There's just no way it could have happened in America. No way. Not HERE.

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