Good news: measure to protect gays

Is it going to protect gays from being murdered in drug deals gone wrong by former homosexual lovers like Shepard was ? Lol
The older gay hater far right argument is still as wrong today as it was when first put out there. For shame, haters.
  1. Jimenez found that Matthew was addicted to and dealing crystal meth and had dabbled in heroin. He also took significant sexual risks and was being pimped alongside Aaron McKinney, one of his killers, with whom he'd had occasional sexual encounters. He was HIV positive at the time of his death.Oct 26, 2014

  2. The truth behind America's most famous gay-hate murder | World ...
    The Guardian › world › oct › the-truth-b...

If Shepard hadn't been involved in drugs he'd most likely still be taking it up the chute. Life is full of choices
Is it going to protect gays from being murdered in drug deals gone wrong by former homosexual lovers like Shepard was ? Lol
Yes, we can understand why people like you want to change the facts in the DOES look pretty bad otherwise.
If Shepard hadn't been involved in drugs he'd most likely still be taking it up the chute. Life is full of choices
No he would still have been dead for years. He had AIDS. The difference is, his untimely death prevented him from spreading it.
Shepard was a drug addicted, disease infected, fudge packer.

No wonder he was such an iconic hero to the lefty liberal loons. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
Robbery was the motive.
The killer an ex homosexual lover.

The narrative invented by the hysterical gay mafia in search of a hero, a cause, a rallying cry.....

Their self deluded inspiration is drawn from myth and fiction....

"Hate" can be such an easy sell to the minions who seek it round every corner, even when proved a lie.
what is wrong with protecting gays rights to equal protection when it comes to housing and employment....which is what this thread is about.
ADDRESS the OP boys and girls.

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