Good Report Today!


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
Got a good report from the doctor today. Also there is a medicine coming up for clinical trials, maybe this year, by the same company that makes the medication for the pump, only it is a pill. The nurse was telling me about it a few months ago, and today the MD asked if I would be interested in being in the clinical trial. I am. For sure. My dose is fairly low. So, I'm a good candidate to switch over to something else. So there is still some hope of living a more normal life.
Got a good report from the doctor today. Also there is a medicine coming up for clinical trials, maybe this year, by the same company that makes the medication for the pump, only it is a pill. The nurse was telling me about it a few months ago, and today the MD asked if I would be interested in being in the clinical trial. I am. For sure. My dose is fairly low. So, I'm a good candidate to switch over to something else. So there is still some hope of living a more normal life.

Nice to hear. Hope all goes well.
Got a good report from the doctor today. Also there is a medicine coming up for clinical trials, maybe this year, by the same company that makes the medication for the pump, only it is a pill. The nurse was telling me about it a few months ago, and today the MD asked if I would be interested in being in the clinical trial. I am. For sure. My dose is fairly low. So, I'm a good candidate to switch over to something else. So there is still some hope of living a more normal life.
Call Chata. :cool:
Thanks, y'all.

He didn't tell me the name of it. Maybe I'll all the nurse and ask today. When I was taking my students to Vandy for clinical they often had patients on experimental meds and they could find out all kinds of things about them on the internet.
its hard to believe with you being an attorney and nurse that you didnt get the name of this drug that you seem to think will save you....i know when my doctor mentions a drug...he spells it out for me....and normally writes it down for me...
Congrats, hope the clinical trials have positive results.

In animal studies, it is causing side effects so they know it 'does' something. It is prostoglandin, like what is in the pump. Thinking about it from the medical standpoint it does the opposite of aspirin, as aspirin inhibits prostoglandins. So, the side effects are a lot of muscle pain, flu like symptoms, etc, at least until you can stop increasing the dose. It used to just lay me out when he increase the dose. Would usually end up missing a day of work.

I'm hoping the medicine will be free, but that isn't a given. And I am hoping it works.
Got a good report from the doctor today. Also there is a medicine coming up for clinical trials, maybe this year, by the same company that makes the medication for the pump, only it is a pill. The nurse was telling me about it a few months ago, and today the MD asked if I would be interested in being in the clinical trial. I am. For sure. My dose is fairly low. So, I'm a good candidate to switch over to something else. So there is still some hope of living a more normal life.

Though I am unaware of the nature of your illness, I hope the least intrusive method of medication for you.

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