Good Unemployment Numbers, Bad Growth Numbers?


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2018
The economic gurus on the board say that the pre-virus unemployment numbers and gaining wages are not sign of a good economy due to poor growth numbers. Could some of these money guys give a dummies version of how people could be working at record levels, but the growth numbers are still not good? Is it possible to have a good economy and the growth numbers not reflect it. Sorry for my ignorance, thanks.
The economic gurus on the board say that the pre-virus unemployment numbers and gaining wages are not sign of a good economy due to poor growth numbers. Could some of these money guys give a dummies version of how people could be working at record levels, but the growth numbers are still not good? Is it possible to have a good economy and the growth numbers not reflect it. Sorry for my ignorance, thanks.
These growth numbers they claim are "not good", during Obama would have been heralded as the amazing.

The Fed's GDP Now number for the current quarter is for annualized growth of 29.6%. That's BLAZING GDP growth.

Obama's best quarter was 5.5%.

So we are seeing amazing job qrowth and economic growth as Trump powers the US economy out of the China COVID Slump that we undertook voluntarily in order to protect the most vulnerable from the ravages of this ongoing pandemic.
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ON LABOR DAY, BIDEN TOUTED ‘PRO-LABOR’ BILL THAT WOULD KILL MILLIONS OF JOBS: “Let’s be clear: Biden’s agenda isn’t pro-labor. It’s pro-labor-union. There’s a big difference.”

It’s normal for politicians to honor Labor Day with statements lauding the history of the labor movement or signaling their support for unions. Yet it’s rare to see them do what Joe Biden just did on Monday: brag about support for legislation that would kill millions of jobs.

The Democratic nominee for president celebrated the holiday with a tweet reiterating his support for the sweeping PRO Act and promised to "be the strongest labor president workers have ever had." But if he ever followed through on this promise, signing the PRO Act wouldn’t help workers. It would threaten millions of people's livelihoods, taking away earning options they rely on and leaving them financially vulnerable during a pandemic and global recession.

The PRO Act’s main provisions serve the interests of union officials at the expense of actual workers. For example, the legislation would immediately eliminate “right-to-work” laws nationwide. Currently in effect in 28 states, these laws ensure that no workers are required to pay union fees or be members of a union in order to do their job.

This ensures that unions must actually serve workers’ interests to attract membership because they don’t get to mandate funding or membership by law. It also ensures that a politicized bureaucracy doesn’t hold the keys to your employment unless you agree to it.

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