Goodbye, America! It Was Fun While It Lasted


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Ann Coulter
February 11, 2009

Second, bureaucrats at Health and Human Services will electronically collect every citizen's complete medical records and determine appropriate medical care.

Judging by the care that the State Department took with private visa records last year, that the Ohio government took with Joe the Plumber's government records, that the Pentagon took with Linda Tripp's employment records in 1998, and that the FBI took with thousands of top secret "raw" background files in President Clinton's first term, the bright side is: We'll finally be able to find out if Bill Clinton has syphilis -- all thanks to the stimulus bill!

HHS bureaucrats will soon be empowered to overrule your doctor. Doctors who don't comply with the government's treatment protocols will be fined. That's right: Instead of your treatment being determined by your doctor, it will be settled on by some narcoleptic half-wit in Washington who couldn't get a job in the private sector.

And a brand-new set of bureaucrats in the newly created office of "National Coordinator of Health Information Technology" will be empowered to cut off treatments that merely prolong life. Sorry, Mom and Pop, Big Brother said it's time to go.

Welcome to

You wanted change? Well, you're going to get it!
PC, please tell me you're smarter than this drivel.

Forgive me, DavidS, for not affording you the usual slack that I give pals, even slow-witted ones, but the daily drumbeat of poor judgment, falling stock market, crooks in public office, lies that go well beyond the usual politicrat BS, a White House occupant not up to the job, and an electorate too easily duped, my patience is wearing thin.

I hope that your post is the result of important tasks, or a distraction up to, and including, terminal diarrhea that caused such a feeble politically correct cliche.

Just for a moment, put aside the kind of answer that would get you a passing grade in public school, and be articulate, incisive, and erudite in explaining why you have claimed that, if I understand the term "drivel," you have labeled the material that I posted as childish, silly and meaningless.

I would suggest you focus on the following:

1) The Stimulus Bill rewards states that increase their welfare caseloads ($4 Billion)

2) The bill mandates that the government collects the complete medical records of every citizen, and how poorly same has handled privacy.

3) Treatment of patients will be detemined in large measure by bureaucrats bent only on savings.

4) The Congressional Budget Office has determined that the bill will shrink the economy within a decade.

Again, which of these is "drivel"?

As a corollary, where do you or any others who have an opinion and a vote have the gall to be unconcerned with the future of the country?
PC, please tell me you're smarter than this drivel.

Apparently not.

Pity...yet another stupid thread.

Pithy, pithy. I see another substanceless post by the DriveBy-Wyvern.

I challenge you to construct a counter to any of the points I've directed to DavidS.
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PC, please tell me you're smarter than this drivel.

Forgive me, DavidS, for not affording you the usual slack that I give pals, even slow-witted ones, but the daily drumbeat of poor judgment, falling stock market, crooks in public office, lies that go well beyond the usual politicrat BS, a White House occupant not up to the job, and an electorate too easily duped, my patience is wearing thin.

I hope that your post is the result of important tasks, or a distraction up to, and including, terminal diarrhea that caused such a feeble politically correct cliche.

Just for a moment, put aside the kind of answer that would get you a passing grade in public school, and be articulate, incisive, and erudite in explaining why you have claimed that, if I understand the term "drivel," you have labeled the material that I posted as childish, silly and meaningless.

I would suggest you focus on the following:

1) The Stimulus Bill rewards states that increase their welfare caseloads ($4 Billion)

2) The bill mandates that the government collects the complete medical records of every citizen, and how poorly same has handled privacy.

3) Treatment of patients will be detemined in large measure by bureaucrats bent only on savings.

4) The Congressional Budget Office has determined that the bill will shrink the economy within a decade.

Again, which of these is "drivel"?

As a corollary, where do you or any others who have an opinion and a vote have the gall to be unconcerned with the future of the country?

As an excellent predictior of future posts from our 'friends' on the left here I foresee the only replies you will get will be in the vain of 'Ann Coulter said it so it's wrong, 'drivel', generally not worth commenting on' (already got one).

I further predict that my post has preempted some posts and now this will be meant with a greater degree of just plain silence from our 'friends' on the left.
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What's amazing is that this country is the best in the world because of it's people not the government... There is not one person in this country that can honestly disagree with that.... Now we have a group of people in control of this country that want to take us to Socialism where the government controls everything and turn us into Russia, Germany, etc... It makes no sense...
What's amazing is that this country is the best in the world because of it's people not the government... There is not one person in this country that can honestly disagree with that.... Now we have a group of people in control of this country that want to take us to Socialism where the government controls everything and turn us into Russia, Germany, etc... It makes no sense...

So true, so true.

It was shocking that a center-right electorate cleaned the pallete, and painted in red.

I am reminded of the words from "The Day The Music Died," "...and while the king was looking down, the jester stole his thorny crown..."

Now the Jester is in the White House, the result of the perfect storm of bad financial times, a disreputable media and a weak electorate too lazy to inform themselves.
Apparently not.

Pity...yet another stupid thread.

What SPECIFICALLY is stupid about it? What do you believe to be untrue out of the repurcussions listed?

It's jillian what do you expect... She just tries to piss people off... just ignore her and maybe she will go to another board.

Sweetheart... feel free to find someplace else if having your BS pointed out bugs you. Maybe you'll find enough morons that no one will notice what absurd lies you post.

I have great relationships with the smart righties. You just happen to be an idiot. And I don't mind calling you on your garbage because it's amusing.
lol, PC is even beginning to think in cliche.

Sad. Isn't it?

Why, I declare! I think that you and Ravi-oli have a point, (there is an easy joke here, but too easy) about my thinking. Could it be that the two of you are rubbing off on me???

I'd better be more discriminating about who I hang with. If I don't watch out I may be posting "so are you," or reduced to one and two syllable words.
Ann is afraid the medical records check will reveal that she's a tranny.
Ann is afraid the medical records check will reveal that she's a tranny.

I was thinking the same thing about Rachel Maddow...




OK, which is the woman in this photo? :eusa_think:

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