Goodbye La Nina!

CFSv2 is more bullish for El Niño to come by late Summer/Fall.

Whee, if those upper outliers take place, going to be very interesting time in the next two years.
For those who don't know..

IN the first ten microns of water (sea water in this case) is a region where evaporation occurs and the area just below it it is COOLER than the surface, making it next to impossible for warming to occur from above it. Only solar radiation or water warming on land and then entering the ocean can cause small area warming..

But Crick is totally ignorant of these basic properties of water...

You say the surface is warmer than the water underneath, but insist that no heat transfer takes place. Or (since you write poorly) you are saying that the air above the ocean's surface is cooler than the water. That would make net conduction a little tough leaving virtually no way for the ocean to be heated. I guess the ocean is just a solid block of ice in Billy's world.

You are one fucking idiot.

"Much of the direct and diffuse solar short wave (less than 2 micros, mostly in the visible range) electromagnetic radiation that reaches the sea surface penetrates the ocean (the ocean has a low albedo, except when the sun is close to the horizon), heating the sea water down to about 100 to 200 meters, depending on the water clarity. It is within this thin sunlit surface layer of the ocean that the process of photosynthesis can occur. Solar heating of the ocean on a global average is 168 watts per square meter."
Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling

Billy Bob, you seem to be totally ignorant of these basic properties of water. Had you ever heard of photosynthesis?

The stupid just never stops with you does it crick...the ocean is warmed by two primary sources...the sun, and undersea volcanic activity....on rare occasions, the air is warmer than the ocean and does transfer some miniscule amount of moving from warm to cool and all...but the oceans warm the atmosphere...not the other way around...
Damn, but you are one stupid fuck. No, the volcanoes in the ocean supply very little heat to the ocean.

There are a number of ways to attack this poor reasoning, but I'll try to go with the ones I think are most convincing.

  • This argument suggests that volcanic activity (not just volcanoes) on the ocean floor must be increasing over the last few hundred years. We see no evidence of this - and the author of the post only uses evidence that we have discovered more volcanoes (up to 3.4 million) on the seafloor.
  • The author claims "that 3,477,403 number, coming from two well-respected oceanographers, does reinforce my point rather nicely, namely, that underwater volcanoes are heating the seas." Sure, there might be a lot of volcanoes but he makes no mention of how many might be active enough to heat the ocean water. We can see at surface volcanoes that not all of them are erupting or puffing away simultaneously - why would undersea volcanoes be different? Additionally, of those 3.4 million 'volcanoes' he cites from a 2007 study, how many were considered active?
  • Finally, you would expect in this situation that ocean water would warm from the bottom (near the volcanoes) upwards, but it is actually the surface waters that are warming, not the deep ocean. This suggests that heating is coming from exchange with the atmosphere, not from some deep source on the ocean floor.
It is very easy to try to throw around some partially baked ideas about volcanism to try to explain the changing in the ocean temperature worldwide, but they would require extraordinary circumstances where ocean volcanic activity was increasing exactly when human carbon dioxide production was also increasing. Sorry, the subsurface volcanoes are no source for your ocean heating (and if I had the time, I'd calculate how much energy would take to heat all the oceans by 0.5C - it is bound to be more than you can get out of a few hundred thousand Ruapehus)."

For more information on Submarine Volcanoes, check out our lesson here!
For those who don't know..

IN the first ten microns of water (sea water in this case) is a region where evaporation occurs and the area just below it it is COOLER than the surface, making it next to impossible for warming to occur from above it. Only solar radiation or water warming on land and then entering the ocean can cause small area warming..

But Crick is totally ignorant of these basic properties of water...

You say the surface is warmer than the water underneath, but insist that no heat transfer takes place. Or (since you write poorly) you are saying that the air above the ocean's surface is cooler than the water. That would make net conduction a little tough leaving virtually no way for the ocean to be heated. I guess the ocean is just a solid block of ice in Billy's world.

You are one fucking idiot.

"Much of the direct and diffuse solar short wave (less than 2 micros, mostly in the visible range) electromagnetic radiation that reaches the sea surface penetrates the ocean (the ocean has a low albedo, except when the sun is close to the horizon), heating the sea water down to about 100 to 200 meters, depending on the water clarity. It is within this thin sunlit surface layer of the ocean that the process of photosynthesis can occur. Solar heating of the ocean on a global average is 168 watts per square meter."
Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling

Billy Bob, you seem to be totally ignorant of these basic properties of water. Had you ever heard of photosynthesis?

Again you failed to read YOUR OWN LINK...Your own link states DOWN-WELLING SOLAR RADIATION and photosynthesis..

"sunlit surface layer of the ocean "

It also states that higher ambient air temps can not warm the ocean.. but again you failed to read your own link!
You clearly are an ignorant dweeb..
Real fucking dumb. That article does not state that the world's glaciers are melting. In fact, it states that one study states that Antarctica is gaining ice. And there are many other equally good studies that state that Antarctica is losing ice. And Principia Scientific International is a pay to publish rag, not at all a scientific journal.


Remember folks....any time science publishes research that doesnt conform with the established narrative of the alarmists, you can see, first.....their head explodes and second ( and you can set your watch by it )....the predictable knee-jerk attack on the source.

What does it mean?

It means, "FUCK...I JUST GOT PWNED!!"


Your going to be very disappointed...


Cold water at depth and at the surface is going to ruin your day... Do you see what is coming up the south american coast to the equator? -2 deg C water... Your upward trend is going to be very short lived..

I'd trust your analyses of any meteorological subject about as far as my pet flea could toss them. But, let me ask you this: do you think there will ever be another el Nino?
So, have you abandoned your claim that the ocean cannot take in radiant energy from the sun due to evaporation and surface tension?

Radiant energy from the sun is primarily short wave and penetrates the oceans for hundreds of is always lies with you crick...anyone who talks to you spends most of the conversation correcting the lies, misinformation, misdirection, and equivocation that never ceases to pour from you...whoever said that the ocean didn't receive energy from the sun?

Kindly provide a quote from anyone who said that the sun doesn't warm the ocean...My bet is that you will, at best be able to provide a quote which you then tortured into providing you a basis for lies, misinformation, misdirection and equivocation.
Real fucking dumb. That article does not state that the world's glaciers are melting. In fact, it states that one study states that Antarctica is gaining ice. And there are many other equally good studies that state that Antarctica is losing ice. And Principia Scientific International is a pay to publish rag, not at all a scientific journal.

Yep...they say that Antarctica is losing ice from the bottom due to volcanic activity. Deliberate omission of pertinent facts is just lying rocks...don't you know that? Does it matter to you in the least?

Your going to be very disappointed...


Cold water at depth and at the surface is going to ruin your day... Do you see what is coming up the south american coast to the equator? -2 deg C water... Your upward trend is going to be very short lived..

I'd trust your analyses of any meteorological subject about as far as my pet flea could toss them. But, let me ask you this: do you think there will ever be another el Nino?

You have a pet flea? My bet is you ever speak a sentence that does not contain a lie?
He never said he wished for warming. That would seem to be your job.
And those claims are supported by those data... where?

Oh, wait, you know these things but the world's actual meteorologists and actual atmospheric physicists do not. Cause you're SO fooking smart.
And those claims are supported by those data... where?

Speaking of observed measured data supporting claims..ever going to produce anything that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability? Anything at all? Thus far, your attempts have been so feeble as to be laughable...
CFSv2 is more bullish for El Niño to come by late Summer/Fall.

Its going to be lucky to exit neutral ranges and the cold pools are rapidly increasing and rising... Good luck with this...


Lol indeed....i see a staggering amount of blue on that silly map! Silly. You guys are color blind and nobody is buying the whole "average" narrative anymore except the climate science club.

Show us more orange and red!!!:113::cul2::cul2:
CFSv2 is more bullish for El Niño to come by late Summer/Fall.

Its going to be lucky to exit neutral ranges and the cold pools are rapidly increasing and rising... Good luck with this...


Ohhh that red oceans looks angry!!!! Wowzers!!! Maybe you can out scary eyebrows on it too!

The Warming "trapped" in the oceans makes their numbers work....that's Bernie Madoff Science!

Meanwhile it's been the coldest year ever here in NY. Had to wear a sweatshirt again yesterday. Have had the AC one day so far this year.

One Day.

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