Goodbye Obamacare, you were an abject failure, as we all knew you would be.

when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?


Read up:

For the last 10 months, states have been legally allowed to let insurers sell plans outside their borders.

Despite the idea’s enduring popularity, no states have signaled interest in the policy, insurance experts and regulators say.

Insurers aren’t interested at this point,” Linda Blumberg, a senior fellow on health policy at the Urban Institute, said in an interview. “It’s kind of a lot of effort for no necessary return.”

It’s a talking point. But we know it’s been discussed and discussed and discussed,” the member said. “At the end of the day, it’s just not going to work.”

Insurers not interested in selling ObamaCare across state lines

This was never about selling across states - this has always been about circumventing state insurance laws by selling it out of another, less regulated state. That's why insurance companies have zero interest while Obamacare uniform standards are in place. And once they are out, what will happen is not competition, but race to the bottom and wholesale demolition of any state insurance standards.

This is fundamentally misguided, it is a solution to a problem we DON'T HAVE. We don't have a problem if inefficient healthcare insurance administration, we have a problem of underlying HEALTHCARE COSTS that insurance pays for.

all true-------------insurers are not interested in selling OBAMACARE across state lines. That's the point, fool. Obamacare is a loser for insurance companies, those paying for it, and the nation as a whole.

Damn, read your own cites. You made my point and are too dumb to realize it.
You know who is going to lose their insurance? The working people who cannot afford the high premium s and deductibles. Nice work assholes!

15-20 million people gained insurance due to Republican-vote-free Obamacare, this after 6 years of Republican do-nothing while the costs were spiraling out of control. That's results.

Bitching, moaning and progress obstruction, that's all you assholes are good for.

and 30 million lost coverage because they could no longer afford it. the only people that like it are the ones getting it free------------are you one of them?
and 30 million lost coverage because they could no longer afford it.

WTF? Do you just pull whatever you want out of your ass on demand?

Source for this ridiculous claim?

This is the NET EFFECT. Some people lose insurance, some people gain, but overall the is the net result of the always ongoing turn-over, with adjustment for population growth:

and 30 million lost coverage because they could no longer afford it.

WTF? Do you just pull whatever you want out of your ass on demand?

Source for this ridiculous claim?

sorry, its only 29 million, my mistake

Learn how to read. You source doesn't say 29 million LOST insurance, it says 29 million still don't have insurance, which is WAY DOWN compared to when Obamacare went into effect.

This is why it is so difficult to have a conversation with most people about complex policy like Obamacare...never mind understanding what is in the law, they can't even understand meaning of most basic facts they read about.
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and 30 million lost coverage because they could no longer afford it.

WTF? Do you just pull whatever you want out of your ass on demand?

Source for this ridiculous claim?

sorry, its only 29 million, my mistake

Learn how to read. You source doesn't say 29 million LOST insurance, it says 29 million still don't have insurance, which is WAY DOWN compared to when Obamacare went into effect.

This is why it is so difficult to have a conversation with most people about complex policy like Obamacare...never mind understanding what is in the law, they can't even understand meaning of most basic facts they read about.
and 30 million lost coverage because they could no longer afford it.

WTF? Do you just pull whatever you want out of your ass on demand?

Source for this ridiculous claim?

sorry, its only 29 million, my mistake

Learn how to read. You source doesn't say 29 million LOST insurance, it says 29 million still don't have insurance, which is WAY DOWN compared to when Obamacare went into effect.

This is why it is so difficult to have a conversation with most people about complex policy like Obamacare...never mind understanding what is in the law, they can't even understand meaning of most basic facts they read about.

bullshit, the whole obozocare idea was to insure the 30 million americans who did not have medical insurance, and the number of uninsured is still 30 million. the stupid ACA accomplished nothing but to destroy what was working.

NO ONE was denied medical care before ACA, NO ONE, even those here illegally.

Sure, if you did not have insurance you had to use the ER and it was inconvenient. Tough shit, when you get something free it is not supposed to be convenient. You get what you pay for. Grow the fuck up, the government is not your momma, you are owed nothing except the freedom to succeed or fail.
and 30 million lost coverage because they could no longer afford it.

WTF? Do you just pull whatever you want out of your ass on demand?

Source for this ridiculous claim?

sorry, its only 29 million, my mistake

Learn how to read. You source doesn't say 29 million LOST insurance, it says 29 million still don't have insurance, which is WAY DOWN compared to when Obamacare went into effect.

This is why it is so difficult to have a conversation with most people about complex policy like Obamacare...never mind understanding what is in the law, they can't even understand meaning of most basic facts they read about.

bullshit, the whole obozocare idea was to insure the 30 million americans

Idiot, what part of this graph do you not understand?


Do you not understand that it shows drastic decrease of number of people without insurance relative to population size???

Wtf is your malfunction?

In 2009 we had about 50 million people without insurance, now we have 29 million

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Well the 2017 rate increases will change your stupid graph. Wait for it.

Except you conservatives keep saying this very thing every year, along with tons of other assertions time consistently proves wrong.
and 30 million lost coverage because they could no longer afford it.

WTF? Do you just pull whatever you want out of your ass on demand?

Source for this ridiculous claim?

sorry, its only 29 million, my mistake

Learn how to read. You source doesn't say 29 million LOST insurance, it says 29 million still don't have insurance, which is WAY DOWN compared to when Obamacare went into effect.

This is why it is so difficult to have a conversation with most people about complex policy like Obamacare...never mind understanding what is in the law, they can't even understand meaning of most basic facts they read about.

bullshit, the whole obozocare idea was to insure the 30 million americans

Idiot, what part of this graph do you not understand?


Do you not understand that it shows drastic decrease of number of people without insurance relative to population size???

Wtf is your malfunction?

In 2009 we had about 50 million people without insurance, now we have 29 million


first of all, the newly insured are getting it free or heavily subsidized by the people who are now paying twice as much for their premiums, have doubled deductibles, and are forced to pay for coverages that they don't want and don't need.

It is not a success, insurance companies are dropping out, states are opting out, the young are paying the penalties rather than the ridiculously high premiums.

Yeah, if you are getting it free you love it, but you always got free medical care.

NO ONE was denied medical care before ACA, it was not a fix for a problem, there was no problem. it was a government take over of 1/6 of the economy, that's what socialists do. Because they think they are smarter than we are, they think they can manage YOUR and MY money better than we can------------fuck em.
Well the 2017 rate increases will change your stupid graph. Wait for it.

Except you conservatives keep saying this very thing every year, along with tons of other assertions time consistently proves wrong.
Arizona premiums will rise 116%, will that tickle the shit out of ewe?

probably will since he/she/it is getting it "FREE"

Have you ever eaten a redfish? They are sometimes called drumfish around here. They are delicious. I love mine baked.
Well the 2017 rate increases will change your stupid graph. Wait for it.

Except you conservatives keep saying this very thing every year, along with tons of other assertions time consistently proves wrong.
Arizona premiums will rise 116%, will that tickle the shit out of ewe?

probably will since he/she/it is getting it "FREE"

Have you ever eaten a redfish? They are sometimes called drumfish around here. They are delicious. I love mine baked.

of course, I catch em and eat em. that's why I picked the avatar. Red drum, redfish, spot drum. all the same. excellent eating and fun to catch. can be caught in the bayous, offshore, and in the marsh. Live shrimp is the best bait but they will also bite dead shrimp, crokers, cacahoes, or cut bait.
Well the 2017 rate increases will change your stupid graph. Wait for it.

Except you conservatives keep saying this very thing every year, along with tons of other assertions time consistently proves wrong.
Arizona premiums will rise 116%, will that tickle the shit out of ewe?

probably will since he/she/it is getting it "FREE"

Have you ever eaten a redfish? They are sometimes called drumfish around here. They are delicious. I love mine baked.

of course, I catch em and eat em. that's why I picked the avatar. Red drum, redfish, spot drum. all the same. excellent eating and fun to catch. can be caught in the bayous, offshore, and in the marsh. Live shrimp is the best bait but they will also bite dead shrimp, crokers, cacahoes, or cut bait.

We have a young man in our family who fishes for them daily, in a place called crooked island sound. Damn good eating.
Well the 2017 rate increases will change your stupid graph. Wait for it.

Except you conservatives keep saying this very thing every year, along with tons of other assertions time consistently proves wrong.
Arizona premiums will rise 116%, will that tickle the shit out of ewe?

Nice cherry pick.

Why didn't you use Massachusetts where the law was around since 2006, insurance enrollments and risk pools are normalized and has seen 3% DECLINE in premium costs for 2017?

Not convenient, that's why.

Obamacare also provides subsidies that ensure that premiums do not cost more than 10% of income, so affordability is still preserved and that's why even among price increases uninsured rate there dropped from 16 to 10%.
Well the 2017 rate increases will change your stupid graph. Wait for it.

Except you conservatives keep saying this very thing every year, along with tons of other assertions time consistently proves wrong.
Arizona premiums will rise 116%, will that tickle the shit out of ewe?

Nice cherry pick.

Why didn't you use Massachusetts where the law was around since 2006, insurance enrollments and risk pools are normalized and has seen 3% DECLINE in premium costs for 2017?

Not convenient, that's why.

Obamacare also provides subsidies that ensure that premiums do not cost more than 10% of income, so affordability is still preserved and that's why even among price increases uninsured rate there dropped from 16 to 10%.

who do you think is funding those subsidies? any idea?

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