Goodbye Obamacare, you were an abject failure, as we all knew you would be.

And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??
I already told you this.

The removal of Obamacare does not require that something be provided to suit you.

Just because you think everybody must have free insurance doesn't mean it's going to happen.

No that is NOT what you told me.

What you told me was that millions that will lose insurance from Obamacare repeal would revert to Medicaid.

You of course are welcome to now change what you are saying, but you can't claim that you didn't say that as your original response to me.

See, when I think of people who need medical care

I don't give a shit what you think on who deserves what.

Fact is many people would lose insurance and Republicans, if they will go ahead with this, will pay for it come 2018 and 2020.
she gets medicaid
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??
I already told you this.

The removal of Obamacare does not require that something be provided to suit you.

Just because you think everybody must have free insurance doesn't mean it's going to happen.

No that is NOT what you told me.

What you told me was that millions that will lose insurance from Obamacare repeal would revert to Medicaid.

You of course are welcome to now change what you are saying, but you can't claim that you didn't say that as your original response to me.

See, when I think of people who need medical care

I don't give a shit what you think on who deserves what.

Fact is many people would lose insurance and Republicans, if they will go ahead with this, will pay for it come 2018 and 2020.

Owtch. Trigger, triggering, triggers everywhere...

You know who is going to lose their insurance? The working people who cannot afford the high premium s and deductibles. Nice work assholes!

20 million people gained insurance due to Republican-vote-free Obamacare. That's results.

Bitching, moaning and progress obstruction - that's all Republicans are good for.
How does that help if the middle class can no longer afford the premiums and the deductibles. I'm listening.

Oh fuck off, where were you when insurance costs were growing through the roof in 2000's?


Obamacare gets passed and all of a sudden people think insurance cost increase is something invented by the Democrats.
You fuck off you inbred moron. It is now unaffordable. Now what ya gonna dew?
Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??
I already told you this.

The removal of Obamacare does not require that something be provided to suit you.

Just because you think everybody must have free insurance doesn't mean it's going to happen.

No that is NOT what you told me.

What you told me was that millions that will lose insurance from Obamacare repeal would revert to Medicaid.

You of course are welcome to now change what you are saying, but you can't claim that you didn't say that as your original response to me.

See, when I think of people who need medical care

I don't give a shit what you think on who deserves what.

Fact is many people would lose insurance and Republicans, if they will go ahead with this, will pay for it come 2018 and 2020.
she gets medicaid
You know who is going to lose their insurance? The working people who cannot afford the high premium s and deductibles. Nice work assholes!

20 million people gained insurance due to Republican-vote-free Obamacare. That's results.

Bitching, moaning and progress obstruction - that's all Republicans are good for.
How does that help if the middle class can no longer afford the premiums and the deductibles. I'm listening.

Oh fuck off, where were you when insurance costs were growing through the roof in 2000's?


Obamacare gets passed and all of a sudden people think insurance cost increase is something invented by the Democrats.
You fuck off you inbred moron. It is now unaffordable. Now what ya gonna dew?

Pass a law that expanded Medicaid eligibility and provides means based subsidies....oh wait we already did this, we already have 20 more million people with insurance as a result and we already have conservo/republican morons looking to roll all of that back while paradoxically complaining about insurance affordability.
You know who is going to lose their insurance? The working people who cannot afford the high premium s and deductibles. Nice work assholes!

20 million people gained insurance due to Republican-vote-free Obamacare. That's results.

Bitching, moaning and progress obstruction - that's all Republicans are good for.
How does that help if the middle class can no longer afford the premiums and the deductibles. I'm listening.

Oh fuck off, where were you when insurance costs were growing through the roof in 2000's?


Obamacare gets passed and all of a sudden people think insurance cost increase is something invented by the Democrats.
You fuck off you inbred moron. It is now unaffordable. Now what ya gonna dew?

Pass a law that provides means based subsidies....oh wait we already did this.
Well moron you know that as the premiums and deductibles rise so will the subsidies. It is unsustainable, unless of course you are willing to ask the 47% who pay zero taxes and get the freebies to pay taxes. Are ewe?
Putin is playing chess... Barry has always has been playing checkers at the kids table.
Hmm, then why is Russia struggling economically while the USA is thriving. Obama's USA backed pawn takes Putin's Bishop, check and mate!
20 million people gained insurance due to Republican-vote-free Obamacare. That's results.

Bitching, moaning and progress obstruction - that's all Republicans are good for.
How does that help if the middle class can no longer afford the premiums and the deductibles. I'm listening.

Oh fuck off, where were you when insurance costs were growing through the roof in 2000's?


Obamacare gets passed and all of a sudden people think insurance cost increase is something invented by the Democrats.
You fuck off you inbred moron. It is now unaffordable. Now what ya gonna dew?

Pass a law that provides means based subsidies....oh wait we already did this.
Well moron you know that as the premiums and deductibles rise so will the subsidies. It is unsustainable, unless of course you are willing to ask the 47% who pay zero taxes and get the freebies to pay taxes. Are ewe?

I don't even know why I bother trying to engage silly know nothings like you.

Do yourself a fucking favor, READ UP on the history of ACA, how it expands access and how it pays for it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia
Thank goodness

Is that what you will tell to 15-20 million people that would lose health insurance as a result?

Because they will have a reply :321:....and they'll vote with that finger too.
but didnt they just vote with that finger anyway? and Trump still won?
who cares about them. Nobody is forcing them to lose health insurance, they just have to pay for it like everyone else. nothing wrong with that at all.
How does that help if the middle class can no longer afford the premiums and the deductibles. I'm listening.

Oh fuck off, where were you when insurance costs were growing through the roof in 2000's?


Obamacare gets passed and all of a sudden people think insurance cost increase is something invented by the Democrats.
You fuck off you inbred moron. It is now unaffordable. Now what ya gonna dew?

Pass a law that provides means based subsidies....oh wait we already did this.
Well moron you know that as the premiums and deductibles rise so will the subsidies. It is unsustainable, unless of course you are willing to ask the 47% who pay zero taxes and get the freebies to pay taxes. Are ewe?

I don't even know why I bother trying to engage silly know nothings like you.

Do yourself a fucking favor, READ UP on the history of ACA, how it expands access and how it pays for it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia
Keep up with the news buddy. More Americans will lose their coverage in 2017 because they cannot afford the premiums and the deductibles. Got it now? PS! Why didn't ewe answer my question? That is something I have noticed about libtards, their inability to answer a direct question.
Obamacare is a joke, millions of people can't afford it… fact

How does your "fact" survive contradiction by REAL fact that Obamacare greatly expanded healthcare coverage and dropped uninsured rate in this country by around 40%?

but didnt they just vote with that finger anyway? and Trump still won?
who cares about them. Nobody is forcing them to lose health insurance, they just have to pay for it like everyone else. nothing wrong with that at all.

No they didn't. It's all fun and games until you actually have to govern and be held responsible for your careless rhetoric.

Republicans have been flaming Obamacare for a long while now - now lets see them actually try to DO something.
I'm not too worried about it. They will keep the good parts, and fix the parts that could have been fixed before if the right wasn't such babies, and give it another name. Call it what you like, but Obamacare will still be here, no matter what you end up calling it.
Sorry but the right had nothing to do with Obama Care. Democrats own it 100%.

The right wing Heritage Foundation wrote Obamacare, and was the first to say everyone should be required to participate. Romney first put it into effect in Massachusetts as Romneycare, and then Obama adapted it to become Obamacare. The right had everything to do with Obamacare, and if they didn't care more about opposing Obama than they did about helping the country it's implementation would have been lots better.

Nope, but nice recitation of the dem/lib talking point. Your indoctrination was a success.
Care to point out any part you think isn't true?

all of it. The Heritage foundation came up with an idea for universal medical insurance, but it was nothing like the terrible law passed by the dems known as ACA.

The Mass plan was implemented to provide insurance for a few thousand residents of the state that did not have insurance. Again, nothing like ACA, not even close.

The ACA bill was written in a locked room by dem staffers, no floor discussion was allowed in either house, no amendments were allowed by Reid and Pelosi. It was passed with no GOP votes using reconciliation, which had never before been used for something this significant.

Bottom line, the dems rammed it through congress, obozo signed it, Biden said it was a big fuckin deal. It was a massive failure----------you dems own it 100%

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