Goodbye Obamacare, you were an abject failure, as we all knew you would be.

Thank goodness

Is that what you will tell to 15-20 million people that would lose health insurance as a result?

Because they will have a reply :321:....and they'll vote with that finger too.
they'll revert to Medicaid. It never worked as good as what we had before. Can't wait.

You don't know what you are talking about.

How do you "revert to Medicaid" while rolling back it's eligibility from 125% poverty level income to 100% it was before Obamacare?

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

There was a very direct reason for sharp drop off in uninsured rate in this coutry - it was Obamacare. To think you can now repeal the very reason for this drop, while not seeing it come right back up is MAGICAL thinking.


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I'm not too worried about it. They will keep the good parts, and fix the parts that could have been fixed before if the right wasn't such babies, and give it another name. Call it what you like, but Obamacare will still be here, no matter what you end up calling it.
Sorry but the right had nothing to do with Obama Care. Democrats own it 100%.
No, Republicans who were elected to stop it, and who said they would, caved.
Thank goodness

Is that what you will tell to 15-20 million people that would lose health insurance as a result?

Because they will have a reply :321:....and they'll vote with that finger too.
they'll revert to Medicaid. It never worked as good as what we had before. Can't wait.

You don't know what you are talking about.

How do you "revert to Medicaid" while rolling back it's eligibility from 125% poverty level income to 100% it was before Obamacare?

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

There was a very direct reason for sharp drop off in uninsured rate in this coutry - it was Obamacare. To think you can now repeal the very reason for this drop, while not seeing it come right back up is MAGICAL thinking.


Meh the primary groups who will lose coverage are able bodied, non working adults with no dependents. And a huge portion of them never were enrolled in the first place because of the ridiculous failure of the systems.

Meanwhile, those of us who do work will have more money, won't have to pay massive fines if we refuse to spend hundreds of dollars a month on insurance that isn't any good and we don't need.
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??
Thank goodness. I believe that we should round up communists now, and give them the choice of selling their property and holdings and leaving the country, or having their property seized and throwing them in prison.

GOP Eyes Lightning Strike on Obamacare to Kick Off Trump Era

What did Obama fail to do that you wanted him to do?
Admit he's at least bisexual and probably 100% gay. many in the LGBT community are disappointed he's yet to come out publicly
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.
This stupid, ridiculous pig of a law never had a chance, and it's very difficult to believe that at least a part of the Democrat Party didn't know that. Surely many of them knew they'd have to "fix" it with Single Payer. They just didn't expect the election results.

Now it's all on one party, again. Not usually a good sign. I'm hopeful, but we'll see.
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??
I already told you this.

The removal of Obamacare does not require that something be provided to suit you.

Just because you think everybody must have free insurance doesn't mean it's going to happen.
Lefty moonbats just really have a problem with hearing the word.."no"....don't they?

Psst...get used to it.

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And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??
I already told you this.

The removal of Obamacare does not require that something be provided to suit you.

Just because you think everybody must have free insurance doesn't mean it's going to happen.

you make a good point that many miss, or don't understand. In the past, medical insurance was "hospital" insurance. It only covered you if you were hospitalized or in an accident. It did not cover routine doctor visits, prescriptions, or BC pills. You paid the doctor, you paid the pharmacist, you paid the dentist. Your insurance only kicked in if you went to the hospital. Doctor visits were $10 instead of $200, most scripts were less than $10 instead of $150 or more. The medical and drug industry has capitalized on the idea that ALL medical expenses have to be paid by insurance, medicare, or Medicaid.

The problem is much more basic that just obamacare, its a problem of expectations by both medical providers and patients.
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??
I already told you this.

The removal of Obamacare does not require that something be provided to suit you.

Just because you think everybody must have free insurance doesn't mean it's going to happen.

No that is NOT what you told me.

What you told me was that millions that will lose insurance from Obamacare repeal would revert to Medicaid.

You of course are welcome to now change what you are saying, but you can't claim that you didn't say that as your original response to me.
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?

There it is again. The command that somebody else is responsible with "providing" you everything you have a hankering for.

LOOK IT UP. If you aren't well versed enough in the topic that you are obliged to demand "proof" of information that is readily available and you should already be in possession of, then you aren't adult enough to have a say in and adult conversation.
Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?

There it is again. The command that somebody else is responsible with "providing" you everything you have a hankering for.

LOOK IT UP. If you aren't well versed enough in the topic that you are obliged to demand "proof" of information that is readily available and you should already be in possession of, then you aren't adult enough to have a say in and adult conversation.

Are you now done with your ridiculous, stupid, pathetic deflection from the fact that you claimed that 15-20 million that will lose insurance can simply get Medicaid?
when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?

There it is again. The command that somebody else is responsible with "providing" you everything you have a hankering for.

LOOK IT UP. If you aren't well versed enough in the topic that you are obliged to demand "proof" of information that is readily available and you should already be in possession of, then you aren't adult enough to have a say in and adult conversation.

Are you now done with your ridiculous, stupid, pathetic deflection from the fact that you claimed that 15-20 million that will lose insurance can simply get Medicaid?

the replacement for obozocare is not yet fully defined. we are speculating at this point---all of us.

the point is that there are just as many uninsured now as there were before ACA. Its just a different group of people.

Sure, you love obamacare if you are getting it FREE or heavily subsidized. But someone is paying your premium. Nothing is free.

ACA was a terrible law passed in the most corrupt manner by dems only before anyone could read it. It needs to go on the trash heap of history, along with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?


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