Goodbye Obamacare, you were an abject failure, as we all knew you would be.

And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??
I already told you this.

The removal of Obamacare does not require that something be provided to suit you.

Just because you think everybody must have free insurance doesn't mean it's going to happen.

No that is NOT what you told me.

What you told me was that millions that will lose insurance from Obamacare repeal would revert to Medicaid.

You of course are welcome to now change what you are saying, but you can't claim that you didn't say that as your original response to me.

See, when I think of people who need medical care, I think of mothers with children...women and sometimes men who have children to support, who have limited income or no income at all. When you say to me "WHAT ABOUT THE MILLIONS WHO WILL LOSE OBAMACARE?" I think of mothers with sick kids, the mothers I have been seeing regularly for YEARS, who have just found out they have to find a way to take their sick kid to a doctor 60 miles away. And they don't have reliable transportation. THOSE are the ones I see on Obamacare who will revert to medicaid. That is the same group whose recertifications were lost and whose medical lapsed when Obamacare was implemented. Who had to change doctors and pore over lists of medications that were "allowed" or "not allowed" to figure out how to piece together the best care for their kid with cancer, given the limited tools provided to them, and who had to wait months to get in to see new doctors.

Those women, their kids, and me are the people that Obamacare fucked over, and is continuing to fuck over. I honestly don't give two fucks about the panhandlers and their mangy dogs who hover around the entrance to every fucking grocery store in my community. I don't care so much about the 34 year old who has a college degree who lives in a bus on forest service land, who works for the Dept of the Interior in the summer making $4000 a month and in the winter is an "AmeriCorps *volunteer*", making a cozy little "stipend" (which of course can't be counted as income when he's applying for FOODFUCKINGSTAMPS).

Those able bodied men and women with no dependents, who live in their parents' basements and have a savings account of $10,000 even though they only work 16 hours a week at min wage, because they've NEVER HAD TO PAY FOR A THING IN THEIR LIVES...I don't really care if they have insurance or not.
Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?

Good grief make him look it up, he should already know!
when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?

Good grief make him look it up, he should already know!

we must lead the libtards gently and continuously. Otherwise their poor widdle feewings might be hurt.

Now, I know why libs support the global warming hoax, If I was a snowflake I would be worried about warming too.
I'm not too worried about it. They will keep the good parts, and fix the parts that could have been fixed before if the right wasn't such babies, and give it another name. Call it what you like, but Obamacare will still be here, no matter what you end up calling it.
Sorry but the right had nothing to do with Obama Care. Democrats own it 100%.

The right wing Heritage Foundation wrote Obamacare, and was the first to say everyone should be required to participate. Romney first put it into effect in Massachusetts as Romneycare, and then Obama adapted it to become Obamacare. The right had everything to do with Obamacare, and if they didn't care more about opposing Obama than they did about helping the country it's implementation would have been lots better.
I'm not too worried about it. They will keep the good parts, and fix the parts that could have been fixed before if the right wasn't such babies, and give it another name. Call it what you like, but Obamacare will still be here, no matter what you end up calling it.
Sorry but the right had nothing to do with Obama Care. Democrats own it 100%.

The right wing Heritage Foundation wrote Obamacare, and was the first to say everyone should be required to participate. Romney first put it into effect in Massachusetts as Romneycare, and then Obama adapted it to become Obamacare. The right had everything to do with Obamacare, and if they didn't care more about opposing Obama than they did about helping the country it's implementation would have been lots better.

Nope, but nice recitation of the dem/lib talking point. Your indoctrination was a success.
I'm not too worried about it. They will keep the good parts, and fix the parts that could have been fixed before if the right wasn't such babies, and give it another name. Call it what you like, but Obamacare will still be here, no matter what you end up calling it.
Sorry but the right had nothing to do with Obama Care. Democrats own it 100%.

The right wing Heritage Foundation wrote Obamacare, and was the first to say everyone should be required to participate. Romney first put it into effect in Massachusetts as Romneycare, and then Obama adapted it to become Obamacare. The right had everything to do with Obamacare, and if they didn't care more about opposing Obama than they did about helping the country it's implementation would have been lots better.
Not one voted for it. Democrats own it.
I'm not too worried about it. They will keep the good parts, and fix the parts that could have been fixed before if the right wasn't such babies, and give it another name. Call it what you like, but Obamacare will still be here, no matter what you end up calling it.
Sorry but the right had nothing to do with Obama Care. Democrats own it 100%.

The right wing Heritage Foundation wrote Obamacare, and was the first to say everyone should be required to participate. Romney first put it into effect in Massachusetts as Romneycare, and then Obama adapted it to become Obamacare. The right had everything to do with Obamacare, and if they didn't care more about opposing Obama than they did about helping the country it's implementation would have been lots better.

Nope, but nice recitation of the dem/lib talking point. Your indoctrination was a success.
Care to point out any part you think isn't true?
Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?

Good grief make him look it up, he should already know!

we must lead the libtards gently and continuously. Otherwise their poor widdle feewings might be hurt.

Now, I know why libs support the global warming hoax, If I was a snowflake I would be worried about warming too.

I really don't care about their feelings. Maybe I did once upon a time.

No more. They need to get with the program. Sink or swim, I could care less.
Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??

when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?


Read up:

For the last 10 months, states have been legally allowed to let insurers sell plans outside their borders.

Despite the idea’s enduring popularity, no states have signaled interest in the policy, insurance experts and regulators say.

Insurers aren’t interested at this point,” Linda Blumberg, a senior fellow on health policy at the Urban Institute, said in an interview. “It’s kind of a lot of effort for no necessary return.”

It’s a talking point. But we know it’s been discussed and discussed and discussed,” the member said. “At the end of the day, it’s just not going to work.”

Insurers not interested in selling ObamaCare across state lines

This was never about selling across states - this has always been about circumventing state insurance laws by selling it out of another, less regulated state. That's why insurance companies have zero interest while Obamacare uniform standards are in place. And once they are out, what will happen is not competition, but race to the bottom and wholesale demolition of any state insurance standards.

This is fundamentally misguided, it is a solution to a problem we DON'T HAVE. We don't have a problem if inefficient healthcare insurance administration, we have a problem of underlying HEALTHCARE COSTS that insurance pays for.
Last edited:
I'm not too worried about it. They will keep the good parts, and fix the parts that could have been fixed before if the right wasn't such babies, and give it another name. Call it what you like, but Obamacare will still be here, no matter what you end up calling it.
Sorry but the right had nothing to do with Obama Care. Democrats own it 100%.

The right wing Heritage Foundation wrote Obamacare, and was the first to say everyone should be required to participate. Romney first put it into effect in Massachusetts as Romneycare, and then Obama adapted it to become Obamacare. The right had everything to do with Obamacare, and if they didn't care more about opposing Obama than they did about helping the country it's implementation would have been lots better.
Not one Republican voted for Obamacare. Democrats own it.
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??
I already told you this.

The removal of Obamacare does not require that something be provided to suit you.

Just because you think everybody must have free insurance doesn't mean it's going to happen.

No that is NOT what you told me.

What you told me was that millions that will lose insurance from Obamacare repeal would revert to Medicaid.

You of course are welcome to now change what you are saying, but you can't claim that you didn't say that as your original response to me.

See, when I think of people who need medical care

I don't give a shit what you think on who deserves what.

Fact is many people would lose insurance and Republicans, if they will go ahead with this, will pay for it come 2018 and 2020.
Most republican policies are a object failure!!! The ACA was modeled after republican ideas in the early 90's.

Should of want with single payer! Every modern first world country on earth besides us use it so it works.
And I do know what i'm talking about, I determined eligibility for ,medical programs for years.

Perfect, then give us your expertise and answer the question I asked you previously:

If I have a family of 4 living on 40-50k how in the world can I "revert to Medicaid" or afford un-subsidised individual market insurance that is 8-10 grand a year??
I already told you this.

The removal of Obamacare does not require that something be provided to suit you.

Just because you think everybody must have free insurance doesn't mean it's going to happen.

No that is NOT what you told me.

What you told me was that millions that will lose insurance from Obamacare repeal would revert to Medicaid.

You of course are welcome to now change what you are saying, but you can't claim that you didn't say that as your original response to me.

See, when I think of people who need medical care

I don't give a shit what you think on who deserves what.

Fact is many people would lose insurance and Republicans, if they will go ahead with this, will pay for it come 2018 and 2020.
You know who is going to lose their insurance? The working people who cannot afford the high premium s and deductibles. Nice work assholes!
Most republican policies are a object failure!!! The ACA was modeled after republican ideas in the early 90's.

Should of want with single payer! Every modern first world country on earth besides us use it so it works.
What is an object failure? I am confused on this point!
You know who is going to lose their insurance? The working people who cannot afford the high premium s and deductibles. Nice work assholes!

15-20 million people gained insurance due to Republican-vote-free Obamacare, this after 6 years of Republican do-nothing while the costs were spiraling out of control. That's results.

Bitching, moaning and progress obstruction, that's all you assholes are good for.
You know who is going to lose their insurance? The working people who cannot afford the high premium s and deductibles. Nice work assholes!

20 million people gained insurance due to Republican-vote-free Obamacare. That's results.

Bitching, moaning and progress obstruction - that's all Republicans are good for.
How does that help if the middle class can no longer afford the premiums and the deductibles. I'm listening.
You know who is going to lose their insurance? The working people who cannot afford the high premium s and deductibles. Nice work assholes!

20 million people gained insurance due to Republican-vote-free Obamacare. That's results.

Bitching, moaning and progress obstruction - that's all Republicans are good for.
How does that help if the middle class can no longer afford the premiums and the deductibles. I'm listening.

Oh fuck off, where were you when insurance costs were growing through the roof in 2000's?


Obamacare gets passed and all of a sudden people think insurance cost increase is something invented by the Democrats.
ing prpe existing conditions would be smart as well as kids on parents insurance until 25. Anyone with one brain cell would agree. A new plan including these will be necessary. The richest nation in the world will find as way so those who got insurance can still keep it for half the price. I'm in favor of sticking it to big pharma.
when insurance companies are allowed to compete across state lines and tailor policies to the needs of the policy holder, you will have many more options at lower prices. That's what competition does, lower cost and improve quality.

Yea? So how to explain sky high premium growth well before Obamacare?

Prices significantly going down if only insurance companies are"allowed to compete across state lines" is a total fantasy as anyone in the business will tell you. There are tons of national insurance companies - you didn't know that?

What this is about is insurance companies selling insurance in New York under Delaware insurance rules - is that something that makes sense to you?

Insurance rates were going up before obozocare for a couple of reasons
1. lack of competition
2. increases in the cost of medical services and drugs----------more on why later

Yes, there are national insurance companies. What you don't understand is that Blue cross of Illinois is a different company from blue cross of Indiana. National corporations try to pick a company in a state that offers the best deal for their employees in all states. But if you are an individual you can only buy from a company that offers policies in your state.

I suggest that you do some research before continuing to post in this thread, unless of course, you enjoy making a fool of yourself.

Is that a Federal or State law?


Read up:

For the last 10 months, states have been legally allowed to let insurers sell plans outside their borders.

Despite the idea’s enduring popularity, no states have signaled interest in the policy, insurance experts and regulators say.

Insurers aren’t interested at this point,” Linda Blumberg, a senior fellow on health policy at the Urban Institute, said in an interview. “It’s kind of a lot of effort for no necessary return.”

It’s a talking point. But we know it’s been discussed and discussed and discussed,” the member said. “At the end of the day, it’s just not going to work.”

Insurers not interested in selling ObamaCare across state lines

This was never about selling across states - this has always been about circumventing state insurance laws by selling it out of another, less regulated state. That's why insurance companies have zero interest while Obamacare uniform standards are in place. And once they are out, what will happen is not competition, but race to the bottom and wholesale demolition of any state insurance standards.

This is fundamentally misguided, it is a solution to a problem we DON'T HAVE. We don't have a problem if inefficient healthcare insurance administration, we have a problem of underlying HEALTHCARE COSTS that insurance pays for.
No insurer wants to sell obamacare at all. Most insurers have pulled out of ocare completely.

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