Google Demonetizes Gateway Pundit

Fuck google. I haven't used them for searches for about five years.

We'll eventually get as good with the tech as them and will never even feel the absence of google, twatter, fascistbook and the like. Y'all can have 'em.

I love sensing the anger that builds as the tech companies cancel more and more of us. It's going to be great when it all explodes and the sissy soiboiz of the tech world get their asses beat. Wish I could sell tickets.
This is how Big Tech will silence dissent. Not unlike what the Russians would do. The GOP ill illustrate why they aren't really worthy of any leadership position as they sit silent, allowing one by one the removal of any right leaning media and opinion.

They aren't concerned. They want their gold plated pension and 30+ year careers. "Sucks to be you little person, we have to protect our own job and not rock the boat."

You may soon find that like Canada, you lose your best talent in droves who seek free speech elsewhere.
For dangerous misinformation.
The same platform that ran a 24/7/365 attack campaign against a duly elected president. Fortunately, the power of these data barons is beginning to lessen. Independent journalists are starting their own websites and there is Firk-all the Dorsey's and Zuckerbergs can do to stop them from getting their message out. Change is coming and it will be interesting to see if DC has the actual balls to go full censorship, totalitarian jackboot style. I won't be surprised if they do. After all... "dangerous misinformation" should be punishable by law, right?
You don't get it, synth. Another one of our rights, that others have always envied, down the drain...
Blumenthal just asked Facebook to do a wide sweep of anyone that disagrees with the progressives.
Biden asked the leader of Afghanistan to change the narrative, whether it's true or not.

These are the very people that want to make sure you don't hear anything but what they tell you. And what they tell you is usually a lie...
We are getting as restrictive as China.
You do know that GOOGLE is a private company.

This is what happens when the USSC sides with business

Supreme Court Sides With Baker Who Turned Away Gay Couple
You don't get it, synth. Another one of our rights, that others have always envied, down the drain...
Blumenthal just asked Facebook to do a wide sweep of anyone that disagrees with the progressives.
Biden asked the leader of Afghanistan to change the narrative, whether it's true or not.

These are the very people that want to make sure you don't hear anything but what they tell you. And what they tell you is usually a lie...
We are getting as restrictive as China.

Who did Biden ask? The president fled the country last week.
Fuck google. I haven't used them for searches for about five years.

We'll eventually get as good with the tech as them and will never even feel the absence of google, twatter, fascistbook and the like. Y'all can have 'em.

I love sensing the anger that builds as the tech companies cancel more and more of us. It's going to be great when it all explodes and the sissy soiboiz of the tech world get their asses beat. Wish I could sell tickets.
You have issues.
You don't get it, synth. Another one of our rights, that others have always envied, down the drain...
Blumenthal just asked Facebook to do a wide sweep of anyone that disagrees with the progressives.
Biden asked the leader of Afghanistan to change the narrative, whether it's true or not.

These are the very people that want to make sure you don't hear anything but what they tell you. And what they tell you is usually a lie...
We are getting as restrictive as China.
You do not have a right to run Google Ads on your website. :laugh:

That's all this is - Google pulling all their ads. But you're whining about censorship. :rolleyes:
Sorry, Syhthlitic.

You're cancelled.

Go back to your basement, turn off the tablet and take a tablet or two to calm you down.

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