Google Donates 3 Times As Much To Democrats Than They Do Republicans

HRC spent double to what Trump spent. Didn’t help. No one votes because of TV commercials anymore. We are in the identity politics era.

Well, Trump didn't have to spend much money on television ads, because with his outrageous statements (grab 'em by the pussy, I don't like people who were captured, etc.), it got so much media coverage that it sucked all the oxygen out of the room.

Somewhat. He also smartly used the social media platform. He was also the better debater than everyone he went up against.

Really? You think that he was a better debater? How? All he ever did was insult his competition, tell everyone how great and what a deal maker he is, as well as how rich he is.

Nothing of substance has ever been uttered by this man. All you hear him say is how great he is, how good he's gonna make things, but you never hear him give you substance in the form of what he's actually gonna do, and how he's gonna get it done.

Yes. He was the by far the most charismatic, although Christie was OK too and certainly had the most poignant message. Whether you agreed with it or not you knew what he stood for. Wall --- stronger immigration policies, better military, improved trade deals, create more jobs. His platform was there for everyone to understand and he wiped the floor with the GOP competitors. He also brought up taboo subjects...blacks voting for Democrats for 50 years and still struggling in many areas, the danger of Radical Islam, "drain the swamp".

He then smoked HRC. She is a bad debater anyway but he was way better. And insulting the competition was OK with me. Romney got smoked because he didn't fight. Trump wasn't Romney. His message resonated. Whether you agree with it or not.
Nope. These businesses have the power to effectively censor speech they don't like. And they are abusing it.

They need to be regulated to stop their abuse.

Yep, they sure do. And there is nothing illegal about them doing so. The First Amendment applies to the government, not to private businesses. If you think that the government should be forcing it onto private business you live in the wrong country, but as I understand it immigrating to Russia is pretty easy.

Every social media site that has a TOS effectively censors speech they don't like, get over it.

Every news organization out there effectively censors speech they don't like, and when FoxNews does it you cheer!

You statist will not turn this country in to Russia or China if I can help it.

This nation is being torn apart.

The suppression of countering voices to the lies, is causing real harm to our nation.

THese companies can and should be regulated.

This nation is being torn apart by our elected leaders and party apparatus, not by a private company.

1. DOn't pretend that the censor ship b companies we are discussing are happening in a vacuum.

2. This battle is not limited to the political sphere, and pretending it is, is a plan to lose. This is the Culture War.

We cannot ignore our constitution to "save" the country.

Don't have to. Some regulation about how they have to be reasonable and fair in whom they ban, instead of partisan assholes, will not undermine our system of government.

Letting these assholes tear US apart, will do real harm to our society

If you do not like the results that Google gives you, use a different search engine.

NOt good enough. THese assholes need to stop being assholes, and damaging our nation.

1. I am not pretending shit. Leave private companies alone. Keep your big governments statist hands out of private business. Seems pretty clear.

2. It is not the government's role to be involved in a Culture War, that is between the citizens, not the government.

Yes, such regulations would undermine our government because the Constitution does not allow for it to happen, where do you want it to end. Does FoxNews have to have fair and equal time for all views? CNN?

Nobody is tearing us apart, we are doing it to ourselves and you are helping.
HRC spent double to what Trump spent. Didn’t help. No one votes because of TV commercials anymore. We are in the identity politics era.

Well, Trump didn't have to spend much money on television ads, because with his outrageous statements (grab 'em by the pussy, I don't like people who were captured, etc.), it got so much media coverage that it sucked all the oxygen out of the room.

Somewhat. He also smartly used the social media platform. He was also the better debater than everyone he went up against.

Really? You think that he was a better debater? How? All he ever did was insult his competition, tell everyone how great and what a deal maker he is, as well as how rich he is.

Nothing of substance has ever been uttered by this man. All you hear him say is how great he is, how good he's gonna make things, but you never hear him give you substance in the form of what he's actually gonna do, and how he's gonna get it done.

The entire campaign was driven by the issues HE made issues.
More threads from the Trumpist right that supports unlimited dark money in our political process, has no problem with Russian interference in our political process and cheers every effort to get to the truth of foreign involvement in our election process, and then they cry like whiny little bitches because Google allegedly gives Democrats more money. Grow the effin up.

You obviously can't comprehend the fact I said I don't care who the fuck they give their money to, just don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. Treat everyone fair while you're using my data to target me with advertising.

So your rant about dark money holds absolutely no water, petunia. Now how much did Soros pay you to put your pussy hat on and go prance around in the protest last week?

Hang on... The Koch Brothers set up a fund to donate close to billion dollars to one party in an election cycle but you think Google is the problem.

Have you any proof of Google manipulating there search engine...

Inside the Koch Brothers’ Toxic Empire – Rolling Stone

So you complain about every cent raise by Democrats

Koch brothers' network boosts spending for midterm cycle, including $20 million to sell GOP tax law

900m for 2016 cycle....

High smell of hypocrisy going on here

He said in the op, that he did not care about the money being donated,

he was only citing as evidence of bias,

bias in the organization that is controlling the flow of a great deal of information.

That is the point. It has been repeatedly explained to you.

Stop playing stupid.
Could politics influence search results? For sure, but using distribution of political donations as any basis of proof is nonsense. Google's Board of Directors overseeing those political donations aren't coming up with search algorithms nor doing the coding. With the kind of money Google is hauling in do you really see any of these million and billionaires risking it all on the total silence of their tech geeks?
Could politics influence search results? For sure, but using distribution of political donations as any basis of proof is nonsense. Google's Board of Directors overseeing those political donations aren't coming up with search algorithms nor doing the coding. With the kind of money Google is hauling in do you really see any of these million and billionaires risking it all on the total silence of their tech geeks?

Liberals abuse their power. We see this all the time.

And we constantly see liberals explaining WHY they feel they can and should.

When you work yourself into the delusion that anyone that disagrees with you politically, is a fucking NAZIS, then of course you don't want to work with them, and you (plural) drive them from the organization, or industry.

Creating a perfect bubble, when delusion feeds on and builds more delusion, and before you know it, you don't have a situation where someone has to suggest abusing the system to advance the agenda,

but where no one suggests NOT doing that.
More threads from the Trumpist right that supports unlimited dark money in our political process, has no problem with Russian interference in our political process and cheers every effort to get to the truth of foreign involvement in our election process, and then they cry like whiny little bitches because Google allegedly gives Democrats more money. Grow the effin up.
Aww, another liar.
Another Trumplican projecting.
You are the idiot who is propagating the TrumPutin conspiracy theory.
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