Google / Facebook Antitrust Probes Heating Up


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Google faces a new antitrust probe by 50 attorneys general

i've pointed this out many times, using my own early 90s experiences at microsoft as a reference. there comes a time you just have "too much" of a segment or technology and people will take it apart. doesn't matter if you believe in free enterprise and to "build a better mousetrap" - it comes back to human nature.

we tend to hate long term success
we tend to hate it more then it turns against us or tries to tell us what to do

it's coming. how this one will turn out is anyones guess, but regulation is coming.

Ma Bell needed regulating

Facebook needs regulating because they support the


Hooray for more big government!
it is going to be interesting in seeing this first from a MS employee perspective vs. a consumer perspective today.

when these businesses are trying to control a culture or politics, then yes they have stepped into a whole 'nother game.
Hooray for more big government!
it is going to be interesting in seeing this first from a MS employee perspective vs. a consumer perspective today.

when these businesses are trying to control a culture or politics, then yes they have stepped into a whole 'nother game.

I’ll certainly be watching how all this shakes out.
I’ll certainly be watching how all this shakes out.
Google, or Facebook, etc. cannot be both a platform AND a publisher. They have to crap or get off the pot, as they say.
They must be one or the other.

A platform just hosts a variety of entities and therefor should have no control over their content. There are legal issues at stake here.

A publisher makes and controls content. They can censor, delete, promote or whatever what they create and are responsible for. Is Facebook a publisher? In public it says no, but in court it says yes

The government has a legitimate interest in determining if Google has a legal right to protected First Amendment editorial decisions or not.

Spoiler Alert: Google has no business claiming it is a publisher.

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