Google munipulated millions of votes in 2016

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Microsoft, Apple, Comcast all Tech, Social Media, and Media corps ONLY support Democrats. It is a huge problem with all the Let Bias in which we are subjected.

Start your own company.

I guess I should start companies for the other UTILITIES I use. Electric, gas, water, sewer..…...
Exactly. Will the people calling for crackdowns on Google and Twitter be OK with Fox News being the target when the Democrats are back in power?

Hey dumbass, the crackdown is in response to their actions. They want them to loosen up from their restrictions on conservatives.

Ok, so you'd be ok with the left going after Fox News? That's surprising. I doubt most Trump supporters would agree with you.

Fox News does not restrict liberals. Google is not a news network. That is why they must remain neutral. We are talking social media in this thread not the news media, libtard!

Google is not social media, it is a nothing more than a search engine.

So Google just collects information and displays ALL the information when a request comes in.
Would you categorize Drudge Report as a nothing more than a conglomerator of information?

I doubt they display ALL the information, that would be more than anyone could deal with.

Drudge is an information warehouse, they do not report, they just pick and choose which stories to put on their site. when you go to their site you have no choices except what they give you.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Microsoft, Apple, Comcast all Tech, Social Media, and Media corps ONLY support Democrats. It is a huge problem with all the Let Bias in which we are subjected.

Start your own company.

I guess I should start companies for the other UTILITIES I use. Electric, gas, water, sewer..…...

google a utility?

FB a utility?


Thank you for the stupidest post of the day!
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Microsoft, Apple, Comcast all Tech, Social Media, and Media corps ONLY support Democrats. It is a huge problem with all the Let Bias in which we are subjected.

Start your own company.

I guess I should start companies for the other UTILITIES I use. Electric, gas, water, sewer..…...

google a utility?

FB a utility?


Thank you for the stupidest post of the day!
You are still here, and the day is not over.
Google doesn't control my vote. Do they control yours? How?

They may sway votes in smaller elections like Town or even the Dem nomination. I agree that for President the "control" is minimal. Which is why I found it funny that the Democrats kept blaming Russia. If voters are uninformed and easily swayed by ads for POTUS then they are dumb.

And dumb they are, but Google doesn't control votes. If they're deliberately lying, that's another story - and a lawsuit is the proper response.

But this campaign to regulate internet media is simply authoritarian government lusting after more power.

I agree but the Gov't regulates many industries from Newspapers, to banking, travel and leisure, manufacturing. So only a matter of time until they regulate somewhat the social media empire.

Are they going to tell people what social media they can use? You really cannot regulate social media and search engines.

They can regulate banks and newspapers? They can certainly tell Twitter they are less like AT&T as Twitter claims and more like the NYT and thus have to be held to the same journalistic standards.

They are like AT&T not the NY Times. Any fool knows that.
The Democratic Party's policies are: outrageous claims and promises to facilitate the real agenda of tax-and-spend programs and projects that make the money disappear with studies and consultants, funnelling that money to themselves and their friends; all the while seeking ever more power by any means necessary. They factor in every kind of vote fraud imaginable because w/o it they can't win.

People know they've been lied to and cheated and that's why Trump was elected. There's not a rational or calm mind among the lot of them; they're careening all the way to communism as fast as their millennials and the lefty media can get there. It will fail spectacularly.

They're ensuring Trump's reelection.

Trump was elected because he was not Clinton. Voters thought that Trump was just as dishonest as Clinton. The Republican Party puts big corporations ahead of ordinary people. Republicans allow big corporations to poison the air and water so corporations can save a few bucks.

From his tweet storm today, among many posts. He also compared the results with Bing and Yahoo and found no such bias. Read his tweetstorm, the bias is clear, even google employees on her team.

I measured substantial pro-#Hillary bias in #Google's search results by preserving & analyzing 13,207 election-related searches & the 98,044 web pages linked to those searches.

So what. There is nothing to his allegations.
Imagine what it would be like if they'd LOST?
These are the winners whining.

So it doesn't bother you at all that Google is cooking their search engine? Is it because they chose your side? When such a powerful company becomes an advocacy group, it can't be good. It is bad enough they fire people for political reasons.
Taking down groups engaged in hate speech and violence is NOT wrong.

Your hate speech is my patriotism and vice versa. 1st Amendment!

Your point is moot. Have a nice day! :D

The First Amendment applies to government, not businesses.

Hey dumbass! If that business is given a pass for liability for damages for the things I post by the government, they are not allowed to restrict that speech.

Untrue. The Supreme Court has already ruled that free speech does not apply to private companies even if they work for governmental agencies.

"The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the First Amendment's protection of free speech does not apply to a non-profit that runs a public access cable television station in New York City.

In a 5–4 decision, split between the conservative and liberal justices, the court ruled that the Manhattan Neighborhood Network could not face lawsuits for deciding not to air content that criticized it. Two individuals had sued the corporation for removing their film, claiming that doing so violated their free speech rights."
So it doesn't bother you at all that Google is cooking their search engine? Is it because they chose your side? When such a powerful company becomes an advocacy group, it can't be good. It is bad enough they fire people for political reasons.
Taking down groups engaged in hate speech and violence is NOT wrong.

Your hate speech is my patriotism and vice versa. 1st Amendment!

Your point is moot. Have a nice day! :D

The First Amendment applies to government, not businesses.

Hey dumbass! If that business is given a pass for liability for damages for the things I post by the government, they are not allowed to restrict that speech.

Untrue. The Supreme Court has already ruled that free speech does not apply to private companies even if they work for governmental agencies.

"The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the First Amendment's protection of free speech does not apply to a non-profit that runs a public access cable television station in New York City.

In a 5–4 decision, split between the conservative and liberal justices, the court ruled that the Manhattan Neighborhood Network could not face lawsuits for deciding not to air content that criticized it. Two individuals had sued the corporation for removing their film, claiming that doing so violated their free speech rights."

I don't get how it's even a question, especially among educated people. What part of "Congress shall make no law ..." could possibly apply to a business?
Last edited:
Exactly. Will the people calling for crackdowns on Google and Twitter be OK with Fox News being the target when the Democrats are back in power?

Hey dumbass, the crackdown is in response to their actions. They want them to loosen up from their restrictions on conservatives.

Ok, so you'd be ok with the left going after Fox News? That's surprising. I doubt most Trump supporters would agree with you.

Fox News does not restrict liberals. Google is not a news network. That is why they must remain neutral. We are talking social media in this thread not the news media, libtard!

Fox News attacks anyone who disagrees with Trump. There are only a few honest journalists at the network. Other than that, it is pro-Trump all the time. What liberals do they have on? Google is a private company and they do not have to remain neutral Trumptard.
Exactly. Will the people calling for crackdowns on Google and Twitter be OK with Fox News being the target when the Democrats are back in power?

Hey dumbass, the crackdown is in response to their actions. They want them to loosen up from their restrictions on conservatives.

Ok, so you'd be ok with the left going after Fox News? That's surprising. I doubt most Trump supporters would agree with you.

Actually in the mind of the Trump worshipers FoxNews is now far left as they said something bad about Trump twice.

Are they, *gasp*, "libtards" now???

There are liberal elements surfacing in Fox News now that ownership has changed. The NY Times and Washington Post used to be good newspapers until they were bought by libtards! Now, they just spew the DNC libtard talking points of the day in their headlines.

Know any other good jokes besides you and Trump. A libtard to you is anyone who disagrees with Trump.
Hey dumbass, the crackdown is in response to their actions. They want them to loosen up from their restrictions on conservatives.

Ok, so you'd be ok with the left going after Fox News? That's surprising. I doubt most Trump supporters would agree with you.

Actually in the mind of the Trump worshipers FoxNews is now far left as they said something bad about Trump twice.

Are they, *gasp*, "libtards" now???

There are liberal elements surfacing in Fox News now that ownership has changed. The NY Times and Washington Post used to be good newspapers until they were bought by libtards! Now, they just spew the DNC libtard talking points of the day in their headlines.

Know any other good jokes besides you and Trump. A libtard to you is anyone who disagrees with Trump.

An islamophobe, homophobe, xenophobe, is anyone who disagrees with you.
Way to go Repukes! Give the Toothless Joe's in Trump's cult something else to chant. I can hear it now, "Lock Up Google"!
They may sway votes in smaller elections like Town or even the Dem nomination. I agree that for President the "control" is minimal. Which is why I found it funny that the Democrats kept blaming Russia. If voters are uninformed and easily swayed by ads for POTUS then they are dumb.

And dumb they are, but Google doesn't control votes. If they're deliberately lying, that's another story - and a lawsuit is the proper response.

But this campaign to regulate internet media is simply authoritarian government lusting after more power.

I agree but the Gov't regulates many industries from Newspapers, to banking, travel and leisure, manufacturing. So only a matter of time until they regulate somewhat the social media empire.

Are they going to tell people what social media they can use? You really cannot regulate social media and search engines.

They can regulate banks and newspapers? They can certainly tell Twitter they are less like AT&T as Twitter claims and more like the NYT and thus have to be held to the same journalistic standards.

They are like AT&T not the NY Times. Any fool knows that.

Really? Since you just made yourself the fool. AT&T doesn’t block people for verbiage. Twitter does. You’re dumb.

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