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pogo (uncountable)
A dance associated with 1970s punk rock movement in which participants jump up and down on the spot in the manner of someone riding a pogo stick

Ewww :puke:

Imposters, every one of 'em.

"Pogo is the title and central character of a long-running daily American comic strip, created by cartoonist Walt Kelly (1913–1973)... Pogo combined both sophisticated wit and slapstick physical comedy in a heady mix of allegory, Irish poetry, literary whimsy, puns and wordplay" (Wiki)

Actually this place looks good -- Pogo / Where Food Meets Fun
I got a lot of doctor's offices...
Last time I was at the doctor's office, I was sitting in the waiting room and some guy popped is head in and said, "Anyone got change for a 10?"

I said, "I do!"

He gave me the 10 and I handed him approximately 38 cents. A quarter, a dime and 3 pennies.

He goes, "What's this?"

I replied, "Change for a 10!"

Then he goes, "That's not what I had in mind!"
I don't think you need to google hard to know where my name came from:

Kormac the Templar is one of the three classes of followers in Diablo III. As a bit of trivia, the Templar appeared as the jack of spades in the Diablo poker set [1], emblazoned with the word "Courageous".
The Templar is voiced by Dominic Keating, who was an actor on the Star Trek: Enterprise television series.

- See more at: Templar - Diablo Wiki

By the way, this is Dominic Keating:


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