Google's "Gemini" AI - accidently revealed the dark side of Google.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
And now Google has it's pants down as software engineers proved that their "A.I" changes your query to produce results you did not ask for.

Matt Walsh explains this below, as to what happened.
Now - many of you will not watch the video because it is Matt Walsh. Grrr!! Grrr!!! - Hate! Hate!

Then stay ignorant. This subject is not about Democrats vs. Republicans.
It is about the world most influential source - purposefully giving you false information, which essentially destroys the internet.

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Who is Matt Walsh and why should I give any of his opinions consideration?

Remember that I eschew the digital vomit factory that is social media so if his only claim to fame is that he's on Tik Tok that is not reason for me to click on your video
Who is Matt Walsh and why should I give any of his opinions consideration?

Remember that I eschew the digital vomit factory that is social media so if his only claim to fame is that he's on Tik Tok that is not reason for me to click on your video
READ: I paid zero attention to the OP before I provided my own verbal vomit, and I didn't watch the video or read any links either.
I am only interested in my owm bloviations.
READ: I paid zero attention to the OP before I provided my own verbal vomit, and I didn't watch the video or read any links either.
I am only interested in my owm bloviations.
I want to know why you think this guy's opinion is worth my time.
I want to know why you think this guy's opinion is worth my time.
It is not an opinion piece dolt.
It is a video of him explaining what happened beyond the headlines everywhere yesterday.
He names the engineer that tricked Gemini to reveal it's code to him, and how he did it, thus proving that Google purposefully instructed the AI to lie to you.

It is not an opinion piece.
If you watched the video, you would know this.
That’s the issue. Google’s AI is just a reflection of the toxic level of woke and leftist ideology that poisons the company.
It reveals that "Artificial Intelligence" is just a front man for their messaging and political agendas.
It is very dangerous. True to the word.
People with decent IQs know that "Google lies"... we all know it. And that is why you have look at multiple sources to get information, to the point it is HARD to find out actual truth anymore.
And Gemini just proved it.
Then we will have a replacement, swanswango or whatever.

The privacy marketplace is big business.
The privacy part matters, but what matters more is unmolested query results.
Everyone knows that Googles algorithms filter out information they don't like, and falsely push up information they do like. But until now, it wasn't provable.
Gemini accidently revealed actual proof that Google lies to you - by design.

This is HUGE. Bigger than any other story in the past year, at least.
The internet is where everyone gets information. And it was just shown that this information is tainted politically. Giving unknown people, and only a handful of them, the power to control what everyone sees and believes.
Is this the thread for funny Google AI memes?

There are thousands of them. Google screwed up on this one.
Ok. How about pointing out how stupidly funny it is that Google claims it is a mistake and they are going to fix it?
The corporation is woke to the core and their AI is doing exactly what they want it to do....change your question so that the answer fits a progressive narative.
They would have to replace most of management to get the AI to be objective.
It is not an opinion piece dolt.
It is a video of him explaining what happened beyond the headlines everywhere yesterday.
He names the engineer that tricked Gemini to reveal it's code to him, and how he did it, thus proving that Google purposefully instructed the AI to lie to you.

It is not an opinion piece.
If you watched the video, you would know this.
And why is this guy's opinion worth my time? Because he has a Tik Tok feed?

There is so much digital vomit out there that if I watched it all I would have no time to do anything else.

And you haven't given me any reason to spend my time on this blowhard

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