GOP afraid to act


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

Democrats the evil party the GOP the stupid and afraid to act party. there are exceptions.

Democrats the evil party the GOP the stupid and afraid to act party. there are exceptions.
The Democrats have made a habit of lying and gaming the system to their advantage. They always make sure they give the liberal mainstream media plenty of fodder with which to club Republicans over the head and they continually seek to arrange (if not outright rig) the relevant local ordinances, procedures, and laws to their unfair advantage in order to tilt elections in their favor.

BLM and Antifa riot, destroy private property and kill innocent bystanders, and the liberal mainstream media portray them as victim-heroes, while top Democrat leaders defend them, justify their actions and never prosecute them for any crimes. The police are characterized as racist vigilantes, more interested in violating the civil rights of minorities for sport than they are in protecting the public’s safety. But let one Republican politician say something questionable and they’re pilloried mercilessly in the public square as if it was the crime of the century.

Hillary Clinton famously described one-half of the country she was vying to lead as a “basket of deplorables,” and there was not one iota of criticism from the liberal media, any Democrat politician, or any rank-and-file Democrat partisan. On the contrary, their unspoken reaction was, “Well, she’s right. They are.”

During the January 6th 2021 protest, one protester -- Ashli Babbitt -- was shot dead in cold blood by Capitol policeman Michael Byrd. Say what you want about Capitol protest (and we’ll leave that discussion for another time), it certainly didn’t appear on the video that Babbitt posed an imminent deadly danger to people. She brandished no weapon and took no life-threatening actions against anyone. Yet she was killed for reasons that remain, at best, highly questionable. In a different circumstance, with the races reversed, this action would be trumpeted by the liberal media and the Democrats as yet more proof of the inherent racism of the Republican Party.


The examples of Democrat Party malfeasance go on and on, through the three-letter acronym agencies Like the FBI, CIA, and IRS, Democrat politicians like Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Elizabeth Warren who intentionally introduce false evidence into official government proceedings, have illicit affairs with hostile foreign operatives, and willfully misrepresent themselves to gain unfair professional advantage.

Yet through all this, Republican response is tepid at best. Hardly a protest or a word of objection. When asked about Babbitt’s shooting just a few weeks ago, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy sheepishly said, “He was just doing his job.” Really? His job was to shoot an unarmed protester who posed no danger -- an annoyance, yes, but no danger -- to anyone? Would that have been the response of a Democrat in a parallel situation?

Democrats the evil party the GOP the stupid and afraid to act party. there are exceptions.
Our Republic is gone, finished. Turn out the lights
The Democrats have made a habit of lying and gaming the system to their advantage. They always make sure they give the liberal mainstream media plenty of fodder with which to club Republicans over the head and they continually seek to arrange (if not outright rig) the relevant local ordinances, procedures, and laws to their unfair advantage in order to tilt elections in their favor.

BLM and Antifa riot, destroy private property and kill innocent bystanders, and the liberal mainstream media portray them as victim-heroes, while top Democrat leaders defend them, justify their actions and never prosecute them for any crimes. The police are characterized as racist vigilantes, more interested in violating the civil rights of minorities for sport than they are in protecting the public’s safety. But let one Republican politician say something questionable and they’re pilloried mercilessly in the public square as if it was the crime of the century.

Hillary Clinton famously described one-half of the country she was vying to lead as a “basket of deplorables,” and there was not one iota of criticism from the liberal media, any Democrat politician, or any rank-and-file Democrat partisan. On the contrary, their unspoken reaction was, “Well, she’s right. They are.”

During the January 6th 2021 protest, one protester -- Ashli Babbitt -- was shot dead in cold blood by Capitol policeman Michael Byrd. Say what you want about Capitol protest (and we’ll leave that discussion for another time), it certainly didn’t appear on the video that Babbitt posed an imminent deadly danger to people. She brandished no weapon and took no life-threatening actions against anyone. Yet she was killed for reasons that remain, at best, highly questionable. In a different circumstance, with the races reversed, this action would be trumpeted by the liberal media and the Democrats as yet more proof of the inherent racism of the Republican Party.


The examples of Democrat Party malfeasance go on and on, through the three-letter acronym agencies Like the FBI, CIA, and IRS, Democrat politicians like Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Elizabeth Warren who intentionally introduce false evidence into official government proceedings, have illicit affairs with hostile foreign operatives, and willfully misrepresent themselves to gain unfair professional advantage.

Yet through all this, Republican response is tepid at best. Hardly a protest or a word of objection. When asked about Babbitt’s shooting just a few weeks ago, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy sheepishly said, “He was just doing his job.” Really? His job was to shoot an unarmed protester who posed no danger -- an annoyance, yes, but no danger -- to anyone? Would that have been the response of a Democrat in a parallel situation?
So, you idiots believed the orange douchebag's lies and rioted in the Capitol building, and one of your fellow protestors got shot but somehow it is the Dem's fault?

And you retards wonder why the world does not take you seriously. :itsok:
The Democrats have made a habit of lying and gaming the system to their advantage. They always make sure they give the liberal mainstream media plenty of fodder with which to club Republicans over the head and they continually seek to arrange (if not outright rig) the relevant local ordinances, procedures, and laws to their unfair advantage in order to tilt elections in their favor.

BLM and Antifa riot, destroy private property and kill innocent bystanders, and the liberal mainstream media portray them as victim-heroes, while top Democrat leaders defend them, justify their actions and never prosecute them for any crimes. The police are characterized as racist vigilantes, more interested in violating the civil rights of minorities for sport than they are in protecting the public’s safety. But let one Republican politician say something questionable and they’re pilloried mercilessly in the public square as if it was the crime of the century.

Hillary Clinton famously described one-half of the country she was vying to lead as a “basket of deplorables,” and there was not one iota of criticism from the liberal media, any Democrat politician, or any rank-and-file Democrat partisan. On the contrary, their unspoken reaction was, “Well, she’s right. They are.”

During the January 6th 2021 protest, one protester -- Ashli Babbitt -- was shot dead in cold blood by Capitol policeman Michael Byrd. Say what you want about Capitol protest (and we’ll leave that discussion for another time), it certainly didn’t appear on the video that Babbitt posed an imminent deadly danger to people. She brandished no weapon and took no life-threatening actions against anyone. Yet she was killed for reasons that remain, at best, highly questionable. In a different circumstance, with the races reversed, this action would be trumpeted by the liberal media and the Democrats as yet more proof of the inherent racism of the Republican Party.


The examples of Democrat Party malfeasance go on and on, through the three-letter acronym agencies Like the FBI, CIA, and IRS, Democrat politicians like Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Elizabeth Warren who intentionally introduce false evidence into official government proceedings, have illicit affairs with hostile foreign operatives, and willfully misrepresent themselves to gain unfair professional advantage.

Yet through all this, Republican response is tepid at best. Hardly a protest or a word of objection. When asked about Babbitt’s shooting just a few weeks ago, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy sheepishly said, “He was just doing his job.” Really? His job was to shoot an unarmed protester who posed no danger -- an annoyance, yes, but no danger -- to anyone? Would that have been the response of a Democrat in a parallel situation?
Hogwash. Nuff said!
The Democrats have made a habit of lying and gaming the system to their advantage. They always make sure they give the liberal mainstream media plenty of fodder with which to club Republicans over the head and they continually seek to arrange (if not outright rig) the relevant local ordinances, procedures, and laws to their unfair advantage in order to tilt elections in their favor.

BLM and Antifa riot, destroy private property and kill innocent bystanders, and the liberal mainstream media portray them as victim-heroes, while top Democrat leaders defend them, justify their actions and never prosecute them for any crimes. The police are characterized as racist vigilantes, more interested in violating the civil rights of minorities for sport than they are in protecting the public’s safety. But let one Republican politician say something questionable and they’re pilloried mercilessly in the public square as if it was the crime of the century.

Hillary Clinton famously described one-half of the country she was vying to lead as a “basket of deplorables,” and there was not one iota of criticism from the liberal media, any Democrat politician, or any rank-and-file Democrat partisan. On the contrary, their unspoken reaction was, “Well, she’s right. They are.”

During the January 6th 2021 protest, one protester -- Ashli Babbitt -- was shot dead in cold blood by Capitol policeman Michael Byrd. Say what you want about Capitol protest (and we’ll leave that discussion for another time), it certainly didn’t appear on the video that Babbitt posed an imminent deadly danger to people. She brandished no weapon and took no life-threatening actions against anyone. Yet she was killed for reasons that remain, at best, highly questionable. In a different circumstance, with the races reversed, this action would be trumpeted by the liberal media and the Democrats as yet more proof of the inherent racism of the Republican Party.


The examples of Democrat Party malfeasance go on and on, through the three-letter acronym agencies Like the FBI, CIA, and IRS, Democrat politicians like Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Elizabeth Warren who intentionally introduce false evidence into official government proceedings, have illicit affairs with hostile foreign operatives, and willfully misrepresent themselves to gain unfair professional advantage.

Yet through all this, Republican response is tepid at best. Hardly a protest or a word of objection. When asked about Babbitt’s shooting just a few weeks ago, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy sheepishly said, “He was just doing his job.” Really? His job was to shoot an unarmed protester who posed no danger -- an annoyance, yes, but no danger -- to anyone? Would that have been the response of a Democrat in a parallel situation?
Wow, you should do something about that. I more messages on an obscure message baord.

If you really thought the election were stolen and the nation was on the brink of collapse...would you be this impotent? Are you powerless, afraid, a coward? Have you always been a pussy?

C'mon...lead by example and do something.
So, you idiots believed the orange douchebag's lies and rioted in the Capitol building, and one of your fellow protestors got shot but somehow it is the Dem's fault?

And you retards wonder why the world does not take you seriously. :itsok:
Gee another dimbulb heard from.
When things get bad enough under the Dem regime the people will revolt and that's when Conservatives will take over and remake America for the next 1,000 years. :muahaha:
Congress only has subpoena power. It's up to the DOJ to proceed and as long as the DOJ is corrupt and in the bag with the democrat party and the media is the propaganda arm of the democrat party things will move slowly no matter what left wing trollers say about the GOP.

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