GOP are not about "freedom": Move to Kill Net Neutrality Legislation


Forms his own opinions
May 13, 2010
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

IT'S HILARIOUS the way fascist left-wing idiots put warm and fuzzy names on their hypocritical attempts to silence all oposition
Until the cartelization of ISP is destroyed, the net "neutrality" rules should remain.

But, I read a good article the other day, so i'll steal the quote I liked the most by the author:

"The main difference between “left-wing” and “right-wing” versions of statism, as I see it, is that the former generally seek to shift the balance a bit farther in favour of the state (i.e., toward state-socialism) while the latter generally seek to shift the balance a bit farther in favour of corporatism and plutocracy."
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

IT'S HILARIOUS the way fascist left-wing idiots put warm and fuzzy names on their hypocritical attempts to silence all oposition

How does Net Neutrality "silence" anyone or anything?

I think you can be filed in the "don't understand the issue" category...
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

IT'S HILARIOUS the way fascist left-wing idiots put warm and fuzzy names on their hypocritical attempts to silence all oposition

Thanks for identifying yourself as someone who clearly doesn't understand the issue.
Once Net Neutrality is gone heres an example of what we can expect:


But since Obama is pro net neutrality the republicans (without knowing the issue at all) will be opposed to it. Cutting their own throats
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

IT'S HILARIOUS the way fascist left-wing idiots put warm and fuzzy names on their hypocritical attempts to silence all oposition

How does Net Neutrality "silence" anyone or anything?

I think you can be filed in the "don't understand the issue" category...

ISPs can control speed or access to whatever site they choose to, or are paid to do.
Net neutrality is a prime example of government's "problem, reaction, solution, solution problem" model.
Netflix Prime Time Speeds Plummet on Verizon FiOS, Pushing Net Neutrality in Spotlight - TheWrap

Netflix is clashing with internet service providers and subscribers hoping to binge watch “House of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black” are being force to contend with the pin-wheel of death and longer load times.

Netflix’s prime time speeds on Verizon FiOS fell 14 percent in January, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. The reason for the delays is that Netflix refuses to pay additional fees to internet companies such as FiOS in return for carrying high-capacity streaming content.
Netflix Prime Time Speeds Plummet on Verizon FiOS, Pushing Net Neutrality in Spotlight - TheWrap

Netflix is clashing with internet service providers and subscribers hoping to binge watch “House of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black” are being force to contend with the pin-wheel of death and longer load times.

Netflix’s prime time speeds on Verizon FiOS fell 14 percent in January, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. The reason for the delays is that Netflix refuses to pay additional fees to internet companies such as FiOS in return for carrying high-capacity streaming content.

The Free Market will work it soon as we have viable alternatives.
No, most of us DON'T have viable alternatives.
anyone that wants the FCC to regulate the internet is a complete and utter fool.

The willful ignorance of wanting such a thing just baffles the mind.

This childish shit started in the late 90's, and since then only comcast tried to screw the comp, once. they stopped when called out.

but yea, demand the fcc regulate b/c someone did something once.
Netflix Prime Time Speeds Plummet on Verizon FiOS, Pushing Net Neutrality in Spotlight - TheWrap

Netflix is clashing with internet service providers and subscribers hoping to binge watch “House of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black” are being force to contend with the pin-wheel of death and longer load times.

Netflix’s prime time speeds on Verizon FiOS fell 14 percent in January, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. The reason for the delays is that Netflix refuses to pay additional fees to internet companies such as FiOS in return for carrying high-capacity streaming content.

record welfare and food stamps'

seriously left-wing idiots; who shot themselves in the foot voting for the inept clown named obama?
Net neutrality is a prime example of government's "problem, reaction, solution, solution problem" model.

Consider that ISPs are using your modem to route data and they're not asking your permission or paying you for that.

Why would they pay for that? That's not really the issue here. The issue here is that an ISP cartel was created by government. This was done inadvertantly due to the obvious obstacles to being a provider. Obstacles that should have, just like the railroad boondoggle, been left to the private sector to navigate via contract law.

Now, we have a cartel of ISP providers that were brought up and fostered under government meddling. A cartel that has essentially blocked any further competition access to this sector. So, with one problem "solved" another was created from the solution. This is the typical circle of governent meddling is all.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

IT'S HILARIOUS the way fascist left-wing idiots put warm and fuzzy names on their hypocritical attempts to silence all oposition

The Federal Communications Commission announced Wednesday that it plans to reinstate rules that would restrict Internet providers from blocking websites or charging sites like Netflix an extra fee for faster service. The announcement comes one month after a federal court struck down the commission's net-neutrality rules but upheld its authority to regulate the Internet.

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