GOP are not about "freedom": Move to Kill Net Neutrality Legislation

explain how net neutrality is akin to fascism

well for starters net-neutrality rules have lost 3 times in court decisions recently; and this seems to be yet ANOTHER way the current regime plans to use regulatroy agencies to get around things they cant get by Congress or courts
Netflix Prime Time Speeds Plummet on Verizon FiOS, Pushing Net Neutrality in Spotlight - TheWrap

Netflix is clashing with internet service providers and subscribers hoping to binge watch “House of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black” are being force to contend with the pin-wheel of death and longer load times.

Netflix’s prime time speeds on Verizon FiOS fell 14 percent in January, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. The reason for the delays is that Netflix refuses to pay additional fees to internet companies such as FiOS in return for carrying high-capacity streaming content.

The Free Market will work it soon as we have viable alternatives.
No, most of us DON'T have viable alternatives.

There is no free market here. That's a Statist lie perpetuated to cover for their intervention failures. When the government meddling fails in markets they simply blame free markets and capitalism. That way while everyone is up in arms over something that doesn't exist, government can continue to fuck shit up without resistance.
anyone that wants the FCC to regulate the internet is a complete and utter fool.
you do not understand what net neutrality is, do you?

its about leftist enforcing fairness on the internet, so big meanie companies don't make evul moneis.

It's about children demanding that their mommie make sure that no ones cookie is any bigger than theirs.

but actually, it's about the fcc controlling the internet so they can control what we do and do not have access to.
you're right, we aren't into FASCISM like you all are

The Federal Communications Commission announced Wednesday that it plans to reinstate rules that would restrict Internet providers from blocking websites or charging sites like Netflix an extra fee for faster service. The announcement comes one month after a federal court struck down the commission's net-neutrality rules but upheld its authority to regulate the Internet.
Read the article the whole thing is much ado about nothing the Democrat bill won't pass the House the Republican one won't pass the Senate and as far as I can tell the internet is working just fine.
and for the terminally liberal that just can't learn

The cost of following these new regulations, and there will be costs, will get passed onto the consumer.

so please, go fuck yourself.
and for the terminally liberal that just can't learn

The cost of following these new regulations, and there will be costs, will get passed onto the consumer.

so please, go fuck yourself.

What "costs"?

Net neutrality is the current status quo.
and for the terminally liberal that just can't learn

The cost of following these new regulations, and there will be costs, will get passed onto the consumer.

so please, go fuck yourself.

What regulations? What costs are you talking about?
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

IT'S HILARIOUS the way fascist left-wing idiots put warm and fuzzy names on their hypocritical attempts to silence all oposition

The Federal Communications Commission announced Wednesday that it plans to reinstate rules that would restrict Internet providers from blocking websites or charging sites like Netflix an extra fee for faster service. The announcement comes one month after a federal court struck down the commission's net-neutrality rules but upheld its authority to regulate the Internet.

The horror of a company turning a profit to let someone use their stuff.

gaddamn, the ignorance of liberals is just fucking profound
Internet companies saying, "Keep government regulation out of ISPs" is kind of like saying, "Government, keep your hands off of our welfare." The Internet wasn't only invented with government funds, it was built with government funds.
explain how net neutrality is akin to fascism

first explain how it has anything to do with neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission announced Wednesday that it plans to reinstate rules that would restrict Internet providers from blocking websites or charging sites like Netflix an extra fee for faster service. The announcement comes one month after a federal court struck down the commission's net-neutrality rules but upheld its authority to regulate the Internet.
IT'S HILARIOUS the way fascist left-wing idiots put warm and fuzzy names on their hypocritical attempts to silence all oposition

The Federal Communications Commission announced Wednesday that it plans to reinstate rules that would restrict Internet providers from blocking websites or charging sites like Netflix an extra fee for faster service. The announcement comes one month after a federal court struck down the commission's net-neutrality rules but upheld its authority to regulate the Internet.

The horror of a company turning a profit to let someone use their stuff.

gaddamn, the ignorance of liberals is just fucking profound

The Federal Communications Commission announced Wednesday that it plans to reinstate rules that would restrict Internet providers from blocking websites or charging sites like Netflix an extra fee for faster service. The announcement comes one month after a federal court struck down the commission's net-neutrality rules but upheld its authority to regulate the Internet.

see you get your way you might just get blocked by your Isp to come here. You might be able to move, you may not
IT'S HILARIOUS the way fascist left-wing idiots put warm and fuzzy names on their hypocritical attempts to silence all oposition

The Federal Communications Commission announced Wednesday that it plans to reinstate rules that would restrict Internet providers from blocking websites or charging sites like Netflix an extra fee for faster service. The announcement comes one month after a federal court struck down the commission's net-neutrality rules but upheld its authority to regulate the Internet.

The horror of a company turning a profit to let someone use their stuff.

gaddamn, the ignorance of liberals is just fucking profound

It's hilarious to me how much you seem to want ISPs to rape you for even more money. It's not as if they're not making a profit already.
and for the terminally liberal that just can't learn

The cost of following these new regulations, and there will be costs, will get passed onto the consumer.

so please, go fuck yourself.

What regulations? What costs are you talking about?


ok, ok, I'll pretend you can learn

Co A provides the net to Co B. Co B pays Co A for this.

Co B wants more or better net, so Co A charges them for it.

Now, the fcc steps in to stop this evulness

Co A provides the net to Co B. Co B pays Co A for this.

Co B wants more or better net, so Co A charges you for it and hires lawyers to make sure the fcc can't fine them for missing something in the vast new regulations that they have to follow, and that cost will be passed onto you.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

From the article, "Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee will introduce legislation in the coming weeks to block what she calls the "socialistic" proposal." How does her introducing legislation turn into "the GOP"?
The Federal Communications Commission announced Wednesday that it plans to reinstate rules that would restrict Internet providers from blocking websites or charging sites like Netflix an extra fee for faster service. The announcement comes one month after a federal court struck down the commission's net-neutrality rules but upheld its authority to regulate the Internet.

The horror of a company turning a profit to let someone use their stuff.

gaddamn, the ignorance of liberals is just fucking profound

The Federal Communications Commission announced Wednesday that it plans to reinstate rules that would restrict Internet providers from blocking websites or charging sites like Netflix an extra fee for faster service. The announcement comes one month after a federal court struck down the commission's net-neutrality rules but upheld its authority to regulate the Internet.

see you get your way you might just get blocked by your Isp to come here. You might be able to move, you may not


how many times has this occurred since 2000?

I mean, if it's as common as you think it is to need the government to protect me, it must happen a lot.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

The government needs to help me access the Internet!
The Federal Communications Commission announced Wednesday that it plans to reinstate rules that would restrict Internet providers from blocking websites or charging sites like Netflix an extra fee for faster service. The announcement comes one month after a federal court struck down the commission's net-neutrality rules but upheld its authority to regulate the Internet.

The horror of a company turning a profit to let someone use their stuff.

gaddamn, the ignorance of liberals is just fucking profound

It's hilarious to me how much you seem to want ISPs to rape you for even more money. It's not as if they're not making a profit already.

please name the time when gov regulations lowered cost.

we already know it didn't happen with the aca, but it must have happened sometime or you wouldn't think more gov is better.

so I'm sure there's a really long list
and for the terminally liberal that just can't learn

The cost of following these new regulations, and there will be costs, will get passed onto the consumer.

so please, go fuck yourself.

What regulations? What costs are you talking about?


ok, ok, I'll pretend you can learn

Co A provides the net to Co B. Co B pays Co A for this.

Co B wants more or better net, so Co A charges them for it.

Now, the fcc steps in to stop this evulness

Co A provides the net to Co B. Co B pays Co A for this.

Co B wants more or better net, so Co A charges you for it and hires lawyers to make sure the fcc can't fine them for missing something in the vast new regulations that they have to follow, and that cost will be passed onto you.

Not hypotheticals.

What actual govt regulations will make prices go up in regards to net neutrality?

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