GOP Campaign Consultants Panicked About Upcoming Midterms After Roe Decision

Ducking out of the conversation now? If it makes you uncomfortable then by all.means walk away.

Just FYI, since it is obvious you have not read what Conservative Justice Alito wrote, he stated nothing in the court's decision regarding the reversal of RvW should be falsely represented as opening the door to 'go after' same-sex marriages, contraceptives, etc... AS THEY ARE COMPLWTELY DIFFERENT ISSUES, CASES.

Alito went on to say this decision, as falsely being reported, suggested previous precedents, cases, etc regarding those other issues will be overturned or even considered.This, Alito made clear, is a LIE.

This case was not about a myriad of cases but about ONE, the Constitutionality of the Federal government dictating abortion agendas / rules on the people.

Yes, that is what they said.

Then again everyone of them in their confirmation hearings said the same thing about RvW.

There can no longer be any sort of trust they will follow their own words one case to the next.

I believed them all when they said these words about RvW, even defended Trump's picks with my own family.

Well ,as you the old saying goes...fool me once, shame on you ,fool me twice shame on me.
The exact same way interracial marriage is an Equal Protection issue.

Using your backwards logic a white person and marry a white person and a black person can marry a black person so there is no problem it a white and a black person not being allowed to marry
Except in that instance someone is being discriminated against based on race.

The argument is different.

If no person... regardless of race, creed, color or sexual orientation...may marry a person of the same biological gender... under that law no one is being protected less equally.

You could claim it is a loophole, but it is not.

It is equivalent to not being able to marry a close may want to marry your daughter...but it isn't legal...and it is equally not legal for every person regardless of race, creed, color or sexual orientation.

I'm not making an ethical argument, or a moral argument, only a legal argument based on the legal principle of legal protection
Exempt in that instance someone is being discriminated against based on race.

The argument is different.

If no person... regardless of race, creed, color or sexual orientation...may marry a person of the same biological gender... under that law no one is being protected less equally.

It is exactly the same.

In one they are being discriminated against based on race, in the other they are being discriminated against based on sex.
I've defended it. There is nothing that gives you the ability to control the lives of others concerning who they wish to marry.

A) You have not in any way shape or form defended your statement.

B) The government does not allow fathers and daughters to marry, or sons and mothers, or brothers and sisters...or people to marry animals, or inanimate object or minors. Therefore that assertion is demonstrably false.

Many people don't care to control who anyone marries ... But trying to make someone else bake them a cake is a different story.


I don't think you should have to. I would like to know so I can do business elsewhere but bake what you bake.
A) You have not in any way shape or form defended your statement.

B) The government does not allow fathers and daughters to marry, or sons and mothers, or brothers and sisters...or people to marry animals, or inanimate object or minors. Therefore that assertion is demonstrably false.

I covered animals and minors. Neither can consent.
It is exactly the same.

In one they are being discriminated against based on race, in the other they are being discriminated against based on sex.
It is not.

A straight man equally couldn't marry a man.

The fact that they have no intent to do so is irrelevant.

Again...this is law...not ethics.

A brother may love his sister romantically...but that doesn't mean the law must allow them to marry...and the law DOESN'T allow them to marry.
Yes, that is what they said.

Then again everyone of them in their confirmation hearings said the same thing about RvW.

There can no longer be any sort of trust they will follow their own words one case to the next.

I believed them all when they said these words about RvW, even defended Trump's picks with my own family.

Well ,as you the old saying goes...fool me once, shame on you ,fool me twice shame on me.
The most ridiculous example was Biden's pick claiming she didn't know what a woman was / is...

According to a report from Politico, while Republicans are publically applauding a decision from the conservative Supreme Court to dismantle the 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision that allowed women to get an abortion, in private they are admitting it could not have come at a worse time.

In interviews with Politico's David Siders, Republican Party campaign consultants are throwing up their hands in frustration at a ruling that will make it harder for them to do their jobs in November -- particularly as they try to bring suburban women back into the fold after four years of Donald Trump.

As one GOP adviser put it: "This is a losing issue for Republicans.”

Oh, look who’s bashing the decision in private

You’ve got bigger things to worry about Donny.

Then they filled up their gas tanks, and went shopping for food........and then they started to laugh....biden and the democrats are toast.

GOP Campaign Consultants Panicked About Upcoming Midterms After Roe Decision​

Why should they be? This was not an action by the GOP party, this was a legal action by the Supreme Court branch of the US government, based on the strict interpretation of the Constitution. The GOP didn't write it. It changes nothing for most people anyway other than now it is up to their state (and them) to decide the best abortion law policies! Democracy in action! You know, that thing you asses have been ranting for two years is so important? So, if you are worried that your state might make abortion more restrictive, you better get on the blower and tell them how you feel because it is up to your STATE now to decide your abortion policy. The GOP has nothing to do with how the SCOTUS rules.

According to a report from Politico,
Yeah right. Two stories which are both hearsay based on what they claim another source reported! :auiqs.jpg: Lemme see: Trump PUBLICLY supported the SCOTUS decision knowing it would hurt HIS chances? But then PRIVATELY denounced it? If it was a private feeling then how did YOU come to know of it? Maybe Politico has Trump's house bugged? Maybe Ivanka or Rudy were wearing a microphone and tape recorder? Get fucking REAL. So now Trump can't say BOO in his own home without it getting leaked to the outside world? If that were true, you know that'd last about a DAY now before the leaker was thrown out on his ear.

while Republicans are publically applauding a decision from the conservative Supreme Court to dismantle the 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision that allowed women to get an abortion, in private they are admitting it could not have come at a worse time.
Again, this was not an action by the GOP Senate or party, this was an action by the Supreme Court guided by what the LAW required. Not that this won't stop the Dems from trying to make it an election issue despite the fact that most republicans especially religious ones are probably CELEBRATING the decision. Meantime, the Dems still have the boondoggle hanging around their necks of the J6 shitshow themselves. I got up this morning and PBS was playing some of the testimony where they were getting depositions from, Trump people on how they felt and how they reacted when they heard Arizona called early for Biden and whether Rudy had any drinks the night of the election. :laughing0301:

Are you fucking serious?
According to a report from Politico, while Republicans are publically applauding a decision from the conservative Supreme Court to dismantle the 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision that allowed women to get an abortion, in private they are admitting it could not have come at a worse time.

In interviews with Politico's David Siders, Republican Party campaign consultants are throwing up their hands in frustration at a ruling that will make it harder for them to do their jobs in November -- particularly as they try to bring suburban women back into the fold after four years of Donald Trump.

As one GOP adviser put it: "This is a losing issue for Republicans.”

Oh, look who’s bashing the decision in private

You’ve got bigger things to worry about Donny.
Many on the right are likely having a ‘be careful what you wish for’ experience.

Conservatives lack the courage and honesty to admit it, of course, but some are privately concerned that they’ve given to Democrats a powerful political weapon.
Why should they be? This was not an action by the GOP party, this was a legal action by the Supreme Court branch of the US government, based on the strict interpretation of the Constitution. The GOP didn't write it. It changes nothing for most people anyway other than now it is up to their state (and them) to decide the best abortion law policies! Democracy in action! You know, that thing you asses have been ranting for two years is so important? So, if you are worried that your state might make abortion more restrictive, you better get on the blower and tell them how you feel because it is up to your STATE now to decide your abortion policy. The GOP has nothing to do with how the SCOTUS rules.

Yeah right. Two stories which are both hearsay based on what they claim another source reported! :auiqs.jpg: Lemme see: Trump PUBLICLY supported the SCOTUS decision knowing it would hurt HIS chances? But then PRIVATELY denounced it? If it was a private feeling then how did YOU come to know of it? Mayber Politico has Trump's house bugged? Maybe Ivanka or Rudy were wearing a microphone and tape recorder? Get fucking REAL. So now Trump can't say BOO in his own home without it getting leaked to the outside world? If that were true, you know that'd last about a DAY now before the leaker was thrown out on his ear.

Again, this was not an action by the GOP Senate or party, this was an action by the Supreme Court guided by what the LAW required. Not that this won't stop the Dems from trying to make it an election issue despite the fact that most republicans especially religious ones are probably CELEBRATING the decision. Meantime, the Dems still have the boondoggle hanging around their necks of the J6 shitshow themselves. I got up this morning and PBS was playing some of the testimony where they were getting depositions from, Trump people on how they felt and how they reacted when they heard Arizona called early for Biden and whether Rudy had any drinks the night of the election. :laughing0301:

Are you fucking seeveryone.
Any reason to falsely accuse....
I've thought on this a bit.........I believed the Democrats were about to get crushed come November. This very well may mitigate that somewhat. Republican women are not going to come out and vote (D) but they well might stay home. The Democrats are better at getting out the vote.

The idea I hate is if you believe overturning RvW was the right thing to do, it simply is. I find it sad that so many would then be concerned "how does this affect us at the polls". It would be another instance of putting politics over principles.
For conservatives, abortion has always been about politics, not ‘saving babies.’
According to a report from Politico, while Republicans are publically applauding a decision from the conservative Supreme Court to dismantle the 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision that allowed women to get an abortion, in private they are admitting it could not have come at a worse time.

In interviews with Politico's David Siders, Republican Party campaign consultants are throwing up their hands in frustration at a ruling that will make it harder for them to do their jobs in November -- particularly as they try to bring suburban women back into the fold after four years of Donald Trump.

As one GOP adviser put it: "This is a losing issue for Republicans.”

Oh, look who’s bashing the decision in private

You’ve got bigger things to worry about Donny.
It’s such a big booster for Democrats that after 50 years Democrats refuse to pass a law making RvW law.
I think Clarence is mostly still bitter over his confirmation hearings and finally found a time to lash out.

It's kinda ironic for someone in what was once an illegal marriage threatening the marriages of others.
Reaffirming the fact that Thomas is a poor, incompetent, and partisan jurist.

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