GOP Campaigns in a Freefall

It says a lot about the GOP that Clinton and Sanders are more popular than them.

It says a lot about the Democrats that the best alternative to Clinton they could find is a 300 year old socialist.

Our country is fucked. You get the government you deserve.

The corruption in the nation has just gotten out of hand.

If Hollywood were smart, and the networks and cable channels were on point, they would start a reality TV series now on the different top commanders and generals of the US armed forces.

This way, when the military takes over, the general population will already be brainwashed and view their rulers favorably.

Of course, I don't have a TV, do they have a show like that?
Good.. shake those fuckers up. And for the record, how well can the Democrats be when all they have is a 300 year old Socialist and that crook Clinton?

Like 'em or hate 'em, the Dems are NOT tearing each other's hair out. Unlike the GOP, they have not formed a circular firing squad.
Hard to form a circle with two people. But I like how the democrats "differentiate" themselves while the Republicans "eat each other alive". Nothing unfair about that analysis.

Besides, the only debate the Dims have is who is willing to spend more of our money.
If I was the gun lobby, I would secretly support Hillary for President with massive donations.

After the wild success of the OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNS marketing campaign filled the coffers of the NRA and the bank accounts of the gun manufacturers and retailers of America, it would only make sense to keep the ball rolling. And the only way to do that is a HILLAREEZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ marketing campaign.

After all, the dumb goldfish never tire of the same old recycled bullshit. KA-CHING!
The thing of it is that the campaign doesn't start until a candidate is chosen. Lefties seem oblivious to the possibility that their front runner might be indicted and they will be left with an 80 year old commie.
If I was the gun lobby, I would secretly support Hillary for President with massive donations.

After the wild success of the OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNS marketing campaign filled the coffers of the NRA and the bank accounts of the gun manufacturers and retailers of America, it would only make sense to keep the ball rolling. And the only way to do that is a HILLAREEZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ marketing campaign.

After all, the dumb goldfish never tire of the same old recycled bullshit. KA-CHING!

and hire a cloven-hoved Nazi redneck rancher as the posterboy.
The right is seriously picking Hillary as the nominee.

They did that in 2008, and Dems gave them Obama!! Oh how their propaganda mill wasn't ready for that one!! HaHaH! For months, they did not know what to say because they were scared of being racist and unsupportive of the first Black president and so forth. If it wasn't for Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the Tea part, the right would have been blue in the face for 8 years!LOL

Now it is 2016, and Hillary is running again. Strangely, it seems conservatives want Hillary more than Libs, why is that? Alot of work and money is going down the drain if she does not win. Plus 16 years of holding your most incriminating acussations!!

All that goes down the drain if Hillary does not win the nomination, again!

All the rightwingers eggs are in one basket again! Do they ever learn?
Good.. shake those fuckers up. And for the record, how well can the Democrats be when all they have is a 300 year old Socialist and that crook Clinton?

Like 'em or hate 'em, the Dems are NOT tearing each other's hair out. Unlike the GOP, they have not formed a circular firing squad.

Do they any hair left to tear out? A 70 year old and a 76 year old communist. Got to hand it to the left wing limp wrists - they SURE know how to pick those "young uns".
Do they any hair left to tear out? A 70 year old and a 76 year old communist. Got to hand it to the left wing limp wrists - they SURE know how to pick those "young uns".

With that attitude, the next 8 years are going to be a real bitch for you.....Try over-the-counter laxatives. LOL
I have said a thousand times that the GOP is eating its own. When the WSJ agrees with me, you know the 'Pubes are in deep kimchee.

Anxiety Fuels Donald Trump’s Supporters
White working-class voters resentful over the economy and Washington flock to the billionaire
Anxiety Fuels Donald Trump’s Supporters

Washington Wire - WSJcampaign-collapsing-carson-slams-adviser-as-not-epitome-of-truth/

Washington Wire - WSJted-cruz-mocks-donald-trumps-decision-to-skip-debate/

Unlike the Hildebeast there are no GOP candidates that are being investigated by the DOJ.
Shortcomings among some of the GOP, sure, but none a step or two from possibilty being indicted.
I have said a thousand times that the GOP is eating its own. When the WSJ agrees with me, you know the 'Pubes are in deep kimchee.

Anxiety Fuels Donald Trump’s Supporters
White working-class voters resentful over the economy and Washington flock to the billionaire
Anxiety Fuels Donald Trump’s Supporters

Washington Wire - WSJcampaign-collapsing-carson-slams-adviser-as-not-epitome-of-truth/

Washington Wire - WSJted-cruz-mocks-donald-trumps-decision-to-skip-debate/

Unlike the Hildebeast there are no GOP candidates that are being investigated by the DOJ.
Shortcomings among some of the GOP, sure, but none a step or two from possibilty being indicted.

EXCLUSIVE: Chris Christie Was Interrogated By Feds Over Bridge Scandal
Good.. shake those fuckers up. And for the record, how well can the Democrats be when all they have is a 300 year old Socialist and that crook Clinton?

Like 'em or hate 'em, the Dems are NOT tearing each other's hair out. Unlike the GOP, they have not formed a circular firing squad.

That's only because the Dem nomination is a total fraud. It's a scheme to make Hillary's coronation look like a legitimate election. Democrats are total sheep who meekly swallow whatever their party dishes out.

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