GOP Candidate Calls Holocaust 'Blackest Lie In History'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

By Lorraine Swanson

Art Jones, who hopes to challenge Democrat Dan Lipinski in Illinois' 3rd Congressional District, neither denies nor repudiates his past affiliation with the neo-Nazi Party.

A congressional candidate running as a Republican in the upcoming Illinois primary says the “Holocaust never happened.”

Arthur Jones, 64, a Lyons, IL, insurance salesman who organizes family-friendly, neo-Nazi events around Adolf Hitler’s birthday, hopes to be the Republican candidate chosen to run against Democratic Congressman Dan Lipinski in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District.

“As far as I’m concerned, the Holocaust is nothing more than an international extortion racket by the Jews,” Jones said. “It’s the blackest lie in history. Millions of dollars are being made by Jews telling this tale of woe and misfortune in books, movies, plays and TV.

"The more survivors, the more lies that are told."

More (if you can stomach it): Republican Congressional Candidate Says 'Holocaust Never Happened' - Oak Lawn, IL Patch

By Lorraine Swanson

Art Jones, who hopes to challenge Democrat Dan Lipinski in Illinois' 3rd Congressional District, neither denies nor repudiates his past affiliation with the neo-Nazi Party.

A congressional candidate running as a Republican in the upcoming Illinois primary says the “Holocaust never happened.”

Arthur Jones, 64, a Lyons, IL, insurance salesman who organizes family-friendly, neo-Nazi events around Adolf Hitler’s birthday, hopes to be the Republican candidate chosen to run against Democratic Congressman Dan Lipinski in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District.

“As far as I’m concerned, the Holocaust is nothing more than an international extortion racket by the Jews,” Jones said. “It’s the blackest lie in history. Millions of dollars are being made by Jews telling this tale of woe and misfortune in books, movies, plays and TV.

"The more survivors, the more lies that are told."

More (if you can stomach it): Republican Congressional Candidate Says 'Holocaust Never Happened' - Oak Lawn, IL Patch
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[ame=]The Last Days of the Big Lie - YouTube[/ame]
And Repugs want to constantly talk shit about Dems being the racist party when they allow fucktards like this within their ranks.
And Repugs want to constantly talk shit about Dems being the racist party when they allow fucktards like this within their ranks.

Oh, get real. You cant hold the entire nation of Republicans responsible for what one loon does in a small STATE congressional district race. Hell the guy hasnt even gotten elected and you are damning the GOP for it! lol

My bet is the 3rd Illinois state congressional district is held by a Democrat who has no chance of being beat, so no serious Republican will bother to run.

And thus we get little shit-for-brains running for it not to win but to get their name in the papers or something. And the libs in the press wont hesitate to give him exactly what he wants because in their heart of hearts, the libs think this guy is just a typical Republican who left the closet.
Yup. Must be a slow day in Demville.

This guy will never get elected and I wonder what the comments would be if he were a (gasp) Dem??
Did the Illinios Republican Party accept this guy as a candidate or not?

If they did, then yea, I would say the entire Rethug party is the party of jack booted ignorant racists.

And I would be correct (in my mind). Unless you are the exception and will work against having people like this man representing your party. Where do you stand?

It would be better for your party to leave a seat uncontested than to back a guy like this guy. IMPO.
And Repugs want to constantly talk shit about Dems being the racist party when they allow fucktards like this within their ranks.
I think Reverend Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright had a sermon on that subject.

Yeah, yeah, there's an idiot in the GOP. It's not at all surprising that you morons want to paint the entire party with his views.
i was on another board, many moons ago, and there was a thread where people were saying that racism didn't exist in the south anymore. so i gave a couple of fairly recent examples where some people i know, when we partied, always made comments about blacks and jews. nothing outrageous but still racist. i was, of course, called a liar (by a dude from texas no less) because he said he had never heard anything racist in his area. go figure.
Yup. Must be a slow day in Demville.

This guy will never get elected and I wonder what the comments would be if he were a (gasp) Dem??
If he was a Democrat, you'd never have seen an article about him.

By Lorraine Swanson

Art Jones, who hopes to challenge Democrat Dan Lipinski in Illinois' 3rd Congressional District, neither denies nor repudiates his past affiliation with the neo-Nazi Party.

A congressional candidate running as a Republican in the upcoming Illinois primary says the “Holocaust never happened.”

Arthur Jones, 64, a Lyons, IL, insurance salesman who organizes family-friendly, neo-Nazi events around Adolf Hitler’s birthday, hopes to be the Republican candidate chosen to run against Democratic Congressman Dan Lipinski in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District.

“As far as I’m concerned, the Holocaust is nothing more than an international extortion racket by the Jews,” Jones said. “It’s the blackest lie in history. Millions of dollars are being made by Jews telling this tale of woe and misfortune in books, movies, plays and TV.

"The more survivors, the more lies that are told."

More (if you can stomach it): Republican Congressional Candidate Says 'Holocaust Never Happened' - Oak Lawn, IL Patch

Glad to see you're pro-Jew now.
Did the Illinios Republican Party accept this guy as a candidate or not?

If they did, then yea, I would say the entire Rethug party is the party of jack booted ignorant racists.

And I would be correct (in my mind). Unless you are the exception and will work against having people like this man representing your party. Where do you stand?

It would be better for your party to leave a seat uncontested than to back a guy like this guy. IMPO.

Ah thank goodness...a rational thinker enters the fray.

As far as I know, anybody who holds any beliefs can CALL THEMSELVES either a Republicans or Democrat.

As far as I know, neither party has the ability to stop people from identifying themselves as being either Republican or Democrat, too

So our chum ZIKE here asked the only pertinent question about this issue.

There is a difference between running AS a Republican or Democrat and running on BEHALF of either of those parties.

And the difference is whether the person is getting the benefit of AID from those organizations.
Ah thank goodness...a rational thinker enters the fray.

Why, thank you. And a good point you made.

Is the Repub party helping this guy or not?
And Repugs want to constantly talk shit about Dems being the racist party when they allow fucktards like this within their ranks.

Oh, get real. You cant hold the entire nation of Republicans responsible for what one loon does in a small STATE congressional district race. Hell the guy hasnt even gotten elected and you are damning the GOP for it! lol

My bet is the 3rd Illinois state congressional district is held by a Democrat who has no chance of being beat, so no serious Republican will bother to run.

And thus we get little shit-for-brains running for it not to win but to get their name in the papers or something. And the libs in the press wont hesitate to give him exactly what he wants because in their heart of hearts, the libs think this guy is just a typical Republican who left the closet.

<points up> WORD.
South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action: Reevaluating Arthur Jones
Jones is best known as the Nazi who name keeps showing up on election ballots every now and again. He has been running for one thing or another since 1976, more often than not for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District in Illinois. But his insurance salesman's salary doesn't exactly cover election costs, plus he's an asshole, so he never wins. Truth be told, Jones is a washed-up Nazi still trying to milk it for all its worth.

apparently he has a habit of running, and losing.

Good on the losing part. What a douche-nozzle.
South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action: Reevaluating Arthur Jones
Jones is best known as the Nazi who name keeps showing up on election ballots every now and again. He has been running for one thing or another since 1976, more often than not for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District in Illinois. But his insurance salesman's salary doesn't exactly cover election costs, plus he's an asshole, so he never wins. Truth be told, Jones is a washed-up Nazi still trying to milk it for all its worth.

apparently he has a habit of running, and losing.

Good on the losing part. What a douche-nozzle.

Imagine if he was a member of the KKK. He'd never get anywhere in the Democratic Party. Like a high position in the house of representatives. Like, say, Robert Byrd.
Wasn't David Duke running as a Democrat?

Yeah, there are a lot of crazy people in this country. Trying to tar any one party with their affiliation represents desperation.
South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action: Reevaluating Arthur Jones
Jones is best known as the Nazi who name keeps showing up on election ballots every now and again. He has been running for one thing or another since 1976, more often than not for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District in Illinois. But his insurance salesman's salary doesn't exactly cover election costs, plus he's an asshole, so he never wins. Truth be told, Jones is a washed-up Nazi still trying to milk it for all its worth.

apparently he has a habit of running, and losing.

Good on the losing part. What a douche-nozzle.

Imagine if he was a member of the KKK. He'd never get anywhere in the Democratic Party. Like a high position in the house of representatives. Like, say, Robert Byrd.
Wasn't David Duke running as a Democrat?

Yeah, there are a lot of crazy people in this country. Trying to tar any one party with their affiliation represents desperation.

believe it or not, Duke was a 1992 Republican Party presidential candidate.

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