GOP Candidates Warn Voters About Perils of One-Party Rule

Of course they should. But since that isn't an option........

Of course it is. First, get organized and make life hell on anyone caught in an ethics violation. Second, get organized and stop re-electing em.
sorry, you are wrong
the dems had the leadewrship in the senate from 2001 to 2003
so only 4 consecutive years of one party rule

btw, it was SWEET when Tom Daschel lost

You are right, they did not have the Senate solid that whole time and i completely FORGOT how crazy it was in the beginning with the Dem's having it then the repubs then the dems then .....

i got this from Wiki:

The U.S. Senate election, 2000 was an election for one-third of the seats in the United States Senate which coincided with the election of George W. Bush as president. It featured a number of fiercely contested elections that resulted in a victory for the Democratic Party, which gained four net seats from the Republican Party in the Senate. (Democrats had already gained one seat since the 1998 elections when Zell B. Miller (D-Ga.) was appointed following the death of Paul M. Coverdell (R-Ga.).)

This was six years after many Republicans had won seats in Senate Class 1 during the elections of 1994, and it was this group who were seeking reelection or retiring in 2000. Because such a large number of these seats were being defended by Republicans, most of the races that were considered to be in play were won by challenging Democrats. They defeated Republican senators William Roth (R-Del.), Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.), Rod Grams (R-Minn.), John Ashcroft (R-Mo.), and Slade Gorton (R-Wash.), as well as winning the open seat in Florida. Ashcroft's defeat was noteworthy in that his opponent, Mel Carnahan, had died before the election, but still won. (The Democratic governor had promised to appoint Carnahan's wife to the seat if he won). The Republicans did defeat one incumbent, Chuck Robb (D-Va.), and win an open seat in Nevada.

This resulted in the Democrats winning control of the Senate for only 17 days, since Al Gore was still Vice President and President of the Senate. But the Republicans won control the chamber with the tie-breaking vote of the new Vice President Richard B. Cheney on January 20th. The small Republican Majority would last until May 24, 2001 when Republican Senator Jim Jeffords of Vermont left the Republican Party and became an Independent who chose to caucus with the Democrats. The Republicans won back the Senate in the 2002 Midterm elections.

It was wild with Jefford's becoming an independent but siding with Dems!!!

sorry, you are wrong
the dems had the leadewrship in the senate from 2001 to 2003
so only 4 consecutive years of one party rule

btw, it was SWEET when Tom Daschel lost
Tommy boy got to big for his britches....Funny he did realize the peeps in SD have cable TV we could see and hear the shit he spouted in DC...Then he'd run back to Aberdeen and talk out the other side of his mouth...
Well, Obviously there are some possible perils with any party having full control and we witnessed it for at least a few years under the Bush Administration.

As others have said, if it gets out of hand with the smell of corruption like it did with the republicans leading up to the 2006 election, the Dems will lose their seats and the republicans will be in control...of at least one house of Congress.
From 2001 thru January 4th, 2007...6 years, they had FULL CONTROL with the exception of a few months early on when the democrats had a one man majority in the senate that got turned back over.

False... The GOP had simple and bare minimum majorities in the legislature... That ahrdly translates to "FULL CONTROL." Now when you add to THAT, that the ranks of the GOP was rife with independent, moderate, centrist, progressives... there was NEVER a period during that which you site where Americans were in full Control of the Government.
if there is a funny part to any of is all the smart ass neo-cons that had no concern over the unprecedented powers given to government through the patriot act..and soon those same powers will be in the hands of the above mentioned.. a little more concerned now perhaps ? wonder we have Republicans supporting the Obama....

yeah real funny.

Screw the patriot act, what scares me is this group in control of the purse strings and tax policy.

America is willing choosing a path of a slow decent into a deep abyss.
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yeah real funny.

Screw the patriot act, what scares me is this group in control of the purse strings and tax policy.

America is willing choosing a path of a slow decent into a deep abyss.
they chose it already...long before any new president comes in to power next january....thus the MESS we are in NOW and for the next decade, in the very least.

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