GOP committing political suicide


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
Political trends are pendular, population demographics are NOT.

You pea brains are toast...but you reap what you sew. Your hate, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and 'Southern strategy' will bring you exactly what you deserve; permanent minority status, condemnation and irrelevance.


Michael Gerson: GOP committing political suicide

Republicans have now sent three clear signals to Hispanic voters: Proposition 187 in California, attempting to deny illegal immigrants health care and public education; the immigration debate of 2006, dominated by strident Republican opponents of reform; and now the Arizona immigration law. According to a 2008 study by the Pew Hispanic Center, 49 percent of Hispanics said that Democrats had more concern for people of their background; 7 percent believed this was true of Republicans. Since the Arizona controversy, this gap can only have grown larger. In a matter of months, Hispanic voters in Arizona have gone from being among the most pro-GOP in the nation to being among the most hostile.

Immigration issues are emotional and complex, but this must be recognized for what it is: political suicide. Consider that Hispanics now make up 40 percent of the K-12 students in Arizona, 44 percent in Texas, 47 percent in California, 54 percent in New Mexico. Whatever temporary gains Republicans might make feeding resentment of this demographic shift, the party identified with that resentment will eventually be voted into singularity. In a matter of decades, the Republican Party could cease to be a national party.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter
Political trends are pendular, population demographics are NOT.

You pea brains are toast...but you reap what you sew. Your hate, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and 'Southern strategy' will bring you exactly what you deserve; permanent minority status, condemnation and irrelevance.


Michael Gerson: GOP committing political suicide

Republicans have now sent three clear signals to Hispanic voters: Proposition 187 in California, attempting to deny illegal immigrants health care and public education; the immigration debate of 2006, dominated by strident Republican opponents of reform; and now the Arizona immigration law. According to a 2008 study by the Pew Hispanic Center, 49 percent of Hispanics said that Democrats had more concern for people of their background; 7 percent believed this was true of Republicans. Since the Arizona controversy, this gap can only have grown larger. In a matter of months, Hispanic voters in Arizona have gone from being among the most pro-GOP in the nation to being among the most hostile.

Immigration issues are emotional and complex, but this must be recognized for what it is: political suicide. Consider that Hispanics now make up 40 percent of the K-12 students in Arizona, 44 percent in Texas, 47 percent in California, 54 percent in New Mexico. Whatever temporary gains Republicans might make feeding resentment of this demographic shift, the party identified with that resentment will eventually be voted into singularity. In a matter of decades, the Republican Party could cease to be a national party.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter

Nope! Some of you don't get that many, many hispanics ARE republicans - and THESE hispanics are the ones who VOTE!!! The majority are against illegal entry and do not want these illegals to be rewarded for jumping the fence or the line! Republicans are more about FREEDOM and LIBERTY; Democrats are more about SOCIALISM and FREEBIES.
Which doesn't explain the popularity of Arizona's new immigration law.

Honest to God... people are TIRED of the race-baiting and divisiveness of Democrats.
You've got Eric Holder and Janet Napalitano who haven't even bothered to read the bill, and Barack Obama himself telling latinos that they're going to be arrested taking their kids for ice cream. :rolleyes:

This is NOTHING but Plantation Politics, the creation of a racial wedge in order to divide Americans into useful demographics. The Dems in power could give a rat's ass less about what's in the best interest of this nation as a whole. They don't care about latinos. They don't care about blacks. They don't care about national security. All they care about is fomenting division that they can then take political advantage of.

It's disgusting. But that's the Uniter-in-Chief for ya though.... all about uniting Democrats, and to fuck with the country and the rule of law.
Political trends are pendular, population demographics are NOT.

You pea brains are toast...but you reap what you sew. Your hate, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and 'Southern strategy' will bring you exactly what you deserve; permanent minority status, condemnation and irrelevance.


Michael Gerson: GOP committing political suicide

Republicans have now sent three clear signals to Hispanic voters: Proposition 187 in California, attempting to deny illegal immigrants health care and public education; the immigration debate of 2006, dominated by strident Republican opponents of reform; and now the Arizona immigration law. According to a 2008 study by the Pew Hispanic Center, 49 percent of Hispanics said that Democrats had more concern for people of their background; 7 percent believed this was true of Republicans. Since the Arizona controversy, this gap can only have grown larger. In a matter of months, Hispanic voters in Arizona have gone from being among the most pro-GOP in the nation to being among the most hostile.

Immigration issues are emotional and complex, but this must be recognized for what it is: political suicide. Consider that Hispanics now make up 40 percent of the K-12 students in Arizona, 44 percent in Texas, 47 percent in California, 54 percent in New Mexico. Whatever temporary gains Republicans might make feeding resentment of this demographic shift, the party identified with that resentment will eventually be voted into singularity. In a matter of decades, the Republican Party could cease to be a national party.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter

Nope! Some of you don't get that many, many hispanics ARE republicans - and THESE hispanics are the ones who VOTE!!! The majority are against illegal entry and do not want these illegals to be rewarded for jumping the fence or the line! Republicans are more about FREEDOM and LIBERTY; Democrats are more about SOCIALISM and FREEBIES.

Keep chanting that to yourself...

Better HOPE future US President 'Pedro' doesn't pass laws that profile pea brains...:lol::lol::lol:
Let's just say I am not too overly concerned tht the GOP will cease to exist in the next twenty years.

Not that it wouldn't be nice to see both parties go the way of the Dodo, but it isn't going to happen.
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'Better HOPE future US President 'Pedro' doesn't pass laws that profile pea brains...'

True - cause YOU will be in deep s***

WOW, did you cogitate that intellectual comeback...the proverbial 'I know you are, but what am I'?
As much as you cogitated yours....... the proverbial, 'I know who I be, but do you know who you be'?
Which doesn't explain the popularity of Arizona's new immigration law.

Honest to God... people are TIRED of the race-baiting and divisiveness of Democrats.
You've got Eric Holder and Janet Napalitano who haven't even bothered to read the bill, and Barack Obama himself telling latinos that they're going to be arrested taking their kids for ice cream. :rolleyes:

This is NOTHING but Plantation Politics, the creation of a racial wedge in order to divide Americans into useful demographics. The Dems in power could give a rat's ass less about what's in the best interest of this nation as a whole. They don't care about latinos. They don't care about blacks. They don't care about national security. All they care about is fomenting division that they can then take political advantage of.

It's disgusting. But that's the Uniter-in-Chief for ya though.... all about uniting Democrats, and to fuck with the country and the rule of law.

What IS disgusting; YOUR projection. You are so self centered and blind to your lack of caring about anyone but YOU, that everyone ELSE must ALSO be as devoid of morals...

It's a twist of the transactional analysis 'I'm OK, you're OK'. In your case it's 'I'm a scum bag, so everyone ELSE must be a scum bag too'
What IS disgusting; YOUR projection. You are so self centered and blind to your lack of caring about anyone but YOU, that everyone ELSE must ALSO be as devoid of morals...

It's a twist of the transactional analysis 'I'm OK, you're OK'. In your case it's 'I'm a scum bag, so everyone ELSE must be a scum bag too'

You stand with RACE-BAITERS and think you're qualified to discuss morals?
.... that's rich. Really, it is. :lol::lol::lol:

These fuckers have been sorting PEOPLE into racial, ethnic, and gender categories, pouring on fertilizer in order to create growth of bias and hard-feelings along those lines... and then coming back every two years to harvest the vote since they lost the Civil Rights battle in the 1960's. Only useful idiots believe they care about "people".

We didn't see the Democrats in power stand with the State of Arizona or the Rule of Law. We didn't see them stand for equal treatment and protection of all CITIZENS. What we saw was a deliberate distortion of a state's immigration law in order to foment racial division, and ALL for the sake of political gain.

The idea that somebody like you, who stands with lawlessness, who stands with those who would gladly subjugate our natural rights and our security for the sake of tumult and division on the off-chance it would result in more political power and lucre for THEMSELVES.... the idea that YOU would have anything to say to me about "morals" just shows your total ignorance.
You wouldn't know morality or honor if they bit you on your stupid ass.
Political trends are pendular, population demographics are NOT.

You pea brains are toast...but you reap what you sew. Your hate, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and 'Southern strategy' will bring you exactly what you deserve; permanent minority status, condemnation and irrelevance.


Michael Gerson: GOP committing political suicide

Republicans have now sent three clear signals to Hispanic voters: Proposition 187 in California, attempting to deny illegal immigrants health care and public education; the immigration debate of 2006, dominated by strident Republican opponents of reform; and now the Arizona immigration law. According to a 2008 study by the Pew Hispanic Center, 49 percent of Hispanics said that Democrats had more concern for people of their background; 7 percent believed this was true of Republicans. Since the Arizona controversy, this gap can only have grown larger. In a matter of months, Hispanic voters in Arizona have gone from being among the most pro-GOP in the nation to being among the most hostile.

Immigration issues are emotional and complex, but this must be recognized for what it is: political suicide. Consider that Hispanics now make up 40 percent of the K-12 students in Arizona, 44 percent in Texas, 47 percent in California, 54 percent in New Mexico. Whatever temporary gains Republicans might make feeding resentment of this demographic shift, the party identified with that resentment will eventually be voted into singularity. In a matter of decades, the Republican Party could cease to be a national party.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter

However, if all Hispanics are kicked back across the border as the Illegal Immigrants they are, no voters, no problem.
What IS disgusting; YOUR projection. You are so self centered and blind to your lack of caring about anyone but YOU, that everyone ELSE must ALSO be as devoid of morals...

It's a twist of the transactional analysis 'I'm OK, you're OK'. In your case it's 'I'm a scum bag, so everyone ELSE must be a scum bag too'

You stand with RACE-BAITERS and think you're qualified to discuss morals?
.... that's rich. Really, it is. :lol::lol::lol:

These fuckers have been sorting PEOPLE into racial, ethnic, and gender categories, pouring on fertilizer in order to create growth of bias and hard-feelings along those lines... and then coming back every two years to harvest the vote since they lost the Civil Rights battle in the 1960's. Only useful idiots believe they care about "people".

We didn't see the Democrats in power stand with the State of Arizona or the Rule of Law. We didn't see them stand for equal treatment and protection of all CITIZENS. What we saw was a deliberate distortion of a state's immigration law in order to foment racial division, and ALL for the sake of political gain.

The idea that somebody like you, who stands with lawlessness, who stands with those who would gladly subjugate our natural rights and our security for the sake of tumult and division on the off-chance it would result in more political power and lucre for THEMSELVES.... the idea that YOU would have anything to say to me about "morals" just shows your total ignorance.
You wouldn't know morality or honor if they bit you on your stupid ass.

Ah. The Race Card Card.
Ah. The Race Card Card.

Hey, I've just become adept at recognizing it when I see it. And once more, we see it played by Washington Democrats. How else can it be explained that they're willing to accuse their own countrymen of "human rights" violations, both here and abroad, over a state law that pretty much mirrors federal law and which actually FORBIDS racial profiling? :eusa_eh:

24 States already have "stop and identify" statutes, Arizona among them. And that law was already on the books when Arizona created this new one.

There's no legitimate excuse for the left's response to this bill. It's obviously political.
What IS disgusting; YOUR projection. You are so self centered and blind to your lack of caring about anyone but YOU, that everyone ELSE must ALSO be as devoid of morals...

It's a twist of the transactional analysis 'I'm OK, you're OK'. In your case it's 'I'm a scum bag, so everyone ELSE must be a scum bag too'

You stand with RACE-BAITERS and think you're qualified to discuss morals?
.... that's rich. Really, it is. :lol::lol::lol:

These fuckers have been sorting PEOPLE into racial, ethnic, and gender categories, pouring on fertilizer in order to create growth of bias and hard-feelings along those lines... and then coming back every two years to harvest the vote since they lost the Civil Rights battle in the 1960's. Only useful idiots believe they care about "people".

We didn't see the Democrats in power stand with the State of Arizona or the Rule of Law. We didn't see them stand for equal treatment and protection of all CITIZENS. What we saw was a deliberate distortion of a state's immigration law in order to foment racial division, and ALL for the sake of political gain.

The idea that somebody like you, who stands with lawlessness, who stands with those who would gladly subjugate our natural rights and our security for the sake of tumult and division on the off-chance it would result in more political power and lucre for THEMSELVES.... the idea that YOU would have anything to say to me about "morals" just shows your total ignorance.
You wouldn't know morality or honor if they bit you on your stupid ass.

Liberals and most Democrats stand with and for equal treatment and equal protection for ALL human beings, not JUST WASPs...

That includes ALL people; young, old, black, brown, white, red, gay, straight, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist...etc.

You right wing scum bags stand for 3 things; ME, MYSELF and I, and ALWAYS with the government, just as long as that government doesn't try to help fellow Americans. But government can't be BIG enough or intrusive enough for you right wing scum if the government is harassing, arresting, incarcerating or executing 'OTHERS'...which is anybody BUT YOU.
What IS disgusting; YOUR projection. You are so self centered and blind to your lack of caring about anyone but YOU, that everyone ELSE must ALSO be as devoid of morals...

It's a twist of the transactional analysis 'I'm OK, you're OK'. In your case it's 'I'm a scum bag, so everyone ELSE must be a scum bag too'

You stand with RACE-BAITERS and think you're qualified to discuss morals?
.... that's rich. Really, it is. :lol::lol::lol:

These fuckers have been sorting PEOPLE into racial, ethnic, and gender categories, pouring on fertilizer in order to create growth of bias and hard-feelings along those lines... and then coming back every two years to harvest the vote since they lost the Civil Rights battle in the 1960's. Only useful idiots believe they care about "people".

We didn't see the Democrats in power stand with the State of Arizona or the Rule of Law. We didn't see them stand for equal treatment and protection of all CITIZENS. What we saw was a deliberate distortion of a state's immigration law in order to foment racial division, and ALL for the sake of political gain.

The idea that somebody like you, who stands with lawlessness, who stands with those who would gladly subjugate our natural rights and our security for the sake of tumult and division on the off-chance it would result in more political power and lucre for THEMSELVES.... the idea that YOU would have anything to say to me about "morals" just shows your total ignorance.
You wouldn't know morality or honor if they bit you on your stupid ass.

Liberals and most Democrats stand with and for equal treatment and equal protection for ALL human beings, not JUST WASPs...

That includes ALL people; young, old, black, brown, white, red, gay, straight, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist...etc.

You right wing scum bags stand for 3 things; ME, MYSELF and I, and ALWAYS with the government, just as long as that government doesn't try to help fellow Americans. But government can't be BIG enough or intrusive enough for you right wing scum if the government is harassing, arresting, incarcerating or executing 'OTHERS'...which is anybody BUT YOU.

No they don't. If they did there would not be a Congressional Black Caucus that excludes whites. Don't be a hypocrite.
Political trends are pendular, population demographics are NOT.

You pea brains are toast...but you reap what you sew. Your hate, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and 'Southern strategy' will bring you exactly what you deserve; permanent minority status, condemnation and irrelevance.


Michael Gerson: GOP committing political suicide

Republicans have now sent three clear signals to Hispanic voters: Proposition 187 in California, attempting to deny illegal immigrants health care and public education; the immigration debate of 2006, dominated by strident Republican opponents of reform; and now the Arizona immigration law. According to a 2008 study by the Pew Hispanic Center, 49 percent of Hispanics said that Democrats had more concern for people of their background; 7 percent believed this was true of Republicans. Since the Arizona controversy, this gap can only have grown larger. In a matter of months, Hispanic voters in Arizona have gone from being among the most pro-GOP in the nation to being among the most hostile.

Immigration issues are emotional and complex, but this must be recognized for what it is: political suicide. Consider that Hispanics now make up 40 percent of the K-12 students in Arizona, 44 percent in Texas, 47 percent in California, 54 percent in New Mexico. Whatever temporary gains Republicans might make feeding resentment of this demographic shift, the party identified with that resentment will eventually be voted into singularity. In a matter of decades, the Republican Party could cease to be a national party.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter

However, if all Hispanics are kicked back across the border as the Illegal Immigrants they are, no voters, no problem.

nearly 50 million naturalized or native born hispanics....ooops:razz:
Political trends are pendular, population demographics are NOT.

You pea brains are toast...but you reap what you sew. Your hate, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and 'Southern strategy' will bring you exactly what you deserve; permanent minority status, condemnation and irrelevance.


Michael Gerson: GOP committing political suicide

Republicans have now sent three clear signals to Hispanic voters: Proposition 187 in California, attempting to deny illegal immigrants health care and public education; the immigration debate of 2006, dominated by strident Republican opponents of reform; and now the Arizona immigration law. According to a 2008 study by the Pew Hispanic Center, 49 percent of Hispanics said that Democrats had more concern for people of their background; 7 percent believed this was true of Republicans. Since the Arizona controversy, this gap can only have grown larger. In a matter of months, Hispanic voters in Arizona have gone from being among the most pro-GOP in the nation to being among the most hostile.

Immigration issues are emotional and complex, but this must be recognized for what it is: political suicide. Consider that Hispanics now make up 40 percent of the K-12 students in Arizona, 44 percent in Texas, 47 percent in California, 54 percent in New Mexico. Whatever temporary gains Republicans might make feeding resentment of this demographic shift, the party identified with that resentment will eventually be voted into singularity. In a matter of decades, the Republican Party could cease to be a national party.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter

Foolish leftie, you suppose the only way to garner support is by simple-minded pandering.

I suppose not. There are far more generalized human and societal positions where the right is more "in-line" with Latin American thinking than the left. Guess will see how your pandering strategy works out.
What IS disgusting; YOUR projection. You are so self centered and blind to your lack of caring about anyone but YOU, that everyone ELSE must ALSO be as devoid of morals...

It's a twist of the transactional analysis 'I'm OK, you're OK'. In your case it's 'I'm a scum bag, so everyone ELSE must be a scum bag too'

You stand with RACE-BAITERS and think you're qualified to discuss morals?
.... that's rich. Really, it is. :lol::lol::lol:

These fuckers have been sorting PEOPLE into racial, ethnic, and gender categories, pouring on fertilizer in order to create growth of bias and hard-feelings along those lines... and then coming back every two years to harvest the vote since they lost the Civil Rights battle in the 1960's. Only useful idiots believe they care about "people".

We didn't see the Democrats in power stand with the State of Arizona or the Rule of Law. We didn't see them stand for equal treatment and protection of all CITIZENS. What we saw was a deliberate distortion of a state's immigration law in order to foment racial division, and ALL for the sake of political gain.

The idea that somebody like you, who stands with lawlessness, who stands with those who would gladly subjugate our natural rights and our security for the sake of tumult and division on the off-chance it would result in more political power and lucre for THEMSELVES.... the idea that YOU would have anything to say to me about "morals" just shows your total ignorance.
You wouldn't know morality or honor if they bit you on your stupid ass.

Liberals and most Democrats stand with and for equal treatment and equal protection for ALL human beings, not JUST WASPs...

That includes ALL people; young, old, black, brown, white, red, gay, straight, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist...etc.

You right wing scum bags stand for 3 things; ME, MYSELF and I, and ALWAYS with the government, just as long as that government doesn't try to help fellow Americans. But government can't be BIG enough or intrusive enough for you right wing scum if the government is harassing, arresting, incarcerating or executing 'OTHERS'...which is anybody BUT YOU.

No, liberal stand for nothing. They do however, usually pander to those concepts and interests while silently sticking a knife into the back of any of those interests if it mean personal gain for the liberal politician. The liberal pols are only into attaining and retaining personal political power at any cost. Any other analysis belies the facts.
Political trends are pendular, population demographics are NOT.

You pea brains are toast...but you reap what you sew. Your hate, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and 'Southern strategy' will bring you exactly what you deserve; permanent minority status, condemnation and irrelevance.


Michael Gerson: GOP committing political suicide

Republicans have now sent three clear signals to Hispanic voters: Proposition 187 in California, attempting to deny illegal immigrants health care and public education; the immigration debate of 2006, dominated by strident Republican opponents of reform; and now the Arizona immigration law. According to a 2008 study by the Pew Hispanic Center, 49 percent of Hispanics said that Democrats had more concern for people of their background; 7 percent believed this was true of Republicans. Since the Arizona controversy, this gap can only have grown larger. In a matter of months, Hispanic voters in Arizona have gone from being among the most pro-GOP in the nation to being among the most hostile.

Immigration issues are emotional and complex, but this must be recognized for what it is: political suicide. Consider that Hispanics now make up 40 percent of the K-12 students in Arizona, 44 percent in Texas, 47 percent in California, 54 percent in New Mexico. Whatever temporary gains Republicans might make feeding resentment of this demographic shift, the party identified with that resentment will eventually be voted into singularity. In a matter of decades, the Republican Party could cease to be a national party.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter

Foolish leftie, you suppose the only way to garner support is by simple-minded pandering.

I suppose not. There are far more generalized human and societal positions where the right is more "in-line" with Latin American thinking than the left. Guess will see how your pandering strategy works out.

Let's get the opinion of Michael Murphy, a Republican political consultant. He has advised such nationally prominent Republicans as John McCain, Jeb Bush, John Engler, Tommy Thompson, Spencer Abraham, Christie Whitman, Lamar Alexander, and Arnold Schwarzenegger....

Just keep passing laws like Arizona's immigration bill and cheerleading for the torture of Muslims you bunch of pea brains...


For Republicans, the Ice Age Cometh

Despairing Republican friends have been asking me what I think we should do to rebuild the GOP and begin our certain and inevitable comeback. My answer disappoints them: "Build an ark."

I say this because I've made a career out of counting votes, and the numbers tell a clear story; the demographics of America are changing in a way that is deadly for the Republican Party as it exists today. A GOP ice age is on the way.

In 1980, Latino voters cast about 2% of all votes. Last year it was 9%, and Obama won that Hispanic vote with a crushing 35-point margin. By 2030, the Latino share of the vote is likely to double. In Texas, the crucial buckle for the GOP's Electoral College belt, the No. 1 name for new male babies — many of whom will vote one day — is Jose. Young voters are another huge GOP problem. Obama won voters under 30 by a record 33 points. And the young voters of today, while certainly capable of changing their minds, do become all voters tomorrow.

Read more: For Republicans, the Ice Age Cometh - TIME

Toleration is good for all, or it is good for none.
Edmund Burke
A proposition that denies public education to children of illegals is just plain will have no effect on illegal immigration and simply create a huge underclass of uneducated people. It punishes the children that have no say in the matter.

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