GOP Congressman Calling for Impeachment of Trump

Quit pretending you GAF about the Constitution...We all know you don't, except when the context is convenient for you.

I revere The US Constitution; there is NO America without it.
The Constitution has no care for party, for partisanship, or for your bull shit.
Now, go fuck off.
It's amazing what non-stop hate propaganda can make people believe.... I think it is still premature until they get smaller 2 talk for a couple of days and a unretracted report.

Super Duper
To be a dupe you have to believe garbage propaganda. Are Hillary Obama holder Lerner in jail yet? And the rich still pay too much in taxes? Absolute idiocy.

You consider me rich. I am not. I pay a lot in taxes.
Lib please what crime is Trump accused of? Presumption of innocence heard of it?
Why ask me ?? Ask those 900 prosecutors who are on record for saying if not for trump being in our WH he'd be in jail Is the guy whose butt you kiss above the law??

You called Trump a criminal, go ahead back up your claim.
does this satisfy you?
Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Jump to Allegations of business links to organized crime - Trump also bought real estate from Philadelphia crime family member Salvatore Testa, and ...
Lawsuits 1973–1999 · ‎Lawsuits 2000–2009 · ‎Lawsuits 2010–present

Do you care if Donald Trump is a criminal? | The Tylt

Do you care if Donald Trump is a criminal? | The Tylt

A new poll shows the majority of people believe Michael Cohen's testimony that that President Trump is a criminal, but they still don't want him to be impeached.

I have no interest in your copy/paste. YOU explain why YOU called president Trump a criminal. Or do you just parrot what you read in the fake news?
And you parrot the trump BS of fake news I guess you just don't care what you support

I parrot nothing stop deflecting. I'm challenging YOU to make your own argument. Don't be a parrot for the elite left. You think they consider you a member? They think less of you than they do their opponents on the right.
Why do Republicans align with this country’s enemies? I don’t get it. There has to be a reason.

The Russians took pictures.
That’s one of them right in front of you.

And they said Trump gave them classified material.

And the White House admitted they did it.
And so did Israel because it involved them.
What the fuk is it that you don’t goddamn see?

While this was a private meeting between Trump and the two Russian diplomats, closed to the American press, a Russian state news photographer was present.

The Washington Post broke the story May 15, and BuzzFeed and the New York Times soon followed suit. We should note that these reporters based their stories on anonymous sources, which we don’t use at PolitiFact, so we are unable to independently confirm them.

The administration initially denied that sources, methods or military operations, were disclosed to the Russian delegation. Later, the administration acknowledged that specific threats were discussed. Speaking to reporters that afternoon, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster called the Washington Post story "false."

The White House also said that firsthand accounts of those present in the meeting should outweigh those of the anonymous sources on whom the reporters based their stories.

McMaster, in a press briefing May 16, again sidestepped questions about what Trump disclosed and whether it was classified. He described the disclosure as "wholly appropriate."

It’s illegal to improperly disseminate classified information, but presidents are exempt from those laws.

Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, told us that that's because the president has the authority to declassify any information, and the idea that a president would be prosecuted for this is "unthinkable":

Trump may have shared intel with Russians: what we know
Manufacturing jobs haven't come back either, in fact they continue to leave.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
Continuing trends...

It's not that complex dude.

Sure it is. We're talking about the quality of jobs more than quantity. And the feds only raise interest rates when the economy is starting to improve. That didn't happen until nearly the end of DumBama's second term, and the only reason for that is the price of fuel which greatly helped the economy and DumBama no part of. It was thanks to Fracking which Hussein and other Democrats were always against.
Quit pretending you GAF about the Constitution...We all know you don't, except when the context is convenient for you.

I revere The US Constitution; there is NO America without it.
The Constitution has no care for party, for partisanship, or for your bull shit.
Now, go fuck off.
Libstained traitors don't care about the Constitution. All you clowns care about is more government rule.
Now, go fuck off.

The abuse of power by the executive must be answered by Congress.

If you don't believe in the concept then you do NOT believe in The US Constitution.
Manufacturing jobs haven't come back either, in fact they continue to leave.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
Continuing trends...

It's not that complex dude.

Sure it is. We're talking about the quality of jobs more than quantity. And the feds only raise interest rates when the economy is starting to improve. That didn't happen until nearly the end of DumBama's second term, and the only reason for that is the price of fuel which greatly helped the economy and DumBama no part of. It was thanks to Fracking which Hussein and other Democrats were always against.
No, it's not that complicated. Unemployment has followed the same trend for a decade. Fracking has nothing to do with anything at the moment, low oil prices pretty much shut down the industry.

Wake up, look around with your own eyes. Stop depending on RWNJ "news" sources. They are lying to you.
Whatever. Maybe Amash can team up with Rashida Tlaib and Maxine Waters! :laugh2:

Amash is very far right. Read his bio.
So what? He's a moron just like Maxine and Rashida.

Why is he a moron? Oh that's right he is not a Trump Humper.
He claims Trump is impeachable while doing nothing about it. One does not have to be a "Humper" to understand the meaninglessness of hot air regardless of its source.

He pointed out specifics, for it to be meaningless please point where he is incorrect.

Here are my principal conclusions:
1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.

Then why hasn’t the House proceeded with impeachment?
Romney called Amash "courageous"

Amash looks like David Wallace from the Office, i've come to notice!
Is this the first of many ?

Oops should be Amash.

Jordan Smash backs impeachment


The man's name is Justin Amash.

What do you expect by a person that doesn’t live here and tries to influence our elections. As far as I’m concerned he is just like any Russian troll. You know those trolls that everyone on the left hates unless it is spewing their BS. I have no use for any of them, left or right, they have no business trying to influence our country.
What the US Pres does affects all of us. Were you unaware of that ?
The Presidential Oath:l
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Trump swore to " preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Yet Trump has attacked or totally ignored the Constitution. He has attacked the Judiciary, the nation’s constitutional system of checks and balances, viciously attacked freedom of the press, and violates Foreign or Domestic Emoluments Clauses.
The Oath of the US Armed Forces:
I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
About a million members of the Armed Services, gave their lives defending the Constitution. Now we have a president who has never sacrificed or never took the opportunity to defend the Constitution with his life, attacking the Constitution. What's that say about his respect for those who sacrificed and gave their lives for the Constitution?
Manufacturing jobs haven't come back either, in fact they continue to leave.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
Continuing trends...

It's not that complex dude.

Sure it is. We're talking about the quality of jobs more than quantity. And the feds only raise interest rates when the economy is starting to improve. That didn't happen until nearly the end of DumBama's second term, and the only reason for that is the price of fuel which greatly helped the economy and DumBama no part of. It was thanks to Fracking which Hussein and other Democrats were always against.
No, it's not that complicated. Unemployment has followed the same trend for a decade. Fracking has nothing to do with anything at the moment, low oil prices pretty much shut down the industry.

Wake up, look around with your own eyes. Stop depending on RWNJ "news" sources. They are lying to you.

Nobody is lying to me. I work in industry all day long. I know what's going on in these places. I know how busy our company is. I know that our box companies have been calling us non-stop because when people need boxes, they are shipping a lot of product out.

You can talk about Obama's floor sweeping jobs and french fry makers, but the economy is only strong when people are making and spending money. It takes money and consumer confidence for the kind of activity we see today.
Is this the first of many ?

Oops should be Amash.

Jordan Smash backs impeachment


The man's name is Justin Amash.

What do you expect by a person that doesn’t live here and tries to influence our elections. As far as I’m concerned he is just like any Russian troll. You know those trolls that everyone on the left hates unless it is spewing their BS. I have no use for any of them, left or right, they have no business trying to influence our country.
What the US Pres does affects all of us. Were you unaware of that ?

Exactly why we should take Canada by force.
Screw the border... It's too expensive yo maintain it.

Manufacturing jobs haven't come back either, in fact they continue to leave.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
Continuing trends...

It's not that complex dude.

Sure it is. We're talking about the quality of jobs more than quantity. And the feds only raise interest rates when the economy is starting to improve. That didn't happen until nearly the end of DumBama's second term, and the only reason for that is the price of fuel which greatly helped the economy and DumBama no part of. It was thanks to Fracking which Hussein and other Democrats were always against.
No, it's not that complicated. Unemployment has followed the same trend for a decade. Fracking has nothing to do with anything at the moment, low oil prices pretty much shut down the industry.

Wake up, look around with your own eyes. Stop depending on RWNJ "news" sources. They are lying to you.

Nobody is lying to me. I work in industry all day long. I know what's going on in these places. I know how busy our company is. I know that our box companies have been calling us non-stop because when people need boxes, they are shipping a lot of product out.

You can talk about Obama's floor sweeping jobs and french fry makers, but the economy is only strong when people are making and spending money. It takes money and consumer confidence for the kind of activity we see today.

You make boxes and disparage floor sweepers and french fry makers?

And I'm not saying the economy isn't doing well, I'm just saying tRump's major contribution to that has been to not fuck it up yet.
Is this the first of many ?

Oops should be Amash.

Jordan Smash backs impeachment


The man's name is Justin Amash.

What do you expect by a person that doesn’t live here and tries to influence our elections. As far as I’m concerned he is just like any Russian troll. You know those trolls that everyone on the left hates unless it is spewing their BS. I have no use for any of them, left or right, they have no business trying to influence our country.
What the US Pres does affects all of us. Were you unaware of that ?

So you are okay with Russia trying to influence our elections because it effects them? Good to know.

I am sorry you feel that way however it is our country, not yours.

How does our gun laws personally effect you?
How is our President being or not being impeached going to effect you?

For an asshole that criticizes our country all the time and tells us how great his country is, you now think you need to influence us?

You Russians are disgusting. Mind your own business.
Quit pretending you GAF about the Constitution...We all know you don't, except when the context is convenient for you.

I revere The US Constitution; there is NO America without it.
The Constitution has no care for party, for partisanship, or for your bull shit.
Now, go fuck off.
Libstained traitors don't care about the Constitution. All you clowns care about is more government rule.
Now, go fuck off.

The abuse of power by the executive must be answered by Congress.

If you don't believe in the concept then you do NOT believe in The US Constitution.
Abuse of power lol. You've been seriously MSNBC'd. It's called "Maddow On The Brain" disease. You need an antidote quick. Until then, don't pick your nose - your head will cave in.
Quit pretending you GAF about the Constitution...We all know you don't, except when the context is convenient for you.

I revere The US Constitution; there is NO America without it.
The Constitution has no care for party, for partisanship, or for your bull shit.
Now, go fuck off.
Libstained traitors don't care about the Constitution. All you clowns care about is more government rule.
Now, go fuck off.

The abuse of power by the executive must be answered by Congress.

If you don't believe in the concept then you do NOT believe in The US Constitution.
Abuse of power lol. You've been seriously MSNBC'd. It's called "Maddow On The Brain" disease. You need an antidote quick. Until then, don't pick your nose - your head will cave in.

So, you don't believe in The US Constitution, nor the responsibility of Congress to act as a check on the executive.

You should move to Russia.

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