GOP Congressman says pregnancies from rape are rare

We have a potus named Barak Hussein Obama, whose signature achievement is mandating a govt approved health insurance plan, that must be purchased with personal funds if not provided as an employment benefit, and he just got reelected with close to 300 EV.

And idiot men like this.

The gop cannot think, not even with a penis.


Yes. Idiot men supported ACA.

That doesn't reflect anything on the GOP.
WASHINGTON -- GOP Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona reportedly said Wednesday that the incidences of pregnancy from rape are "very low," months after a similar comment led Todd Akin to lose a Senate race in Missouri.

The Washington Post reports Franks made his statement during a House Judiciary Committee meeting Wednesday on the Arizona congressman's bill to ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks gestation.

Franks, a social conservative first elected in 2002, was objecting to a Democratic amendment to make exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

Report: GOP rep says pregnancies from rape are rare

He's right.

You'd know.

It's amazing what you can learn when you actually research a topic.
It's rare.

How many pregnancies result from rape each year in the U.S.?

What does the percentage matter? Should rape victims who become pregnant with their rapist's child be forbidden from getting an abortion after 20 weeks just because it's a "rare" occurence?

Yes. yes they should.

They have 20 weeks prior to make that decision. And it's debateable whether they should be allowed to kill their offspring just because they didn't have a choice in getting pregnant. The child didn't do anything wrong. He/she just had a piece of trash father. And unfortunately, that's nothing new in our society.

Or is giving a woman 20 weeks to kill their child somehow not long enough to make a decision?
It's rare.

How many pregnancies result from rape each year in the U.S.?

What does the percentage matter? Should rape victims who become pregnant with their rapist's child be forbidden from getting an abortion after 20 weeks just because it's a "rare" occurence?

Yes. yes they should.

They have 20 weeks prior to make that decision. And it's debateable whether they should be allowed to kill their offspring just because they didn't have a choice in getting pregnant. The child didn't do anything wrong. He/she just had a piece of trash father. And unfortunately, that's nothing new in our society.

Or is giving a woman 20 weeks to kill their child somehow not long enough to make a decision?

Well no its not debatable at all. They can if they choose to. Nobody is forcing you to have an abortion, and thats not going to change. Outside of federal tax dollars paying for abortions you have no say in the matter. Go find something else to do.
Well no its not debatable at all. They can if they choose to. Nobody is forcing you to have an abortion, and thats not going to change. Outside of federal tax dollars paying for abortions you have no say in the matter. Go find something else to do.

No. Im going to continue to stand up for the rights of the unborn. They have just as much right to live as anyone else. I will not have their blood on my hands just because you don't want me to say anything.
The party rebranding is going swimmingly ... like a sperm up a rape victim's .....

And NEVER let science get in the way of belief.

well yeah, they should want to join a party who says sick things such this
It's rare.

How many pregnancies result from rape each year in the U.S.?

What does the percentage matter? Should rape victims who become pregnant with their rapist's child be forbidden from getting an abortion after 20 weeks just because it's a "rare" occurence?

Yes. yes they should.

They have 20 weeks prior to make that decision. And it's debateable whether they should be allowed to kill their offspring just because they didn't have a choice in getting pregnant. The child didn't do anything wrong. He/she just had a piece of trash father. And unfortunately, that's nothing new in our society.

Or is giving a woman 20 weeks to kill their child somehow not long enough to make a decision?

It's none of your fucking business. That's what it is. If a woman doesn't want the child of a monster growing inside of her, that's between her and nobody else.
FBI statistics show that out of all reported rapes 11% are actual rapes. Not every rape results in a pregnancy. Democrats would sell the movie rights to every abortion is the result of rape. That's why they can no longer be taken seriously.
What does the percentage matter? Should rape victims who become pregnant with their rapist's child be forbidden from getting an abortion after 20 weeks just because it's a "rare" occurence?

Yes. yes they should.

They have 20 weeks prior to make that decision. And it's debateable whether they should be allowed to kill their offspring just because they didn't have a choice in getting pregnant. The child didn't do anything wrong. He/she just had a piece of trash father. And unfortunately, that's nothing new in our society.

Or is giving a woman 20 weeks to kill their child somehow not long enough to make a decision?

It's none of your fucking business. That's what it is. If a woman doesn't want the child of a monster growing inside of her, that's between her and nobody else.

oh shut up, she has up to 20 weeks to kill the baby...and the monster isn't just the rapist, it is you people who care so little about lives of unborn children in this country

50 million down the drain since abortion became legal...something to be REAL PROUD of..
but all we get from you monsters is what someone says about rape..
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What does the percentage matter? Should rape victims who become pregnant with their rapist's child be forbidden from getting an abortion after 20 weeks just because it's a "rare" occurence?

Yes. yes they should.

They have 20 weeks prior to make that decision. And it's debateable whether they should be allowed to kill their offspring just because they didn't have a choice in getting pregnant. The child didn't do anything wrong. He/she just had a piece of trash father. And unfortunately, that's nothing new in our society.

Or is giving a woman 20 weeks to kill their child somehow not long enough to make a decision?

It's none of your fucking business. That's what it is. If a woman doesn't want the child of a monster growing inside of her, that's between her and nobody else.

So i guess is the drug dealer down the street kills a snitch, it doesn't matter to me either?

Guess what, as a member of society we have a moral obligation to protect the lives of our fellow citizens. We have a responsibility to care for one another.
Yes. yes they should.

They have 20 weeks prior to make that decision. And it's debateable whether they should be allowed to kill their offspring just because they didn't have a choice in getting pregnant. The child didn't do anything wrong. He/she just had a piece of trash father. And unfortunately, that's nothing new in our society.

Or is giving a woman 20 weeks to kill their child somehow not long enough to make a decision?

It's none of your fucking business. That's what it is. If a woman doesn't want the child of a monster growing inside of her, that's between her and nobody else.

So i guess is the drug dealer down the street kills a snitch, it doesn't matter to me either?

That's a silly thing to say.

Guess what, as a member of society we have a moral obligation to protect the lives of our fellow citizens. We have a responsibility to care for one another.

I agree. Which is why I support welfare programs that aid the poor, children, elderly, homeless, unemployed, etc. But I also believe that a woman has the right to choose.
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WASHINGTON -- GOP Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona reportedly said Wednesday that the incidences of pregnancy from rape are "very low," months after a similar comment led Todd Akin to lose a Senate race in Missouri.

The Washington Post reports Franks made his statement during a House Judiciary Committee meeting Wednesday on the Arizona congressman's bill to ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks gestation.

Franks, a social conservative first elected in 2002, was objecting to a Democratic amendment to make exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

Report: GOP rep says pregnancies from rape are rare

How is that in any way similar to Akin's comment that "...(T)he female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down?"

One would be enough for what?

Remember, the topic here is that a politician CORRECTLY used the term ‘rare.’ One is enough for what in that context?

The fact is, someone on the right made an accurate statement and the left in this thread are all upset because it was a statement about abortions. Utter failure.

One woman becoming pregnant by rape would be enough to allow for abortion in the case of a woman becoming pregnant by rape. That clear enough? That was not too difficult to understand?
It's rare.

How many pregnancies result from rape each year in the U.S.?

Two studies widely cited this week and first published in 1996 and 2000 put the number at 32,101 and 25,000, respectively. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, an anti-sexual violence nonprofit group based in Washington, D.C., estimates on its website that just 3,204 such pregnancies occurred annually in 2004-2005. An article published in Popular Science this week estimates the number is more than 83,000. John C. Willke, a Cincinnati doctor and antiabortion campaigner, wrote in 1999 the number is between 225 and 370. This compares with an estimate of 6.7 million pregnancies in the U.S. in 2006, published last fall in the journal

Factually a pregnancy from rape is just over 3,000 a year. Liberal propaganda is 83,000 a year. Compared to pregnancies per year of 6.7 million, pregnancy as a result of rape is either rare or exceedingly rare.

Pregnancies From Rape Prove Tough to Count -

So if we go with the 3,000 number the value is 0.04% and if we go with 83,000 the value is 1.24%. So even with the worst case scenario, the word "rare" does apply.

Don't confuse the issue with facts.

Let's get absurd and assume that 10% of rapes result in pregnancy. (That number is higher than the studies the assume that rape triggers involuntary ovulation in human females, so it is a high estimate.) Most people can do the math using whatever number they want for rapes. It will still be rare, and completely unacceptable.
WASHINGTON -- GOP Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona reportedly said Wednesday that the incidences of pregnancy from rape are "very low," months after a similar comment led Todd Akin to lose a Senate race in Missouri.

The Washington Post reports Franks made his statement during a House Judiciary Committee meeting Wednesday on the Arizona congressman's bill to ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks gestation.

Franks, a social conservative first elected in 2002, was objecting to a Democratic amendment to make exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

Report: GOP rep says pregnancies from rape are rare

GOP Congressman says pregnancies from rape are rare


That doesn’t justify opposition to the exception.

Franks, a social conservative first elected in 2002, was objecting to a Democratic amendment to make exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

Social conservatives are the bane of the GOP, America as well.

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